ed note (Tony)…Someone went off script.

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0 thoughts on “IBI Times of India apologizes for Paris-Israeli link story……..LOL”
  1. This erudite Indian Gopi Chandra states that “conspiracy theories” are “beneath their standards”?!

    First of all, poor Gopi is clearly moaning from his malaise, because he has been conditioned to use Zionist phraseology such as “conspiracy theory”! To reclaim his lost spiritual/ moral health and spine, he may be invited to take lessons [in courage and integrity] from Elizabeth May who went to Canadian Parliament with a Petition as a 9/11 Truther :



    Secondly, with PM like Modi, who is [further] an errand boy of the Low-Lives of Zion/ Israel … what could POSSIBLY be ‘beneath the standard’ for IBT of India?

  2. India, home of the new Jew Darlings with built in caste system already in place to compliment Jew Usury False Aristocracy… “There’s no business like Shoah Business…”Its Hooly Holly Bollywood… ” Jew World Order – Marxism – Subvert & Destroy Culture thru Racial Distortion/ Freudianism – Dehumanization thru Sexualization/ Darwinism – Complete Control thru Transhumanism – Done!

  3. @ Mark Propheter … you hit it on the head. But there is another aspect/ motive to their alliance — the spiritual alignment is similar (both groups worship Jinns).

  4. @ Mike … That was one of the most comprehensive and stunning comments I’ve ever read! You rounded it up in every detail/ aspect — down to the transhumanism (which is top-down through institutions that creep down to the grass-root/ community level). The humane part of me always looked for the good in the people, insisting that the lower segments of that society is just ‘duped’ and misled in every way incl. spiritually. However, humans have been given free will so they are accountable for their free will. [E.g., I don’t ever remember any Indian group/ agency/ institute ever raising a protest against the genocide of Palestinians… and I wonder if anyone else remembers anything like that.]

  5. We condemn Times of India for sacrilage of national flag by enclosing the Ashok Chakra by Star of David . This is an anti national act for which the Editor is culpable of grave indiscretion and must pay for it. Emperor Ashok was too lofty and visionary his wheel of principles imbibing codes for conduct of man and his spiritual duties the Aryan or noble path had no equal least the Star of David . We veterans have taken a serious note of this dereliction Also have no doubt that the Paris tragedy is a manifestation of extremely tenuous environment precipitated by partnership of Israel , US and France in engineering aggression against Sovereign states of Syria and Iraq bringing untold misery and horror on women and children by deploying modern firepower in support of barbaric set ups like ISIL outsourced by them to prosecute their policies. This is sponsored terrorism . India should have no sympathy for Isreal for any activity that violates principles of UN Charter , fosters terrorism , falsifies history and promotes deception with ulterior motive of exercising its control over weak countries by power of money that it’s bankers control.

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