COGAT head Yoav Mordechai says terror group funding a ‘march of chaos’ instead of investing in its own people

ed note–as we say often here, the only way to defeat the monster that threatens the destruction of everything is to study it–not just at the surface level, not even at merely the molecular level, but rather at the atomic and even sub-atomic level, and this means analyzing CAREFULLY exactly what kind of language is being used by those working for Jewish interests and what kind of outcome that the language they are using is likely to create.

Out of the 365 days in the year, Israel didn’t just pick this past weekend to surround Gaza with feral, bloodthirsty IDF pitbulls and murder Palestinian men, women and children en masse just because the weather happened to be nice. She chose this weekend for the simple reason that it is the very weekend on which Jews around the world–as they have for thousands of years–congregated to celebrate the destruction of Egypt and the moment in which the Zionist project as first elucidated in the pages of the Torah (specifically the book of Genesis) made its very first tangible steps forward, where it is said that Moses–convicted murderer of an Egyptian official–led the Jews out of Egypt and organized them into an invading, marauding, rapacious army of land thieves whose mission was to murder/drive out the indigenous inhabitants of Canaan as recounted in the Torah.

Anyone with a keen eye to studying the Jewish question as it has applied to the murder of today’s Canaanites, Midianites, Jebusites, etc will note a very curious and interesting fact–all the infamous massacres that have taken place since even before 1948 coincided with Jewish religious festivals where the previous mass-slaughter of Gentiles is said to have taken place within the demented and deranged calendar of Judaic religious lore.

Again, this is by no means mere happenstance or accident, as those who maintain an iron-grip over the collective mind of Jewry understand that the best way to mobilize and marshal cooperation, solidarity, and public support for murdering Gentiles en masse (such as what just took place in Gaza) is to do it when the Jews as a group are in the midst of celebrating the mass murder of Gentiles as attributed to the actions of their ancestors in previous centuries.

Furthermore, the deliberate and carefully calculated use of the image of ‘Pharaoh’ by this feral, deranged, violent, inbred Hebrew carries other implications with it as well, in that according to Judaic lore (as recounted in the book of Exodus and which was just celebrated with Passover) after a prolonged period of pestilence, starvation, and suffering inflicted upon the people of Egypt by ‘yhwh,’ the violent and vindictive god of the Hebrews, the angel of death was given free license to go and slay at will the first-born of every household as collective punishment for one man’s refusal to bow at the feet of Jewry and worship them as ‘God’s chosen people’.

And for those who may have missed the significance/importance/preferred use of armed drones by the Jewish state in massacring innocent men, women, and children in Gaza, let us spell it out for you–it is the modern day equivalent in the Judaic mind of Azrael, the Judaic angel of death sent to murder the first born of Egypt as recounted in the book of Exodus and celebrated yearly at Passover.

Again, we stress the importance of studying/understanding the Judaic mind not merely at the surface level, but indeed at that level where the virus breeds, mutates, invades and destroys everything with which it comes into contact.

Times of Israel

The head of the Israeli defense body for Palestinian civilian affairs, Maj. Gen. Yoav “Poli” Mordechai, on Saturday likened Palestinian terror group Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, to Pharaoh, the biblical figure who stubbornly refused to liberate the enslaved Israelites until their exodus from ancient Egypt led by Hebrew prophet Moses.

In a Facebook post published on the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories’ (COGAT) profile for Arabic speakers, Mordechai slammed Hamas for supporting the “march of chaos” on Friday, in which at least 16 Palestinians were said to have been killed by Israeli fire, including five members of the ruling Palestinian terror group’s military wing.

Tens of thousands of Palestinians marched to Gaza’s border with Israel on Friday in the largest such demonstration in recent memory, calling for Palestinians to be allowed to return to land that their ancestors fled from in Israel’s 1948 War of Independence.

The Israeli military said the protesters threw firebombs and rocks at soldiers, rolled burning tires at them, sought to breach or damage the border fence, and in one incident opened fire.

