Detainees pray at Camp Bucca

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0 thoughts on “ISIS leader: the group’s rise would not be possible without US prisons”
  1. The JEW World Order is a COMMUNIST One World Government.
    The JEWS Invented Communism.
    There will be NO Private Property Ownership in a JEW World Order.
    NO Voting, NO freedom of speech, NO Democracy in coming JEW World Order.
    We will all be SLAVES in a COMMUNIST STATE.
    The fraudulent Carbon Taxes are to finance the COMMUNIST JEW World Order.
    Never Forget:
    The Bolshevik JEWS MURDERED 62 MILLION White Christians in the Bolshevik Revolution 1917 USSR.
    The Bolshevik Revolution was started by the JEWS sent from New York, paid by the JEW New York Bankers.
    The JEWS invented Communism.
    The JEWS did 9-11

  2. Gotta keep up a steady stream of enemies which never ends for wall st and the military industrial complex to profit from.

  3. If one studies the victim-narratives of how the inmates were tortured in these US prisons (Abu Ghraib, Bucca, Bagram, etc.) … it’s clear that the CIA MK-Ultra and [the Project Paperclip’s output] Trauma-based mind-control rudiments were at work here. The outcome? They created mind-controlled assassins!

    But it doesn’t stop there. As with anything Judaic, the core motive is always drawn from [UNDOING/ Reversing] something Scriptural. These so-called Jews understand how Oppression can destroy and debase (viz., Obama’s implied “degrade and destroy”) humans to a point where they cannot be salvaged back to “humanity” or Heavenworthiness — which is exactly what happened to the original Israelis under the severe oppression of the Pharaoh! They had NOTHING good left in them … and thus God wiped out that entire generation, and only their children’s generation were [fit to be] taken to the Holy Land by Yusha ibn Nun (and NOT Moses himself).

    The Jews re-enact everything form history, only to have the ‘outcomes’ of events in their favour, this time around. Meaning? They are imparting on innocent people the same things that Destiny had imparted on them (because of their wickedness)! And this is where they will get the biggest beating from God soon! … Here’s a simple summary of what I just said:

    – The original ‘Jews’ were rabble slaves. God favored/ chose them.

    – They couldn’t keep a SINGLE covenant with God … and kept on rebelling and angering God … WITHOUT REMORSE! [THAT’s when God Withdrew their chosen status!]

    – The root cause of their ingratitude and disobedience to God was their DEBASED NATURE (Arabic Clue: “Nafs Al Ammarah”) … debased, in part, by the oppressions/ tortures of the Pharaoh (I said ‘in part’ because you’d expect a number of them to die as “die-hard idealists” in Pharaoh’s camp … but that wasn’t the case, apparently … because if there was even a single idealist Israelite left in Pharaoh’s FEMA camp … they would’ve fled with Moses, as Moses’ Abu Bakr! [And God Knows Best!]

    – Instead of purifying themselves, even the very last generation of True Jews [till Babylon] failed to REPENT properly! Their DEBASED Nature (Nafs Al Ammarah) was TOO strong to allow self-critique! … After Harut and Marut brought the temptation/ Fitnah of awesome MAGIC … the Jews quickly lapped up the forbidden (due to their knave love of self and power) … AND THAT WAS THE LAST STRAW! … Amazing is God’s Mercy! Even 1436 years ago (as in Surah Baqarah and Ale Imran) The Most Loving Creator was STILL willing to accept their Repentance! … Do these child killing “sewerizers” deserve that kind of Mercy/ Grace?! These pigs can NEVER say that God was harsh with them! They just don’t have it in them to say “Inni Kuntu Minaz-Zalimeen”! [And God Knows Best]!


    – Look at the photo in this article and see how the SO-CALLED children of Isaac RELISH turning the children of Ishmael into the same “degraded and destroyed” slaves/ captives of the Pharaoh! … [Cue: A nasty Jewish tone saying : “See how it feels, now? Huh?!”]

    – As they drive Muslims away from their homes/ lands, the same nasty Jewish voice shrieks: “See how it feels/ Huh?!”

    – As they sewerize the world with filth, porn, corruption (to keep minds in a constant state of f***g, f***g, and more f***g … until they’re spiritually/ morally dead Golems that can neither speak nor hear a single sentence OUTSIDE of a sexual context) …….. they bring Everyone down to their cursed, rock-bottom state of DEBASED consciousness (Nafs Al Ammarah), which facilitates demonic/satanic possession! … [Cue: A nasty Jewish tone saying : “See how it feels, now? Huh?! … Y’all are NO BETTER THAN US!”]

    – The Talmud, thus, is a supreme ode to the debased/ cursed state of Nafs Al Ammarah and satanic possession! It has nothing to do with Moses, and everything to do with Samiri!

    … And this list goes on and on! Anyone with insight will see the cursed Mischief / Fasaad!

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