ed note–yes, yes, we know. People are sick of hearing it, but since very few (if any) are saying it, then it is simply something that has to be repeated, over, and over, and over again, if for no other reason than so that at the end of this ordeal, it will be remembered by at least a handful who were paying attention that indeed, the subject was broached.

Judaism, as it has ALWAYS existed, long before the Khazars, long before the Talmud, long before the Zohar and the Kaballah, long before Theodore Herzl’s ‘The Jewish State’ and long before Hitler and his ‘Mein Kampf’, Long before Hamas and Hezbollah, before Mel Gibson and Bishop Richard WIlliamson, as well as the Romans, Greeks, Persians, Egyptians, Babylonians, etc and all the other ‘Anti-Shemites’ who came along and put their own particular signature towards dealing with the ‘JP’ in their own particular way, long before ANY of the aforementioned, there was the belief, teachings, adherence and practical application of those words appearing in the pic at top, along with many, many, many others of similar spice, species, and specification.

Like a thorn that pierces the skin, draws blood and which acts as an irritant, Judaism has elicited the same reaction amongst all peoples where it has dwelt for thousands and thousands of years, and most importantly–it always will. Fire will always be hot, water will always be wet, ice will always be cold, and thus, Judaism–by whatever name it may call itself–will always produce the same autonomic, allergic reaction amongst Gentiles.

Now, can we account for just what our unesteemed Hebraic author is trying to achieve in this piece? Does he really believe this or is he just engaging in the typically Judaic practice of ‘by way of deception, we shall make war’?

No one can say for sure. A mind not grounded in reality is capable of believing anything, and as experience has shown, the Jews as a group have never shied away from coming up with whoppers that have defied all known norms of reality.

What we can say for sure however is as follows–

No one–not the Christians, not the Muslims, and certainly not the Jews–no one is willing to engage in the rational thought process necessary in dealing with what the root of the ‘Jewish problem’ truly is. Christians embrace the Old Testament and all its BLATANT statements commanding the mass murder and genocide of non-Hebrews/Israelites/Jews–a small sample of which appears in the pic above. The Muslims (to their credit) don’t believe that the authentic Torah or Old Testament contains any of these things, but yet, refuse as well to address the fact that it is indeed these teachings–as ‘unauthentic’ as they may be–contained in the Torah which act as the fuel for all the fire that is engulfing the world today.

Everyone wants to side-step this issue in the same way that a chain smoker will blame anything and everything other than his/her tobacco sticks on their emphysema and poor health.

Perhaps it was American writer Henry David Thoreau who said it best–

‘There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil while only one who is striking at the root.’

Or perhaps what our unesteemed Hebraic author is referencing in coded language vis a vis Judaism ‘containing the remedy’ for the ‘orgy of hatred’ in the world today is precisely what is contained in those words in the pic above–The total annihilation of all non-Jews on earth and thus, the end of ‘anti-Shemitism’.

Times of Israel

Visiting America for the first time, in the 1980s, in my 20s, I was stunned and hugely appreciative. As a Jew who had grown up in England, I marveled that here, in the United States, I didn’t sense that people, upon hearing my name, were noting and registering, negatively, “ah, Jewish.” I’d grown up with that undertone of anti-Semitism in the Britain of the 1970s and early 1980s, and in America, it didn’t seem to exist.

In a Britain where the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn might well form the next government, the anti-Semitic undertone is now an overtone. Many British Jews feel vulnerable, targeted, deterred from publicly identifying with the Jewish homeland. Corbyn, just weeks ago, it will be recalled, wanted his party to declare that it is just fine, and not at all anti-Semitic, to assert that Israel is a racist endeavor.

But for all the growing hostility facing the quarter-million-plus Jews in England, the six million in the United States are, all too plainly, in greater immediate danger.

A tidal wave of hatred has risen and, with Saturday’s massacre of Jews at prayer in Pittsburgh — middle-aged and elderly women and men, slaughtered in a synagogue — vicious hostility is now manifested in mass killing.

