Jewish man assailed on Berlin’s underground city train by men singing “F*ck Israel” and “F*ck Juden.”

BERLIN (JTA) — A Jewish man was badly beaten by several men in the center of Berlin on New Year’s Eve, after he asked them to stop singing anti-Semitic songs.

The victim, Shahak Shapira, 26, suffered bruises and a head laceration. He said the assailants were “southern European” in appearance and spoke both German and Arabic. Police say that cell phone videos Shapira took during the attack should be helpful in finding the perpetrators.

The incident took place early on Jan. 1, on an underground city train in the Kreuzberg section of Berlin, according to German news reports.

Police said the young man, whose national identity has not been released, witnessed seven men singing anti-Semitic songs and saying “F*ck Israel” and “F*ck Juden” on the train. He reportedly asked them to stop, and recorded the scene on his cell phone.

Reaching a central station, the assailants exited with the young man and demanded that he erase the recording. When he refused, they allegedly spit on him, kicked him and punched him in the head.

The attackers fled the scene when security staff of the Berlin transit authority approached.

Police denied earlier reports that the perpetrators appeared to be right-wing extremists.

There have been several violent anti-Semitic attacks registered in Berlin in recent months. In July, a Jewish man wearing a cap with a Jewish star was beaten. In November, an Israeli tourist was punched and kicked by four attackers in the Charlottenburg district of former West Berlin.

0 thoughts on “In Berlin, New Year rung-in with anti-Semitic attack”
  1. “A Jew has been assaulated !” Stop the Presses ! Put NATO on alert ! Go to Defcon 1 !

  2. Over hyped “anti semetism” only plays into the Jews hands, it allows them to push for and enact anti hate laws & as we know “hate crime” is open to very wide interpretation but doesnt cover hate crime against the indigenous white western Eropeans nor does it allow for the prosecution of the rabid hate that fills the mouths of Das Juden

  3. Whenever a Jew claims to be assaulted in any way, the alleged assault automatically becomes a “hate crime,” which carries far harsher penalties than one Goy simply raping or murdering another.

    On the other hand, if a Jew attacks a Goy, it is never a “hate crime.”

    An example was the Jewish attack on George Galloway (29 Aug 2014) which left Galloway with a broken jaw, a broken rib, and severe bruising on his head and face. The police did not call this a “hate crime.”

    If I attack a black person or a Muslim because I hate blacks and Muslims, then I can be charged with a “hate crime.” If I so much as look the wrong way at a Jew, I can be charged with a “hate crime.”

    Jews, by contrast, are incapable of perpetrating “hate crimes.”

  4. Jews – the Professional Victims. It’s always everyone ELSE’s fault.

    A few words to you Jews out there: YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.

    For your countless crimes against humanity; for the hundreds of millions of deaths you have caused; for so many past centuries; many of you deserve far worse than a simple beating. There’s a good 2000 years worth of bad karma coming your way. And you’ve earned every bit of it. The bill has come due.

    So, go ahead and once again cry to the world how you Jews are such “helpless victims”, and start slinging the usual, hollow, meaningless insults–as is always the case. None of this will help you this time. The entire world is fed up with your never-ending lies, subversion and evil. You are, by definition, parasites. The Jew is the only REAL hate crime–a hate crime against the whole of humanity.

    Blowback is a bitch. And she’s one very angry shiksa, too.

  5. @ paschnn (#5): Excellent article by Ted Pike. Jews have special protections in our society. They are immune from most regular laws, and they only get punished when their fellow Jews wish it.

    It’s the same throughout the West. It was the same in Weimar Germany, until the Nazis finally put a stop to it.

    It is this way because that’s how the Goyim want it. Blacks and whites would rather hate each other than team up against their true enemy: the Jews.

  6. The problem is that the German government is in submission to the Jewish cabal and Merkel has said several times “NEVER AGAIN”. Despite the Jewish propaganda that has poisoned the whole world, many German people know the truth of what happened in WWI and WWII. Its just a matter of tie that the whole world wake up and take off the blindfold. Germany is now a cash cow of Israel and Germans know it.

  7. I’m going to include a link here to a site that has changed my life. I’m only 2nd gen “yank” who’s grandparents are from Frankfurt. I believe I was only into about the 3rd 15 minute segment and I wept. I had to back off for awhile to absorb what was being exposed to me. had the west been governed by honorable “Goim” all these terrible injustices and ruination of our earth would have been moot, for Hitler showed the way and it wasn’t through a goddamn trumped up make-believe holocaust but a decent, moral culture that had freed itself from the parasitic Jew and his machinations.

    Please, visit the site and, (thanks to Dennis Wise et al), hear the OTHER side of the story, the greatest story NEVER told.

  8. @ #3 by Stevicus

    “Over hyped “anti semetism” only plays into the Jews hands, it allows them to push for and enact anti hate laws & as we know “hate crime” is open to very wide interpretation but doesnt cover hate crime against the indigenous white western Eropeans nor does it allow for the prosecution of the rabid hate that fills the mouths of Das Juden”

    Nothing more plays into the Jews hands, than Goyim’s passiveness.
    We never will be free from the Jews, until we start showing them, that WE ARE IN OUR COUNTRIES.

    In Poland long time ago M. Schudrich was not afraid to walk streets, until this OverRabbi of Poland got a black eye, because he
    showed his disappointment to Poles holding up this banner: “Poland for Poles”.

    Scandinavians beating men in the yarmulkas got satisfaction from the government of Israel : official list of towns and places not recommended for Israeli tourists.

    I am delighted with the reaction of young Germans… because even the longest trip to freedom starts from one small step.
    Painting alone a slogan on the wall, throwing alone a stone – is really difficult only the first time…
    Not long the painter/thrower will be alone… actions as above works like a magnet… and very quickly any jewish parasite, sucking your country dry, will be not able to disrupt any of YOUR SONGS, SANG IN YOUR COUNTRY.

  9. Some day, mankind will wake up and will make justice to the füehrer memory. Hail, zieg hail!
    Some day (I hope it’ll be soon) Judaism, the evil, maniac tribal religion will find it’s deserved end

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