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Bucking Boycotts, Shows Make Inroads in Muslim World

OCDG: Many things worthy of note here but I’ll touch on a few. One, the so-called Arab/Muslim rulers puppets doing business with the devil (israel/jews) to bring in their disgusting subversive propaganda to their people… In the article it talks about how israel goes to great lengths to hide their jewishness from the Arabs but that’s BS. It’s so that the little people don’t realize where their “entertainment” comes from… the ones negotiating the deals know full well.

Second, the downright satanic filth known as “terrorism” shows all originate from the heart of israel… these lying, deceiving shows that program the unknowing masses to perpetuate and bring to fruition the “clash of civilizations”. Every nonsensical, moronic and false stereotypes about terr’sts come from the media arm of judaism incorporated aka h✡llyw✡✡d.

One other thing also is the brazenness with which “israel is the hottest country to do business with” garbage being bandied about. Things are getting really bad if they don’t need to hide this fact anymore. ALL jews are representatives of israel and have been since before  1948. There have been high level spies working in beelzebubtown aka h✡llyw✡✡d for ages… The links between the US and israel are becoming so numerous, that the distinctions are breaking down.

Lots of other things to consider and think about also…


Amid rising calls in some quarters for a boycott of Israel, creating television shows is one export that is humming like never before around the world — and even making quiet inroads in Muslim countries where business ties with the Jewish state are taboo.

After the success of shows like ‘Homeland,’ Israeli TV hitmakers are breaking into markets from Argentina to Indonesia. And in Hollywood, moguls have identified the lucrative creative pipeline and are for the first time hiring Israelis to develop American versions of their shows.

It is a sign, one of many, of the Israeli entertainment industry’s growing sophistication.

“It’s the hottest foreign country to get involved with for seed stuff in television, much more than London, I think, right now,” said Adam Berkowitz, co-head of television at CAA, a top entertainment and sports agency headquartered in Los Angeles. In an interview at his office, Berkowitz, who finds it worthwhile to carry business cards in Hebrew, described television concepts from Israel as “impactful.”

“The perception around town is that [producers] have to look at Israeli formats immediately,” he said. “They don’t want to miss the next big thing.”

Hits such as Showtime’s “Homeland” and, before that, HBO’s “In Treatment” have stoked this fever. But for Middle Eastern countries, the process is more complicated. The strong track record of Israeli program concepts have become well known, even there. But the concepts are sold through non-Israeli subsidiaries and partners, to avoid the inherent, thorny political considerations.

“It’s better for them to know they are doing business with an international company,” said a senior executive at a company involved with such deals, but who wished to remain anonymous so as not to jeopardize future opportunities. “Today it’s less problematic, because people go more to the content and quality than to the politics.”

A past example of this can be found with “Lalola,” an Argentine show co-produced by the Tel Aviv-based Dori Media Group, which runs 12 channels for the Israeli satellite provider HOT. Dori, founded by Argentine–Israeli businessman Yair Dori, originally made its name producing Argentine telenovas that it later exported to the Israeli market. “Lalola” featured Argentine heartthrob Juan Gil Navarro as “Lalo,” a hot media company director who is sought after by many women. One of them, angry at his lack of attention, recruits a witch who puts a spell on Lalo that turns him into a beautiful but vulnerable woman. When he awakes in utter confusion, he must learn to put on women’s clothing and go to work at his media firm, but now as “Lola,” where she/he explains that she is Lalo’s cousin and now running the firm in his place while he’s off on a family emergency.

“Lalola,” which Dori coproduced with Underground Contenidos, an Argentine TV company, ran in Spanish with Hebrew subtitles on Israeli cable and satellite TV in 2009. In 2010, it was picked up by the Dubai-based Middle East Broadcasting Center Group, which broadcast 119 episodes of the show — dubbed in Egyptian Arabic — across the Arab World.

