

8 thoughts on “ISIS claims responsibility for Russian jet crash”
  1. Not much to Like ~ i sense Brian P in the comments section is close to the truth: CIA, Mossad, are involved. Amazing how this crash is so photo visible and all the quick photo background on the unfortunate passengers… pretty sad… and it’s a visual that folks who fly endure whenever they take off in a commercial jet. i sure do.

  2. There will be no Rapture.

    There is no mention of Rapture in the Bible. Rapture was never taught
    or mentioned until the 1950’s. Another Deceptive Myth.
    The anti-knowledge crowd has created an immense ecosystem of political
    disinformation.This effect is fortified by the-overlap between Republicans and
    fundamentalist Christians.
    To believe that the Republican Party is the party of Christian people,
    is a deceptive falsehood. It’s like saying Zionism recognizes the
    son of God, as being Jesus Christ.
    The truth being Republicans are financially supported by Zionism,
    which is not supported by the true Jewish people that suffer under
    their leadership. Check out (The Jewish Voice for Peace). Check out
    the Jewish web sites of (Jews Against Zionism) and (Rabbi’s against
    Buyer beware of the Deception, as you would the Wolf in sheep’s
    clothing. Your community is a much better investment then the
    promised GOLD of Wall Street, and the 2%.
    Your present investments will soon be worthless.And your communities
    will resent your leadership of greed all the more.

  3. There will be no Rapture.

    There is no mention of Rapture in the Bible. Rapture was never taught
    or mentioned until the 1950’s. Another Deceptive Myth.
    The anti-knowledge crowd has created an immense ecosystem of political disinformation.This effect is fortified by the-overlap between Republicans and fundamentalist Christians.
    To believe that the Republican Party is the party of Christian people,
    is a deceptive falsehood. It’s like saying Zionism recognizes the
    son of God, as being Jesus Christ.
    The truth being Republicans are financially supported by Zionism,
    which is not supported by the true Jewish people that suffer under
    their leadership. Check out (The Jewish Voice for Peace). Check out
    the Jewish web sites of (Jews Against Zionism) and (Rabbi’s against
    Buyer beware of the Deception, as you would the Wolf in sheep’s
    clothing. Your community is a much better investment then the
    promised GOLD of Wall Street, and the 2%.
    Your present investments will soon be worthless.And your communities
    will resent your leadership of greed all the more.

  4. Its a work of the MOSSAD. Isn’t is very suspicious that the Malaysian Airline and now the Russian Airline crashed and no one knows how and why?. The Russian airline departed from a place in the Read Sea. The diabolical MOSSAD did something to the plane. The Jews are good at that kind of BS.

  5. I have no doubt that the jewish state sabotaged this plane, directly or by proxy. I just wonder if Putin will accept it as a mere accident and let it go at that.

  6. If the ISIS retards reached their finger to pull a booger
    from their noses, they most likely miss and poke themselves
    in the eye.
    Absolutely no way these ‘tards could down a plane that was
    thousands of feet above the earth.
    “Mechanical problem” could have been effected by a compromised
    mechanic while the plane was grounded.
    An jet that was leased to Russia with all Russian passengers and
    We say unfortunate.
    Others we know of might see this as convenient, a blessing, or even a
    successful operation.

  7. ” By deception thou shall do war”.

    ISIS is a front for Israeli /Western interests.
    If they ” claim responsibility”, than you know who was really behind this ?

    The International Jews.
    It’s a warning ,and payback to President Putin /Russia.

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