ed note–pay attention to a few items here, por favor–The first is how Rubio et al are willing to do anything/say anything, from immigration to the ‘war on terror’ to what-the-hell-ever, in order to please the crowd and thus garner more votes. The fact that the positions they are adopting may be blatantly against the US Constitution (and lest we forget, ladeez and gentilemen, if something is against the Constitution, what that means in plain legal language is that it is AGAINST THE LAW, no different than murder, armed robbery, or treason) means nothing to them.

All can be rest assured as well, that as organized Jewish interests watch as these various ‘contestants’ do their dance of the 7 political veils, taking off layer after layer in order to impress those organized Jewish interests who will decide at the end of the night who wins the beauty contest–they are sitting in their dark corners, getting more and more aroused by the moment, knowing that their particular lady-of-the-evening is nothing but putty in their hands.

The other thing to pay attention to was this little burp here referencing Trump and Cruz ‘shaping their strategy around the idea that the way to win the White House is to ride a wave of white backlash’.

As we have been explaining here, that–at least in the case of Trump and his various statements ranging from barring Muslim immigration to putting sanctions on Iran–he is doing what any businessman would do–recognizing a particular appetite and then filling it, a simple case of supply and demand.

Either way, the lesson all of us need to walk away from this learning is that ‘we the people’ are nothing to them but cogs in a wheel driving their own personal political ambitions. America is not our country anymore and hasn’t been for a long, long time.


Is Marco Rubio frittering away the very asset that makes him such a formidable political talent?That’s the subtext of a good piece out this morning from Bloomberg Politics. It argues that Rubio’s need to chase after Donald Trump and Ted Cruz is leading him to sound a lot more angry and a lot less like the fresh, youthful, forward-looking optimist that he had plainly hoped to run as this cycle: Rubio has adopted a darker tone in the first week of 2016, deploying increasingly apocalyptic rhetoric and fiercer attacks on Republican rivals that provide a stark contrast with the relatively non-confrontational brand of sunny optimism that had characterized his presidential campaign through 2015….

While Rubio isn’t jettisoning the hopeful message of reviving the American dream that endeared him to many center-right Republicans, he’s now alternating it with a more ominous one. The effect is to make him sound like Ronald Reagan one minute and like a character from the popular TV series 24 the next.

Rubio has been aggressively promoting a campaign appearance at which he claimed, as outright fact, that Hillary Clinton privately told the Benghazi victims’ families that the video was to blame for the attack, regardless of the fact that this point is in dispute and Clinton and some of the families themselves say otherwise. Rubio has released a new ad claiming that Obama wants to “take away our guns,” which is hyperbolic fearmongering. And as the Bloomberg piece notes, Rubio has been aggressively banging the war-on-terror drums. He has been attacking Ted Cruz as weak on terror because Cruz supported reining in NSA bulk surveillance.

To Democrats watching from the sidelines, Rubio’s strategy is something of a mystery. On the one hand, he’s plainly shaping his long-term strategy around the idea that the way for Republicans to win the White House is to make peace with diversifying America and the need to make inroads among the growing voter groups that comprise the Democratic coalition. Rubio still holds out the hope of legalizing the 11 million and won’t definitively say when he’d end Obama’s executive action protecting the DREAMers from deportation. This puts him in direct contrast with Cruz (who would end that executive action on Day One and has flatly ruled out legalization) and Trump (who has pledged to carry out mass deportations), both of whom are generally shaping their strategy around the idea that the way to win the White House is to ride a wave of white backlash.

On the other hand, now that Trump and Cruz are winning over large swaths of the GOP electorate with demagoguing about immigration and Muslims, Rubio is now trafficking more and more in conventionally angry appeals to the GOP base. As Paul Waldman recently put it, Rubio seems to be morphing into an “angry young man.” Rubio’s sunny optimism is retreating behind a cloud of angry demagoguery.

As the Bloomberg piece notes, this balancing act in some ways makes sense, because Rubio, more than his rivals, is trying to court various GOP constituencies, from evangelicals to more moderate Republicans. And it may work in the long run: there is still reason to believe that Rubio is more likely than any other candidate to unite conservatives and moderates who are being courted more directly by other establishment-friendly candidates like Chris Christie and Jeb Bush.

One thought on “Is Marco Rubio squandering his most precious political asset?”
  1. Rubio ,the Sephardic Jew ( name means Golden) is totally empty stooge.
    An empty suit ,with no inner core except his ,Mommy told him if he studied his babyish textbooks he could be President someday.
    A personal bore ,he like creep Cruz, dweeb Ann Rand Paul,only went to the Senate not to serve; but
    run for President.
    He knows nothing ,and says nothing ,but empty phrases the Billionaire Jews ,who are backing him think the Republican Base wants to hear.
    But of course,Israel and Jew power is his only priority.
    That means they win,and you loose.
    The young Edward G Robinson ,Gilbert Gottfried combo Tatoo ( ” Da plane”) is not catching on.
    Adelson sure has a tin political ear…after all he initially backed the infamously mentally ill,and serious creep Gingrich last time .

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