ed note–just for the record, the entire ‘Jews for Jesus’ paradigm is a fraud meant to capture those Christian elements who have been slow to ‘assimilate’ into and accept full-blown Christian Zionism, and anyone spending even 5 seconds in conversation with any member of the ‘Jews for Jesus’ group will see that they are still Jews and with it, all the arrogance, supremacism, etc, that comes part and parcel of the elite membership in the ‘God’s chosen people’ country club and just as the ‘rabbi’ discussed in this piece reveals with his statement that “I want to see us fulfilling our calling to be a kingdom of priests and a light to the nations.’

Having said that however, what this piece should underscore is the utter dishonesty that encompasses the entire ‘group hug’ thing existing now between Jews and Christians these days. Jews detest Jesus, and no, not because of 2,000 years of ‘Christian Anti-Shemtism’. They hated Him long before there was a thing known as Christianity as the gospels make kristol clear. They hate Him because He was not Moses, the warlord who gave them blood, booty, land, and carte blanche to engage in all the theft, usury, deception, fraud and chicanery that are the calling cards of Judaism. Whereas Moses commanded them to ‘save nothing alive that breathes,’ Jesus said to ‘put away the sword’ and to ‘turn the other cheek’.

This is of fundamental importance in understanding exactly the kind of energies that are work these days in Judea, Inc’s drive to see itself enshrined as the headquarters of the New World Order. At its basis, it is about ruling the entire globe with a rod of iron using ‘Jewish ethics’ as laid out in the Torah, but it is also about destroying that civilization–the West–that was built upon the person and teachings of Jesus Christ, and by so doing, finishing the mafia hit that began on Crucifixion Friday, 33 AD that did not succeed in what it was intended to do.

Washington Post

Two days after the deadliest attack on Jews in U.S. history, Vice President Pence bowed his head at a rally on Monday in Michigan as a religious leader who casts himself as a “rabbi” offered a prayer for the victims in Pittsburgh.

But the man who shared a stage with Pence, Loren Jacobs, preaches Messianic Judaism, a tradition central to Jews for Jesus, a group condemned by Jewish leaders as faux Judaism that seeks to promote Christian evangelism. The major Jewish denominations join the state of Israel in viewing followers of Messianic Judaism as Christian, not Jewish.

His appearance drew outrage on social media. Jason A. Miller, a Detroit-area rabbi, wrote on Facebook that more than 60 rabbis appeared in a directory of the Michigan Board of Rabbis — “and yet the only rabbi they could find to offer a prayer for the 11 Jewish victims in Pittsburgh at the Mike Pence Rally was a local Jew for Jesus rabbi?”

Jacobs is the “senior rabbi” and founder of Congregation Shema Yisrael, a religious organization in Bloomfield Hills, Mich., a northern suburb of Detroit, that describes itself as a “Messianic synagogue.” In a video on the congregation’s website — titled “Kosher” because it aims to demonstrate that following Jesus satisfies Jewish law — Jacobs explained that he grew up in a Jewish household in the Chicago area but sensed that Judaism was “spiritually missing something.”

“The truth is that Jesus is the Messiah, the king of the Jews, and he can fulfill us and complete us in our Jewish identity,” he said, describing how he became attracted to the figure of Jesus while reading philosophy texts in college.

Appearing with the vice president on Monday, Jacobs invoked “Jesus the Messiah” and “Savior Yeshua” — another name for Jesus — as he offered a prayer for the dead and wounded in Pittsburgh. “God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, God and Father of my Lord and Savior Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah, and my God and Father, too,” he intoned.

While the synagogue led by Jacobs does not appear to style itself explicitly as part of Jews for Jesus, it promotes the organization’s events and shares its essential creeds, such as the coming of a millennial kingdom under Jesus, centered in Jerusalem. And in an essay on the Jews for Jesus website, Jacobs wrote that he was grateful to the organization for giving him a scholarship that allowed him to attend the Moody Bible Institute, a conservative Christian institute in Chicago.

A group, Jews for Judaism, was founded in 1985 to counteract Jews for Jesus, which was formed more than a decade earlier and reports that it draws the majority of its funds from individual donations and spends most of its money on “Evangelism and other activities.”

A Pence aide told The Washington Post that Jacobs had been invited by Lena Epstein, a Republican congressional candidate to represent Michigan’s 11th Congressional District, and said Pence did not know who the religious leader was when he brought him on stage “to deliver a message of unity.”

Epstein, in a statement posted on Twitter, said her Jewish faith was “beyond question” and accused “any media or political competitor who is attacking me or the Vice President” of “religious intolerance.” She said she was a member of Temple Beth El, a Reform synagogue in Bloomfield Hills, yet didn’t explain why she had invited the leader of the Messianic synagogue to the campaign event.

“I am proud of my faith and look forward to serving as the only Jewish Republican woman in Congress,” she concluded.