To Keren Shahar, general manager of distribution and acquisitions at Keshet International, a leading television production company licensed in Israel, the ability of Israeli-produced shows, even if they are in Spanish, to cross otherwise impregnable geopolitical barriers, demonstrates the magic of stories.

“We believe that television has an intrinsic way of bringing people together by portraying intriguing narratives that anyone, no matter who you are or where you live, can relate to,“ she said. Keshet, which operates Israel’s commercial Channel 2 in Israel, is partly owned by Israeli-American media mogul Haim Saban, among others.

Dori’s BabyTV channel also runs in Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim country by population. And in a sign of the deepening integration of Israeli media enterprises with international media that also run in the Muslim world, Dori and Sony Pictures Television announced a deal last October that will see Sony take a 50% stake in Dori’s telenovela-showing channels in Israel as well as in BabyTV. Sony previously bought a 50% stake of Televiva, Dori’s telenovela channel in Indonesia, last year.

“Acquiring a channel is not like acquiring a format,” said Michal Nashiv, Dori’s vice president of marketing, using the industry’s lingo for a program concept. “It’s a statement. It means you believe in this market and you see a future in this market, and the Sony deal was signed after the [2014 Gaza] war.”

Meanwhile, Israel’s Keshet International, via its connections with U.S.-based studios and production companies, is pioneering a new trend of its own for Israeli production companies, one which sees Israelis creating the American versions of their own Israeli shows, along with creating new, original series for the American market.

Examples of this can be seen in this past summer’s “Rising Star” (ABC), which was produced by Keshet DCP, a joint venture between Keshet International and Dick Clark Productions. A singing talent show with a twist, “Rising Star” allows viewers to select which singers they want to advance in real time, using an innovative app built by the Israeli tech and media company Screenz. The show faced declining ratings for much of its first season and no plans have been announced for a second season. Nevertheless, “Rising Star” was widely noted for the successful deployment of the Screenz app, which runs on Google’s infrastructure.

Other co-productions include the upcoming thriller “Dig” (USA) which follows an American FBI agent in Jerusalem who makes a shocking discovery that threatens to change everything, and “Boom” (Fox) a highly sought after game show in which contestants answer questions with the aim of defusing a “bomb.” Each correct answer brings the bomb one step closer to being neutralized.

In total, Keshet has eight shows, both exclusively licensed and co-productions, that are appearing or slated to run in the United States within a year. These include “Your Family or Mine” (TBS), “Allegiance” (NBC), “Deal With It” (TBS), “Dig,” “Tyrant,” “Boom” and Homeland (Showtime).

Gideon Raff, the creator of “Dig” and “Tyrant,” and the Israeli show “Hatufim,” on which “Homeland” is based, exemplifies the fluid biculturalism of Israel’s new media moguls and their creations. Born in Jerusalem, Raff lived from the ages of two to six in Washington, D.C., where his father served as the economics counselor in Israel’s U.S. embassy.

After three years as a paratrooper in the Israeli army, he earned a degree in film from Tel Aviv University and moved to Los Angeles in 2003. There, he obtained a graduate degree in directing at the American Film Institute and directed two Hollywood features, “The Killing Floor” and “Train.”

But then, rather than continue on his American trajectory, Raff returned to Israel to create and produce “Hatufim,” or “Prisoners of War.” The Israeli drama series became “Homeland” in America after Fox bought the rights to the show on the strength of the script alone. Raff writes scripts for both shows and serves as executive producer for “Homeland.”

Like “Homeland, “Dig,” which will be filmed in Israel, and “Tyrant,” whose pilot was filmed in Morocco, gave Raff the opportunity to channel his perspective on the Middle East to an American market.

“These are a completely different type of collaboration compared to the past,” Raff told Haaretz in June. “It’s a mixture of Hollywood and the Israeli industry working together to create big American TV shows. ‘Dig’ and ‘Tyrant’ are original U.S. shows that I created for American studios, from the beginning.”

