Tony Cartalucci says, “It looks as if the US is using ISIS as a pretext to more overtly intervene in order to overthrow the government of Syria – not in fact neutralize ISIS.”
Yes. Moreover “ISIS” is a Western construct. There is no single, unified group that calls itself “ISIS.” There are Sunni insurgents inSyria, backed by Israel, the West, the GCC oil sheikdoms, and Turkey. The corporate media refers to them collectively as “ISIS” in order to justify getting directly involved in overthrowing the Syrian government.
The Iraq situation is different. There the Sunnis are fighting for survival, and the USA is indeed bombing them. The USA supports the Shi’ite government in the south, and the Kurds in the north. “ISIS” is what the corporate media call the desperate Sunnis, which the USA wants to exterminate.
Whenever imperialists go on the rampage, they face myriad different kinds of victims and resisters. The imperialists lump them all under one name, such as Viet Cong, or Taliban, or Al Qaeda, or ISIS, or Commies or Nazis – all of which mean “evil.” And most people in the imperialist nation believe it.
As for Syria, Bashar al-Assad brought all this on himself. From almost the day he became president in July 2000, he started imposing neo-liberal “reforms” on the Syrian masses. This caused such misery, poverty, and inequality among the Syrian masses that the door was opened for the USA to hijack popular demonstrations and turn them into a proxy army. This is known as the “Salvador Solution.”
Gaddafi’s sons did the same thing in Libya. They had a wonderful set-up, but they destroyed it via neo-liberal “reforms.” They became greedy. They used neo-liberal “reforms” to dismantle much of Libya’s socialist aspects. The only purpose of neo-liberal “reforms” is to replace socialism with plutocracy, with an endlessly widening gap between the rich and the rest.
Note that in many cases, imperialists no longer seek “regime change.” Instead, they seek regime prevention. That is, rather than topple one government and replace it with another, imperialists today sometimes destroy a nation so it can have no central government at all. That’s what was done to Libya, Somalia, and Afghanistan. It’s what’s being done to Syria. The USA and the Jews don’t want any central government in these nations. They just want chaos, so the natives keep killing each other. Meanwhile the Western oil companies extract the oil, with every facility surrounded by troops.
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Gee, what a surprise….
ISIS, The Muslim Menace & The Greater Israel Project
Tony Cartalucci says, “It looks as if the US is using ISIS as a pretext to more overtly intervene in order to overthrow the government of Syria – not in fact neutralize ISIS.”
Yes. Moreover “ISIS” is a Western construct. There is no single, unified group that calls itself “ISIS.” There are Sunni insurgents inSyria, backed by Israel, the West, the GCC oil sheikdoms, and Turkey. The corporate media refers to them collectively as “ISIS” in order to justify getting directly involved in overthrowing the Syrian government.
The Iraq situation is different. There the Sunnis are fighting for survival, and the USA is indeed bombing them. The USA supports the Shi’ite government in the south, and the Kurds in the north. “ISIS” is what the corporate media call the desperate Sunnis, which the USA wants to exterminate.
Whenever imperialists go on the rampage, they face myriad different kinds of victims and resisters. The imperialists lump them all under one name, such as Viet Cong, or Taliban, or Al Qaeda, or ISIS, or Commies or Nazis – all of which mean “evil.” And most people in the imperialist nation believe it.
As for Syria, Bashar al-Assad brought all this on himself. From almost the day he became president in July 2000, he started imposing neo-liberal “reforms” on the Syrian masses. This caused such misery, poverty, and inequality among the Syrian masses that the door was opened for the USA to hijack popular demonstrations and turn them into a proxy army. This is known as the “Salvador Solution.”
Gaddafi’s sons did the same thing in Libya. They had a wonderful set-up, but they destroyed it via neo-liberal “reforms.” They became greedy. They used neo-liberal “reforms” to dismantle much of Libya’s socialist aspects. The only purpose of neo-liberal “reforms” is to replace socialism with plutocracy, with an endlessly widening gap between the rich and the rest.
Note that in many cases, imperialists no longer seek “regime change.” Instead, they seek regime prevention. That is, rather than topple one government and replace it with another, imperialists today sometimes destroy a nation so it can have no central government at all. That’s what was done to Libya, Somalia, and Afghanistan. It’s what’s being done to Syria. The USA and the Jews don’t want any central government in these nations. They just want chaos, so the natives keep killing each other. Meanwhile the Western oil companies extract the oil, with every facility surrounded by troops.