Jacobs’s remarks weren’t limited to the theme of religious solidarity, however. In addition to denouncing the “hate-inspired shooting at the synagogue in Pittsburgh” and asking God to “comfort all those who are mourning,” Jacobs appealed to the Almighty to favor the Republican Party in the midterm elections next month.

He did not name the individual victims of the Pittsburgh massacre, but named four Republican candidates, including Epstein. “I pray for them and for the Republican Party and its candidates so that they would honor you and your ways, that you might grant them victory in this election,” he said from the stage.

Devotees of Messianic Judaism date their movement to the time of Jesus, while most scholars treat the religious tradition as a creature of 20th-century America. “Messianic Judaism is a Protestant movement that emerged in the last half of the 20th century among believers who were ethnically Jewish but had adopted an Evangelical Christian faith,” observed J. Gordon Melton, a professor of American religious history at Baylor University.

Jews do not see Jesus as the messiah, and, in fact, Jewish law proscribes as idolatry the worship of a person, which runs counter to the central Jewish tenet that God is singular and absolute. Elie Wiesel, the Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize winner, wrote in an essay, published in 1988, that proponents of Messianic Judaism, among them the well-known Jews for Jesus, “exploit weakness, ignorance, and unhappiness.”

“But I feel less revulsion for Christian missionaries than for their Jewish accomplices,” he added. “The missionaries are at least honest. They proclaim openly that their aim is to absorb as many Jews as possible into their church. They aim to kill their victims’ Jewishness by assimilating it.”

In 1989, the Israeli Supreme Court rejected a Messianic Jewish couple’s application for citizenship, finding that belief in Jesus made the applicants Christians and thus ineligible for automatic citizenship.

A doctrinal statement on the synagogue’s website states that Jews who place their faith in Jesus “continue to be Jewish according to the Scriptures.” On a page called “What I Believe and What I Reject,” Jacobs explains his vision for Messianic Judaism, emphasizing the importance of “bringing the Gospel of salvation to others.”

“I want to see Messianic Jews taking more of a leadership role in the Christian Church,” he writes. “I want to see us committed to world evangelism, fulfilling our calling to be a kingdom of priests and a light to the nations. I especially want to see our synagogues committed to bold evangelism among our own people (including partnering with Jewish missions organizations).”

Others see Jewish messianism as invidiously aligned with Christian proselytizing, which claims to speak in Israel’s interests. “To ‘support Israel’ while actively seeking to convert the Jews is, in Jewish eyes, to couple a caress with a stab in the back,” Gershom Gorenberg, the American-born Israeli journalist and historian, wrote in his 2000 book, “The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount.” It’s impossible, he maintained, to remain a Jew while accepting the precepts of Christianity. And he warned of the appropriation of Jews by the Christian right.

“We are merely actors in their dreams,” he told Vanity Fair in 2005.

2 thoughts on “Honoring Pittsburgh synagogue victims, VP Pence appears with ‘rabbi’ who preaches, ‘Jesus is the Messiah’”
  1. “Jacobs is the “senior rabbi” and founder of Congregation Shema Yisrael, a religious organization in Bloomfield Hills, Mich., a northern suburb of Detroit, that describes itself as a “Messianic synagogue.” In a video on the congregation’s website — titled “Kosher” because it aims to demonstrate that following Jesus satisfies Jewish law — Jacobs explained that he grew up in a Jewish household in the Chicago area but sensed that Judaism was “spiritually missing something.”
    One CANNOT be an adherent of Judaism AND Catholicism. (Believe it or not, Catholicism is the perennial enemy of the Yews. That’s why they needed to infiltrate it, in order to fashion it into a golem.)
    Judaism and Catholicism are diametrically and irrevocably opposed to one another.
    These types of ‘messianic’ Yews are working toward a one-world ‘church’ over which they will rule the non-Yew with an iron fist and steel toed boot.

  2. There are so many things to reply to… but I’ll refrain from following that avenue…

    In 1989, the Israeli Supreme Court rejected a Messianic Jewish couple’s application for citizenship, finding that belief in Jesus made the applicants Christians and thus ineligible for automatic citizenship.

    Isn’t that interesting… they deny rights to jews based on their beliefs… So I guess that the vast, vast majority of jews in israel who are atheists are also going to be denied rights, among other things…?
    That’s to say nothing of the fact that they broke their covenant with God and they are never, read that again, NEVER, supposed to inhabit that land again… Just as that former jew wrote on this site a little while back… the jews FORGIVE THEMSELVES!!!… that’s how they “DO IT”.
    Ask any member of any other religion if you can forgive yourself…
    As to the “jews for Jesus”… although I’ve never researched that particular group… the name itself gives it away… the jews are such supremacists/self-centered/self-worshiping/egotists/etc that they can never get away from it under any circumstances… although it’s good to learn that I wasn’t wrong.

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