In his Facebook post Saturday, Mordechai included a video of Gazan students being prevented from accessing the al-Azhar University to take their exams and being hit by guards. The students, according to the post, had failed to pay tuition.

“Hamas hits students who don’t have money and instead invests tens of millions in the march of chaos… This is the priority of Hamas…to send its security forces to hit [students] with clubs,” he wrote.

“Hamas’s priorities are clear: instead of investing [in] students and their future, they invest money in empty actions to divert public criticism from their failures. Hamas uses this ‘march’ to hide its crimes and practices,” he wrote.

Mordechai said that as Israeli Jews (and Jews all over the world) celebrate the Passover holiday, which began Friday, and recount the story of Pharaoh and the Israelites’ deliverance from Egypt, Gazans must endure their own cruel ruler.

“Your Pharaoh in Gaza is the Hamas movement,” he said.

Hamas is an Islamist terror group that seeks to destroy Israel. It seized control of Gaza from Abbas’s Fatah in a violent coup in 2007.

The Hamas-run Gaza health ministry said 16 Palestinians were killed and over 1,400 injured by Israel during the mass protests on Friday. It said more than 750 people were hurt by live rounds.

IDF Spokesman Brig. Gen. Ronen Manelis said on Saturday that all those killed were engaged in violence, adding that Gaza health officials exaggerated the number of those wounded and that several dozen at most were injured by live fire while the rest were merely shaken up by tear gas and other riot dispersal means.

Manelis said Friday evening that the army faced “a violent, terrorist demonstration at six points” along the fence. He said the IDF used “pinpoint fire” wherever there were attempts to breach or damage the security fence. “All the fatalities were aged 18-30, several of the fatalities were known to us, and at least two of them were members of Hamas commando forces,” he said.

Manelis warned that if violence drags on along the Gaza border, Israel will expand its reaction to strike the terrorists behind it. The military has thus far restricted its response to those trying to breach its border, but if attacks continue it will go after terrorists “in other places, too,” he said.

On Saturday, hundreds participated in a number of protests along the security fence. Palestinian media reported that 13 Gazans were injured over the course of the day Saturday.

The Israeli military warned that if violence drags on along the Gaza border, Israel will expand its reaction to strike the terrorists behind it.

Friday’s clashes were the deadliest in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since the 2014 Gaza War. Israeli troops used live ammunition, rubber bullets, and tear gas to keep thousands of Gazans from trying to approach the border fence.

On Friday evening, Gaza’s Hamas leaders called on protesters to retreat from the border area until Saturday.

Protest organizers have said mass marches would continue until May 15, the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel. Palestinians mark that date as their “nakba,” or catastrophe, when hundreds of thousands left or were forced to leave during the 1948 War of Independence. The vast majority of Gaza’s two million people are their descendants.

The Palestinian Authority declared Saturday a day of mourning for those killed.

Hamas praised the march and the planned 6-week camp demonstration, with Gaza leader Ismail Haniyeh saying on Friday that the protests marked the beginning of the Palestinians’ return to “all of Palestine.”

“We are here to declare today that our people will not agree to keep the ‘right of return’ only as a slogan,” he said.

Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas leader in Gaza, said in a speech to protesters Friday that “The March of Return… will not stop until we remove this transient border. Friday’s protests, he said, “mark the beginning of a new phase in the Palestinian national struggle on the road to liberation and return [of Palestinian refugees and their descendants to their former homes inside Israel].”

The “March of Return,” Sinwar added, “affirms that our people can’t give up one inch of the land of Palestine.

At previous peace talks, the Palestinians have always demanded, along with sovereignty in the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem, and the Old City, a “right of return” to Israel for Palestinian refugees who left or were forced out of Israel when it was established. The Palestinians demand this right not only for those of the hundreds of thousands of refugees who are still alive — a figure estimated in the low tens of thousands — but also for their descendants, who number in the millions.