There will always be extremists; in the climate of today’s America, they feel emboldened by Trump. And in today’s America, unlike the UK, obtaining the weaponry to turn dark thoughts into murderous action is straightforward.

Today’s America, unrecognizable from a few years ago, is polarized and shrill, increasingly intolerant, much of it engaged in an orgy of hatred on social media — an online factory of extremism.

Judaism, at its heart, contains the remedy: “What is hateful to you, do not do to others,” as Hillel summarized it. “Love your neighbor as yourself,” Leviticus commands and Rabbi Akiva describes as a basic principle. Follow that, and nobody dies at prayer in Pittsburgh, or anywhere else.

Watching from Israel as the Pittsburgh community grapples with the shattering impact of what is being described as the worst act of anti-Semitic violence in US history, we mourn and we worry. We worry that this safe refuge of ours — where our norm is to be beloved by some but also widely loathed and misrepresented and violently attacked; where we too are not immune to murderous intolerance; where, crucially, we are responsible, stand or fall, for our own defense — might become a necessary haven for American Jews. We’d welcome a wave of aliya by choice; heaven forbid a wave of aliya by necessity.

One terrible shooting spree does not spell the end of America’s extraordinarily tolerant climate for Jewish people. But it will mark the beginning of the end if that vital Jewish value of loving thy neighbor as thyself does not reassert itself. The beginning of the end not only for America’s Jews, but also for the wonder that is America.

The Jewish people has survived because the divine precept at the core of our faith is essential for all. Jews, and others, are being targeted in America because that core precept is being forgotten.

This may sound simplistic. It is basic humanity.

4 thoughts on “How They Do it–'Judaism contains the remedy for the orgy of hatred in the world today'”
  1. The author of this article in the Times of Israel is deliberately obfuscating. The injunction in Leviticus “love your neighbor as yourself” was always understood by Jews as meaning “let Jews love their fellow Jews as themselves”, and never in the Christian sense of universal charity. For Jews only fellow Jews are their “neighbors”, others are neutral at best, sub-humans to be enslaved and exploited at worst. The latter sense is expressed many times in the Talmud and was even uttered by Israel’s late Sephardi Chief Rabbi Ovadia Joseph. Sorry, but Judaism cannot provide the solution to anti-Semitism, it is itself the cause of it.