“Tyrant,” whose concept development and pilot Raff shepherded, follows the experiences of an American family in the region when the heir to an imaginary Middle Eastern dynasty dies and his American son must take the kingdom’s reins.

“It’s kind of like a Shakespearean, fairytale-like world in the Arab world,” he told the Times of Israel. “This Western family is going to take over the country, with everything that means. You’ll see what power does to you, how it corrupts your soul. And we’re setting the show in a world that we read about in The New York Times every day.”

0 thoughts on “Israeli Television Hitmakers Take H✡llyw✡✡d by Storm — Eye Global Market”
  1. “The links between the US and israel are becoming so numerous, that the distinctions are breaking down.”

    Exactly. The USA is a thoroughly Judaic nation, and is becoming more so all the time. TV shows and Hollywood movies, for example, are all about the “fight against terrorists,” or else they are incredibly stupid, with Jewish-style humor (scatology, fart jokes, etc).

    The dogma of evangelical Christians (indeed most Christians) is now centered on unconditional support for Israeli atrocities. And so on.

    Average Americans not only tolerate this Jewish excrement; they’re addicted to it.

  2. Isael”A light among the nations”. Judaism revolves around the plan of ‘Yahweh’,to make the world ‘worship’,HIm/She/God/Satan,from there….is it not the world focol point ? The Jews understand myth,and image. Their lying tales,never inspire,but manipulate,the lowest instincts,and emotions in the viewer. Every nuance,is subjected to them. They copy,and regurgitate. Never are they original. They project,their system,onto others. The Jews understood early,the power of controlling money,religion,and communications. They pushed the Gentiles ,from both. The “Jewish pants pressers in Hollywood”.As Joseph P.Kennedy called them. A Catholic (pre Vatican 2),who dared to own a studio in Hollywood-RKO. He quit,and only a besieged Walt Disney remained. He was even shut down as a security risk,for a time,by the Roosevelt Administration,and only got,up,and running again by making distasteful,lying propaganda ,about the AXIS for Jew War 2 ( Walt ,who had excellent relations with Nationalist,Germany,Italy,Japan/Hungary ,cringed over it all) and today,a crass DISNEY,is owned by whom? JEWS ! The family sold out for what? MONEY. Walts grand neice ,goes around denouncing her great uncle for ‘Anti-Semitism’. …..see how it works? The Jews laugh ,at this groveling. Now the “EMPIRE OF THEIR OWN “,as the Jewish author Stein,but it,in his book,that no actor is allowed to quote from,about Jews owning the film industry, is putting it nasty breadth over the Arab world! Jews win,because we allow them too. This is why they hated Arab Nationalism,and took it down with Islamic Fundamentalism. This is why they hated the Third Reich,Nationalist Japan,and fear todays Russia. Defience of their agenda,literally,and SPIRITUALLY ! Only by purging the Jews from OUR OWN INTERNAL SYSTEMS,can we beat them. BODY,AND SOUL. Can you resist not watching Talmudvision,going to a film,or buying a CD? I can,and it feels GREAT !

  3. argentina has always kist jew ass, despite the many Nazis that live there.If the arabs love jew shows, they deserve to be fokt.the emirates don’t count, even though joos are not allowed to live there.