No Israeli government would ever be likely to accept this demand, since it would spell the end of Israel as a Jewish-majority state. Israel’s position is that Palestinian refugees and their descendants would become citizens of a Palestinian state at the culmination of the peace process, just as Jews who fled or were forced out of Middle Eastern countries by hostile governments became citizens of Israel.

3 thoughts on “'Hamas is your Pharaoh', Israeli military liaison tells Gazans”
  1. according to my currently most acceptable theory of WHY-HOW, we are the intersection of physical and psychic worlds that otherwise do not interact – only using us as mediums, the physical reality forces us into psychic contortions and the spiritual currents affect our moods, emotions and thoughts.
    i believe and have heard along the way, both from the trusted and respected clerics (certain free-thinking, yet disciples of jesus, i.e., bishops) and philosophers, viz, cg jung, that the spiritual world sees us as inputs of news, energy, discernment, change and development toward some ultimate denouement, sort of like sherlock holmes leaning against mantelpiece about to announce the solution to the murder mystery – or maybe it is inspector cluseau, not sure which.
    but anyway, it is seen as our duty to deliver our karma to the spirits for judgement, if they advance their understanding thanks to our input, then all is well, we did our job.
    ***hmm***, if i finish this off well (b-hawk will let me know), then i will peg it as worth remembering.
    now, the two poles, like electrodes attracting and repelling ions in a solution are God and Lucifer, defined by, among other traits and tendencies, as follows:
    • eternal-static-inviolate versus temporary-dynamic-perishable
    • pure vs. unclean
    • just-balanced-equilibrium-ordered vs. iniquity-imbalance-chaos
    • joy-love-light-truth vs. suffering-hatred-darkness-lie
    • FREEDOM (of choice, free will) vs. BONDAGE-absolute-obedience
    • modesty-humbleness vs. hubris-luxury-decadence
    • philosophical (wisdom searching) vs. venal-debauched-role playing
    • creative-original vs. mimicking-swindling-hyping-marketing-parasitical
    • supernatural-ecstatic vs. preternatural-eerie
    these are the basic dichotomies that come to mind.
    oh yes, the meat-based protagonists or board pieces:
    • humans vs. jews
    all of this was in order to convince one that even as all the pieces have the possibility of conversion to the opposite pole, they are basically defined as belonging to one camp or the other in a binary fashion.
    thus jew is a jew and he is compelled to fulfill his manifest destiny as the unquestioning, dumb, irresponsible tool of evil, bereft of the free will, therefore not a participant of this theorized cosmic self-realization, we are panning for gold while he tries to steal it, incapable of independent contribution.
    their actions as seen in the above article and all the others presented in TUT (TUT has a particular focus on them and their nature) are then easily seen as being a necessary outcome of the above.

  2. With all due respect: “.. the feral, bloodthirsty Pitbulls of the “IDF” (read:Incinerating Defenseless Families”): nah, REAL Pit Bulls actually fight other dogs roughly their own size, in a ring, with SOME kinds of rules.. besides, Pit Bulls have something the “IDF” lacks: courage. Feral, without question; bloodthirsty, INSATIABLY so.. but the so-called “IDF” has NO courage.
    The so-called “IDF” should be more accurately compared to a venomous serpent, silently slithering into the BABY’S BEDROOM in the dead of night, looking to deliver its deadly bite.. or to a poisonous insect, hiding under a rotting log, unseen, waiting to inject its toxin into the unsuspecting.
    I’ve lived in the Projects and also overseas where dogfighting is culturally accepted, and have witnessed at first hand (unfortunately for me, as an animal lover) what people train Pit Bulls to do; and I would NEVER compare an “IDF” Gentile baby-murderer or belly-shooter of pregnant Gentile women or murderer of disabled Gentiles in wheelchairs to a tough, courageous, trained fighting dog, engaged in mutual combat with another trained fighting dog of equal size and ability, in a ring confining both combatants, with rules, and with an impartial referee.
    Far different than arbitrarily shooting and summarily EXECUTING helpless and unarmed civilians TRAPPED IN A DEATH CAMP.

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