  2. Watch these lying, smiling, totally psychotic, criminally deceptive, genocidally murderous, Jewish rabbi bastards and see what they are actually up to.
    You got it right, they LOVE to make these statements that have two meanings, just to rub it right in our faces. The UN declaration that all nations in the entire world are to be made to adopt and implement Noahide Laws is based on this very type of statement by the Jews, that ‘Judaism contains the remedy for the orgy of hatred in the world today’.
    Such doublespeak is merely tongue-in-cheek chutzpah intended to be fully appreciated only between the Jews themselves, and it is fully intended to serve the additional purpose of brainwashing the goyim by making it declarable in the controlled mainstream media and in courts of law that all words spoken by the Jews can have many meanings, thus rendering opposition through the legal process almost impossible, especially as the Jews have instituted an effective Talmudic judicial system that works in their favour alone throughout most of the world already.
    Such a deceptive statement is entirely intended to dull our minds so that we will not be able to fully appreciate the absolutely lethal genocidal meaning of the following JEWISH edict from their own TORAH;
    “Make No Treaty with the Nations and Show No Mercy (Deuteronomy 7:1-26)
    Of course, the Jews believe that Gentiles ALL come from Satan alone, and that they, the Jews alone, come from God, and that the Jews alone are actually part of God, sinless, good and pure as God Himself is, and that all Gentiles alone come from SATAN, their non-existent pathetic silly made-up enemy, and that Gentiles alone are eternally guilty of all types of sin even before entering the womb, because the Gentiles are supposedly evil itself.
    That ridiculous accusation by the Jews against all Gentiles actually betrays a real truth, that such obviously hysterical (or cold-blooded) accusation against the Gentiles is, in fact, a Jewish projection resulting from their own inner defect, which can be understood by seeing their malevolent and manipulative need to project a false and non-existent psychological, psychic, and spiritual aberration upon all others. Such a notion held by the Jews is a totally ridiculous notion, for God’s sake, how can all other souls in the entire world be justifiably determined by the Jews to be literally eternally EVIL???
    In truth, no soul is eternally evil, not even any Jewish soul, but the Jews do mean to enslave all Gentiles in the entire world and even to kill us all eventually, especially through the physical military implementation of the Noahide Laws, AND THE JEWS THEMSELVES CLEARLY SAY SO IN THE VIDEOS IN THE BEGINNING OF MY COMMENT HERE, though the Jews have used many methods to slaughter hundreds of millions of Gentiles through the centuries already, and a lawful response is justifiable when you see the contents of the videos, and we need real governments to authorize and set in motion that lawful response before we all get wiped out very literally. Those rabbis in the videos are not extremist Jews, they are simply quoting the basic tenets of their religion according to the exact meaning of their scriptures, which are being quoted by them accurately.
    Anyway, just for the sake of any people visiting who might be unfamiliar with this issue, here is another link to fully expose the absolute nastiness of these swine, the Jews, who are behind the Noahide Laws, the Chabad Lubavitchers. ‘Why is the US Honoring A Racist Rabbi’ by Alison Weir, Counterpunch
    And if you think so-called Talmudic ‘fake’ Jews are behind all that, no such thing as a fake Jew exists, that is just a show they put on in the gullible West, as back in Israel, all the ‘real’ and ‘fake’ Jews live together and know each other and work together in the same terrorist armed forces and intelligence agencies in their bid to take over the world, to enslave and exploit all Gentiles, intending ultimately to physically exterminate all Gentiles from the face of the entire world.
    Read this, by the late, Israel-dwelling, Torah-loving Sephardic rabbi and Head of the Israeli Sephardic Shas Party, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef; it is not ‘Muslim extremist’ propaganda, not extreme right-wing propaganda (i detest the capitalist right-wing and their usurious fractional reserve banking that enslaves all peoples of the world), and Rabbi Ovadia Yosef cannot be held to have been a so-called ‘fake’ Talmudic Jew;
    Hey, now you have read that, you are now supposedly an ‘extremist’. Just kidding, those who would call you that are deceptive liars, criminals, mentally ill, and total cowards (or those running the Jewish-controlled courts), as what you have just seen is actual reality, not false propaganda allegedly published by some so-called extreme right-wing site (I am a National Socialist, and Hitler said, “We fight against the Left and we fight against the Right” (Capitalist Jewish bankers entirely funded and organized the creation of ‘left-wing’ Communism, they are one and the same, just different Jewish means of totally enslaving people).

