ed note–we apologize to the readers ahead of time for them being subjected ONCE MORE to what is (or at least should be) the intolerable business of Judaic moralizing, as if answers to the question that framed the title of the piece were non-existent, confusing, or otherwise elusive.


There is an important thing to learn from this however, and it is for that reason that it is being posted here.


As we say often on this humble little informational endeavor, tectonic events such as war are birthed, nursed, and then governed by whatever the ‘conversation’ happens to be at any given moment. If the larger part of the ‘conversation’ is against something, then that ‘thing’–whatever it is, doesn’t happen. If the larger part of the ‘conversation’ is for something, then that ‘thing’–whatever it is, does happen.


Having said this, the world’s problems, and especially those dealing with that giant TNT factory known as the Middle East, are intrinsically connected with various ‘conversations’ taking place at any given moment in the rest of the world.


Now, it is obvious even to a blind man that there were no problems in that aforementioned giant TNT factory known as the Middle East until the followers of Judah-ism–illegal immigrants bent upon war, death and destruction–decided to invade the region and begin doing what it is that their Torah Judah-ism commands them to do, which can be summed up in a mere 90 words uttered by the ‘great lawgiver’ himself, Moses, to wit–


‘You must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. Do not save alive anything that breathes…Do not intermarry with them…Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons…Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their idols in the fire, for you are a people holy to the Lord your God who has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession…’ –Book of Deuteronomy


Now, sad to say, many–and especially those of the Christian variety–found themselves morally paralyzed in evaluating what has been done to the Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians et al since this invasion began, and in large part due to the fact that they–for the last 2,000 years–have been rendered intoxicated on the false gospel that Jesus and Moses are ‘best buds’ in heaven, and that to view the ‘law of Moses’ through any other lens than one of God-given holiness is heretical and blasphemous and that anyone claiming to be a follower of Prince of Peace Jesus CANNOT be thus unless he/she is also a follower of the warlord Moses.


Others however, recognizing the OBVIOUS contradictions existing between the 2 archetypes and the OBVIOUS cognitive dissonance screaming out between the 2 like the shrieks of terror being heard in Gaza right now represent–in the eyes of Judea, Inc–a problem all their own.


Such persons, on a mission to understand–HONESTLY AND RATIONALLY–the energizing principles of what drives Jewish behavior, and especially what has been taking place in that giant TNT factory ever since the ‘Great Hebraic Migration’ began a century ago and who–in doing THE VERY SIMPLE MATH that leads any intelligent, rational person to conclude that Jewish behavior is dictated by Torah Judah-ism itself, must be lulled back to sleep lest they begin waking up other sheep whose silent, stupid acquiescence is intrinsic to the success of what it is that the ‘Children of Israel’ are doing and intend to do.


Therefore, enter from stage-everywhere, ‘good Jews of conscience’ such as the author of this piece below.


Now, to be fair to her, maybe she really does feel that twinge of conscience over the Gentile-cide taking place right now by ‘her peeps’ in Israel. Maybe she doesn’t view ‘the goyim’ as donkeys, cattle, and beasts of burden as Torah Judah-ism teaches. Maybe she has detoxified herself of all the Judaic poison/black magic and views the world through Gentile eyes…


But please, Mz. Hass, don’t frame this discussion within the question ‘How Can So Many Israelis Remain Indifferent?’, as if the answer to this question were elusive, confusing, or otherwise nonexistent. It’s no different than asking why ‘fire is hot’ or why ‘water is wet’, and the only thing that an honest philosopher need do in this situation is to go back and review those 90 words from Moses appearing above, the same words that you–as one of those ‘children of Israel’–have heard throughout the ENTIRETY of your life.


In truth, when one understands–HONESTLY AND RATIONALLY–the exact nature of what it is that Torah Judah-ism commands of its followers, the real question that should be asked, rather than ‘How Can So Many Israelis Remain Indifferent?’ is ‘how is it possible that any follower of Judah-ism can be opposed to this?’


Now, since we are not likely to hear that particular answer from Mz. Haas and from those other ‘good Jews of conscience’ who are always, MAGICALLY, almost, pushed to the forefront of all discussions of this type–spotlight and all–we will explain it in the simplest of terms–





Amira Hass for Haaretz


The Gaza Strip is gradually being erased, along with its families, its people, its children, their smiles and laughter. What enables the majority of Jewish Israelis to support this systematic and mass erasure?


What enables them to see it as the only suitable response to the massacre that Hamas and its accomplices perpetrated, to the military humiliation of Israel and to the indescribable suffering of the hostages, the wounded, the survivors, their families and the families of the hundreds killed?


