ed note–buckle-up, ladies and Gentile-men, and prepare yourself for yet another twisty, turney, patience-testing ride on the Judaic roller coaster leading to nutsville.
A few takeaways from this piece by the very Hebraic Paul Krugman–
‘The history of anti-Semitism, a tale of prejudice fueled by myths and hoaxes that ended in genocide…The thing about anti-Semitism is that it was never about anything that Jews actually did. It was always about lurid myths, often based on deliberate fabrications, that were systematically spread to engender hatred. For example, for centuries people repeated the “blood libel” — the claim that Jews sacrificed Christian babies as part of the Passover ritual.’
‘Anti-Shemitism,’ as our Hebraic author inaccurately refers to it, was ALWAYS about things that ‘Jews actually did’. The autonomic and reactive gag reflex that has vomited them forth from every civilization where they have ever dwelt–a repeat of which the entire world is witnessing today in historical Palestine–has always been about Judaic behavior as the inevitable expression of perverse and criminally-inclined Judaic thought processes. Theft, lying, chicanery, usury, corruption, degradation of morals and–as proven by the son of Rome’s chief rabbi, history professor Dr. Ariel Toaff in his book Blood Passover , bloodthirsty Jews murdering Christian children and using their blood in religious rituals, ‘anti-Shemitism’ has always been the Gentile reaction to Judaic criminal behavior.
But one of the best lines from this cauldron of Judaic verbal black magic has to be the very first paragraph, to wit–
‘The speed of America’s moral descent under Donald Trump is breathtaking. In a matter of months we’ve gone from a nation that stood for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to a nation that tears children from their parents and puts them in cages.’
LOLOLOL – Yes, a Jew schooling the Gentiles on ‘crimes against humanity’ – Holy shi_! Where does it end with these parasites? This j-bag is a lying whore. Hey Paul Krugman of The New York Times, how’s the immigration going in your shit-hole israel?, you piece of shit. Oh, that’s right, No Immigrants Allowed in the Holy land of Hell. You suck Paul Krugman. Please leave America before it’s too late. wink wink.
Turn on the gas and direct this pos to the door