  3. Reblogged this on Mothman777's Blog and commented:
    Watch these lying, smiling, totally psychotic, criminally deceptive, genocidally murderous, Jewish rabbi bastards and see what they are actually up to.
    You got it right, they LOVE to make these statements that have two meanings, just to rub it right in our faces. The UN declaration that all nations in the entire world are to be made to adopt and implement Noahide Laws is based on this very type of statement by the Jews, that ‘Judaism contains the remedy for the orgy of hatred in the world today’.
    Such doublespeak is merely tongue-in-cheek chutzpah intended to be fully appreciated only between the Jews themselves, and it is fully intended to serve the additional purpose of brainwashing the goyim by making it declarable in the controlled mainstream media and in courts of law that all words spoken by the Jews can have many meanings, thus rendering opposition through the legal process almost impossible, especially as the Jews have instituted an effective Talmudic judicial system that works in their favour alone throughout most of the world already.
    Such a deceptive statement is entirely intended to dull our minds so that we will not be able to fully appreciate the absolutely lethal genocidal meaning of the following JEWISH edict from their own TORAH;
    “Make No Treaty with the Nations and Show No Mercy (Deuteronomy 7:1-26)
    Of course, the Jews believe that Gentiles ALL come from Satan alone, and that they, the Jews alone, come from God, and that the Jews alone are actually part of God, sinless, good and pure as God Himself is, and that all Gentiles alone come from SATAN, their non-existent pathetic silly made-up enemy, and that Gentiles alone are eternally guilty of all types of sin even before entering the womb, because the Gentiles are supposedly evil itself.
    That ridiculous accusation by the Jews against all Gentiles actually betrays a real truth, that such obviously hysterical (or cold-blooded) accusation against the Gentiles is, in fact, a Jewish projection resulting from their own inner defect, which can be understood by seeing their malevolent and manipulative need to project a false and non-existent psychological, psychic, and spiritual aberration upon all others. Such a notion held by the Jews is a totally ridiculous notion, for God’s sake, how can all other souls in the entire world be justifiably determined by the Jews to be literally eternally EVIL???
    In truth, no soul is eternally evil, not even any Jewish soul, but the Jews do mean to enslave all Gentiles in the entire world and even to kill us all eventually, especially through the physical military implementation of the Noahide Laws, AND THE JEWS THEMSELVES CLEARLY SAY SO IN THE VIDEOS IN THE BEGINNING OF MY COMMENT HERE, though the Jews have used many methods to slaughter hundreds of millions of Gentiles through the centuries already, and a lawful response is justifiable when you see the contents of the videos, and we need real governments to authorize and set in motion that lawful response before we all get wiped out very literally. Those rabbis in the videos are not extremist Jews, they are simply quoting the basic tenets of their religion according to the exact meaning of their scriptures, which are being quoted by them accurately.
    Anyway, just for the sake of any people visiting who might be unfamiliar with this issue, here is another link to fully expose the absolute nastiness of these swine, the Jews, who are behind the Noahide Laws, the Chabad Lubavitchers. ‘Why is the US Honoring A Racist Rabbi’ by Alison Weir, Counterpunch
    And if you think so-called Talmudic ‘fake’ Jews are behind all that, no such thing as a fake Jew exists, that is just a show they put on in the gullible West, as back in Israel, all the ‘real’ and ‘fake’ Jews live together and know each other and work together in the same terrorist armed forces and intelligence agencies in their bid to take over the world, to enslave and exploit all Gentiles, intending ultimately to physically exterminate all Gentiles from the face of the entire world.
    Read this, by the late, Israel-dwelling, Torah-loving Sephardic rabbi and Head of the Israeli Sephardic Shas Party, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef; it is not ‘Muslim extremist’ propaganda, not extreme right-wing propaganda (i detest the capitalist right-wing and their usurious fractional reserve banking that enslaves all peoples of the world), and Rabbi Ovadia Yosef cannot be held to have been a so-called ‘fake’ Talmudic Jew;
    Hey, now you have read that, you are now supposedly an ‘extremist’. Just kidding, those who would call you that are deceptive liars, criminals, mentally ill, and total cowards (or those running the Jewish-controlled courts), as what you have just seen is actual reality, not false propaganda allegedly published by some so-called extreme right-wing site (I am a National Socialist, and Hitler said, “We fight against the Left and we fight against the Right” (Capitalist Jewish bankers entirely funded and organized the creation of ‘left-wing’ Communism, they are one and the same, just different Jewish means of totally enslaving people).

  4. “But for all the growing hostility facing the quarter-million-plus Jews in England, the six million in the United States are, all too plainly, in greater immediate danger.”
    Ah, the infamous “six million” rears its head again. Hmm.
    “One terrible shooting spree does not spell the end of America’s extraordinarily tolerant climate for Jewish people. But it will mark the beginning of the end if that vital Jewish value of loving thy neighbor as thyself does not reassert itself. The beginning of the end not only for America’s Jews, but also for the wonder that is America.”
    I’ll take that as a threat.

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