Israel’s military is erasing the streets of Gaza’s cities and the alleys of its refugee camps. It’s erasing Gaza’s beach promenades, villages and its unexpected yet existing agricultural areas. It’s erasing its cultural institutions, universities and archaeological sites.


Hamas’ military infrastructure is being destroyed and may be destroyed entirely. Thousands of its armed men are being killed and will be killed. But the organization will be rebuilt; it and its leaders will flourish in every community and place where the erasure of Gaza continues.


What enables the majority of Jewish Israelis to remain unshocked by the fact that in about two months we’ve killed around 7,000 children (a provisional figure) with the help of America’s improved bombs?


What enables most of the Jews not to gasp in horror at the crowding of 1.8 million or 1.9 million people into about 120 square kilometers (46 square miles), a ‘safe area’ that’s constantly being bombed? What’s preventing those Jewish Israelis from screaming when they hear about the thirst and hunger of 2.2 million Palestinian civilians and the diseases spreading due to the crowding, the water shortage and the out-of-action hospitals?


The Israeli army has dropped the restraint in Gaza, and data shows unprecedented killing


What enables this erasure and the slaying of children with both our active and passive participation? Here are some answers:


• For decades we’ve been educated to believe that only military force can ensure the state’s survival and ability to flourish, while denying rights to the Palestinian people.


• We’ve erased any ‘context’ – incitement has made this word a synonym for support of Hamas and justification of its horrors.


• We Jews have assumed a monopoly on the suffering caused by the cruelty of the Other.


• We’ve chosen not to look at the unbearable pictures of trembling Palestinian children, faces gray with dust, being rescued from between bombed concrete walls. And there’s no way of knowing who’s more fortunate: those children or the ones who were killed.


• Every mass or gradual killing that we’ve been carrying out against the Palestinians for years, every theft, humiliation and abuse passes through thousands of media, psychological and academic filters. The sifted product is our conviction that the Palestinians are better off than the Somalis or Syrians, so they shouldn’t complain.


• We remember every massacre of Israelis by Palestinians. We forget every massacre of Palestinians by Israelis.


• For decades we’ve gotten used to living in comfort while five minutes away Israel (in other words, us) demolishes Palestinian homes and builds for Jews, channels water to Jews and makes Palestinians go thirsty. All the rest is written in the reports of the rights groups HaMoked, B’Tselem and Adalah.


• For decades we’ve been ignoring the ‘moderate’ Palestinians’ warning that the continuous grab of freedom and land and the settlers’ violence – assisted by the state and inspired by its violence – narrow their children’s horizons and generate despair and faith in arms only and revenge.


• We’ve embraced an essentialist worldview: The Palestinians are terrorists because that’s the way they are. They were born with genes for hating us – the offspring of Roman Emperor Titus and the pogromists of East Europe’s Khmelnytsky Uprising of the 17th century.


• We’re convinced that we’re a democracy, even though for 56 years we’ve been ruling over millions of subjects without civil rights, controlling their land, money and economy.


• We have profound racist contempt for the Palestinians, which we developed to justify, both cognitively and psychologically, our trampling over them.


• We’ve been in denial of Palestinian history and the rootedness of Palestinian existence between the river and the sea.


• The erasure of Gaza is possible because since 1994 we have deliberately missed the opportunity – offered to us by the Palestinians – to shed some of our traits as a dispossessing and settling entity and let them have a state on 22 percent of the area west of the Jordan River (including Gaza). I wrote in July 2021 that ‘in all the heat of the talk about apartheid, a dynamic, active and dangerous dimension of it – the Jewish settler colonialism – has become dulled and blunted.


‘According to the ideology and policies of Jewish settler colonialism, the Palestinians are superfluous. In short, it is possible, worthwhile and desirable to live without the Palestinians in this country between the river and the sea. Their existence here is conditional, dependent on our wishes and our goodwill – a matter of time.


‘The ideology of ‘superfluousness’ is a poison that spreads especially when the process of settler colonialism is at its height. … Settler colonialism is a continuous process of grabbing land, distorting historical borders, reshaping them and then expelling indigenous peoples.’


I referred to the ‘superfluousness’ of the Palestinians in the West Bank and warned about the intentions to expel them. I assumed then that the viewing of Gazans as superfluous sufficed with severing them from their people and their families on the other side of the Erez checkpoint that separates Gaza from the rest of the land (Israel and the West Bank).


But now the ‘superfluousness’ is being reflected in expulsion, disguised as voluntary under the shelling. It’s being reflected in the physical erasure of the Gazans, and in plans to return Jewish settlers to Gaza. Woe to them and woe to us.

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