ed note–and, here we go again, ladies and Gentile-men…

The author of piece, Jennifer Rubin–

Is a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangstress, proud member of Satan’s harem and NeoCon Israel firster who played an indispensable role in ‘selling’ Americans into drinking the koolaid by signing away their tax money, freedoms, and the blood of their children in the form of George Bush’s ‘war on terror’, otherwise known as the ‘clash of civilizations’ between Christianity and Islam. She–working alongside confreres with names such as Bill Kristol, Robert Kagan, Max Boot, Charles Krauthammer, David Frum, Eliot Cohen, etc–have been relentless in their attempt at ‘selling’ the American people into drinking the koolaid AGAIN in the form of impeaching/removing an American President who is pushing for a resolution to the Israeli/Palestinian situation and who has made it clear that he wants no more wars for Israel.

We are forced to point this out due to the depressingly-high percentage of geniuses, experts, and prophets, some of the ‘brightest luminaries’ in fact within the ‘9/11 truth movement’, who find themselves in the peculiar and perplexing circumstance of standing alongside these aforementioned warmongering, Neocon Zionist Jews by lending their voices and their support in causing Trump as much discomfort as possible, thus assisting Israel in her drive to see this guy–

Mike Pence, a died-in-the-wool Christian Zionist, take over as the new occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave per the desires and demands of the other guy in the picture, Bibi Netanyahu, looking at him with obvious great interest and with grand plans in his eyes…

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, and for the simple reason that there are still quite a few out there who just don’t seem to ‘get it’ yet–

Gangsters don’t shoot the horses they have bet all their money on to win in a race they have fixed. They give them an open road to 1st place and only a political dolt who has as much business performing brain surgery as they do rendering commentary and analysis on complex and oftentimes convoluted political drama can’t see this.

Washington Post

Watching conservative apologists for President Trump, the very same people who lambasted President Barack Obama for inactivity, try to rationalize his immediate withdrawal of troops from Syria should illuminate the degree to which the right has become unmoored to principle.

The Post reports:

The United States will move quickly to withdraw all forces from Syria, the White House abruptly announced Wednesday, as President Trump defied warnings from his top advisers and upended plans for a continued mission against the Islamic State.

The move plunged U.S. allies into uncertainty and created the potential for greater regional instability even as it provided Russia and its ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a chance to cement greater control of the country.

“Our boys, our young women, our men, they’re all coming back and they’re coming back now, we won and that’s the way we want it,” Trump said in a video message on Twitter.

Trump made his move in opposition to all his military advisers and without so much as a heads-up to Congress.

The move did not go over well with GOP senators, including Bob Corker of Tennessee, Marco Rubio of Florida and Lindsey O. Graham of South Carolina (who said this was an “Obama-like mistake.” Sens. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and Jack Reed (D-R.I.), the ranking members on the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees, respectively, put out a blistering statement. “The troubling reports that President Trump ordered the immediate withdrawal of all U.S. troops and State Department personnel out of Syria with no plan or funds to stabilize the area are yet another example of this administration’s dangerous lack of strategy,” they wrote. ” With so many vital U.S. national security interests at stake in the Middle East, a leadership vacuum in Syria risks outcomes that serve only Russia’s and Iran’s interests, not our own.” They continued, “As with the Administration’s earlier decision to end Syria stabilization assistance, this abrupt move appears to have been taken with little thought of the consequences to strategic U.S. interests, including the effects on our partner forces in the unfinished fight against ISIS. Furthermore, we are concerned by the consequences of choosing to outsource our strategic interests in Syria to Russia and Iran, which inevitably threatens the security of our partners in Israel, Iraq, and Jordan.”

Trump’s assertion about the defeat of the Islamic State is false — according to his own administration. (“There are about 15,000 Islamic State militants in Syria, according to best estimates. In recent months, the group has been regaining a foothold in the country. Violent attacks have increased.”) If we see a revival of the Islamic State in Syria, just as Obama’s withdrawal from Iraq in 2011 gave al-Qaeda its second wind, Trump will be to blame.

Tehran and Moscow will celebrate. (“Russia has positioned itself as one of Assad’s major allies. Its military has been active in Syria since 2015. Without the U.S. troop presence, Moscow will be able to expand its role in Syria and its sphere of influence across the Middle East.”) As will Bashar al-Assad, who proved that genocide pays in the end. The move confirms we have no coherent policy for containing Iran. Israel may finally discover that slavish praise of Trump might get an embassy to move but won’t help keep Iran at bay.

The Kurds are betrayed, left to what surely will be an onslaught from the Turks. It is a warning to other would-be allies in the war against Islamist militant terror: Don’t trust the Americans.

Eric S. Edelman, former ambassador to Turkey, tells me, “This is perhaps the single worst decision made in the Trump Presidency. In one swoop he has undermined his Administration’s policies on ISIS, Syria and Iran, undercut and embarrassed his entire national security team, disconcerted (once again) America’s allies, and set the stage for a series of disastrous sequels.” He explains: “This decision will have consequences for years and haunt the United States when Islamist extremist terrorism rises from the ashes. It appears that this decision was made on his gut instinct that he knows better than his advisers and that he can negotiate a great deal with his fellow authoritarian [Turkish President Recep] Tayyip Erdogan.” Edelman concludes, “In fact, all he is doing is guaranteeing that Russia and Iran are the arbiters of the region’s future and that Turkey and others will be looking to Moscow and Tehran to take their cues, not Washington.”

Trump has managed to devise a foreign policy that is morally vacuous and inept. We have simultaneously abandoned allies and victims of repression while bolstering enemies of the United States. Perhaps our enemies are not Trump’s, however. (Moscow had a banner day on Wednesday — the United States announced retreat from the Middle East and sanctions relief for two Russia firms, one of which is the world’s second-largest aluminum producer.) Really, if you had to order up a Middle East move that would heighten Russia’s stature and influence, it would be hard to beat Trump’s Syria move.

2 thoughts on “How They Do It 'Trump’s Syria bug-out: Here’s just how illogical and dangerous he is'”
  1. what’s called a century in snooker.
    complete withdrawal of all us military personnel from syria.
    complete withdrawal of all us military personnel from afghanistan.
    mattis resignation as def sec.
    all in a matter of 2 days.
    Here is the telling point, from Mattis’ resignation letter:

    Similarly, I believe we must be resolute and unambiguous in our approach to those countries whose strategic interests are increasingly in tension with ours. IT IS CLEAR THAT CHINA AND RUSSIA, FOR EXAMPLE, WANT TO SHAPE A WORLD CONSISTENT WITH THEIR AUTHORITARIAN MODEL — gaining veto authority over other nations’ economic, diplomatic, and security decisions — to promote their own interests at the expense of their neighbors, America and our allies. That is why we must use all the tools of American power to provide for the common defense.
    My views on treating allies with respect and also being clear-eyed about both malign actors and strategic competitors are strongly held and informed by over four decades of immersion in these issues. We must do everything possible to advance an international order that is most conducive to our security, prosperity and values, and we are strengthened in this effort by the solidarity of our alliances.
    BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE A SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WHOSE VIEWS ARE BETTER ALIGNED WITH YOURS ON THESE and other subjects, I believe it is right for me to step down from my position.

    See that? Trump seems to be single-handedly battling the entire US establishment, not just the Jews but every single tapeworm that has dug himself a comfortable niche in this parasitical, homicidal bowel called the US government in all its branches, legislative, judicial, military, intel, the endlessly revolving doors with media, academia, think tanks, lobby groups, and every time one passes through this occult door, he is splattered with an extra dump of Satan’s body fluids.
    It is an incredible job and task Trump has taken upon himself.
    Even if he fails to pull it off, it will be a magnificent failure, quite on par with Hitler’s and in a manner of speaking wasn’t the earthly mission of Jesus Christ also a magnificent failure, a shining beacon of courage, honesty and intellect for the future saviors to learn from and improve on?
    not that he will read this or that he even needs to hear it, but for what’s it worth, my best, strongest advice to trump:
    no turning back now or even slowing down, time for stealth is over, cover blown but much accomplished, let’s go for the jugular.
    get the marines and the national guard on yellow alert, organize all your allies into a compact shield wall and start cracking heads, including a full-on 9/11 inquiry and its international links, pnac, clean break, yinon … you have no better friends back home than the outsiders like putin, xi, dutarte, assad, nasrallah and i guess numerous others presently lying low for cover.

  2. What a hoppin’, heapin’ hill of horse shit! Can’t the jews ever speak without lying through their teeth?
    How blatant can they get? The US hasn’t been fighting ISIS; it’s been supporting it! Stop!
    Syria would’ve already crushed ISIS without US interference! ISIS in Syria will be well taken care of by Russia & the Syrian Army. Syria doesn’t need or want the US there! All these traitorous butt-boys for Israel don’t seem to be aware that US presence in Syria is 150% ILLEGAL. Get lost already!

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