  4. I must add to Konrads,theme. The Jews are expert,in controlling the mob. They created the LEFT/RIGHT corral,for the stupid Goyim. Before this,they pushed “Puritanism”,on the dolts. At another time Communsim. It was Jew worship than,and the Evangelicals are their descendents. These people support Israel unconditionally as ‘GOD’; Yahweh/Jesus combined,and it is absolute evil ! (see:Yahweh GOD OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER & SYNAGOGUE OF SATURN – YT-do not forget to FAVOR) ………this construct is so diabolical,it slips over,to the worshiping ,of Jews as demigods everywhere! “Oh if only I could meet a Jewish person”. A young attarctive girl,from avery rural area of Pennsylvania,said to me long ago. She was from one of those :”Independent BYBULL believing chuches. I had an incident from a black Pentecostal,not native to my city. She complained of its decline. (she was a teller in a bank) and I told her that the fall,was for many reasons. “Did’nt the mob run it in the 50’s60s.?” She asked. Mimicing an Italian accent. Yes,but it was theJewish mob “I replied. She smiled a big gap toothed grin,and purred:”Gods Chosen People”. Her comment,was of great admiration. You would of been in the crowd shouting’Crucify Him”. I answered. She almost fell over.. “We are all Gods children”,I said sternly. Needless to say,I never wen to her teller booth again. But that is how the Jews rule us. The mind,and the spirit,is captured. The most fascinating aspect ,of the “Right Jew Matrix”, Evangelicals, Old John Birch Society,Alex Jones,FOX,Republicans,(see THE JUDAS GOATS: Micheal Coillins Piper) is how they will cover for the Jews no matter what. The Cognitive Dissonance ,of not seeing with their own eyes! ‘I had a retired big Palooka of a state cop,who likes Putin shout :”I Don’t believe that”. When I said, the Russian President, remarked that 80 % Of the Communist Revolutionaries were Jews ! The immoral Jew,at war with all of mankind,and founder of all the evils they abhor,are idolized. Their role in all of this denied with great heat ! Like cats chasing their tale,they even will repeat Jew Left- Wing,cliches about Anti Semitism ,to uphold their notions. We must face it. We are conscious,and most are not. The Jews own us body,and soul. “many are called,and few are chosen.” Christ said. I believe tha is those who are awake to who satan is ! The Jews. We live the KALI YUGA,Of the Hindu. It is a Judaic Dark Age. See:SAVITRI DEVI. See; OCCULT FORCES :1943. You Tube.

  5. @DANTE ARDENZ: One of my sisters is so in love with Jews that she says she has considered converting to Judaism. She says that Jews seem so “spiritual.”

    Likewise, a female friend of mine has a sister who is entranced with Jews.

    Such people cannot be reached. If their devotion to Jewish filth and atrocities is questioned, they do one of three things…

    1. They repeat Jewish talking points (e.g. all Muslims are terrorists)
    2. They try to steer the conversation into trivial absurdities (e.g. Jews are “spiritual”)
    3. They go silent, while wearing a smug expression.

    Therefore I never visit with my sister.

    ON A TANGENTIAL NOTE: One of the many ways that the US and Israeli governments subvert or destabilize foreign governments is to sponsor and support religious groups that have evangelical or Pentacostal-style dogmas.

    Evangelicals are fanatically anti-Muslim, pro-Jew, pro-war, and pro-neo-liberalism. They are perfect tools for destabilizing countries that have both Muslims and Christians. For example, during Lebanon’s civil war (1975-1990) the occupying Israelis whipped up Maronite Christian groups into a murderous frenzy against Palestinians and Shi’ite Muslims. The result were things like the Sabra and Shatila massacre of 16–18 September 1982.

    In Africa, the nation of Eritrea refuses to bend to US imperialism. Therefore the USA gives money to evangelical and Pentacostal Christians in Eritrea, with the goal of creating tension with the country’s Muslims.

    The Muslim version of Evangelical Christians are hostile Wahhabists (or Salafists as they prefer to be called). They are common in the Gulf oil sheikhdoms, but they are found elsewhere too. Their targets are Shi’ites, and sometimes Christians, depending on the demographics of the nation that the Jews and imperialists want destabilized.

    Think of Salafist leaders as Muslim John Hagees, except that they don’t worship Israel. Like evangelical Christians, they are insane, full of hate, and they are useful idiots for imperialism and Jewish supremacy. Moreover, Salafist Muslims and evangelical Christians are the two fastest growing religious groups in the world. Reason: the peasants worldwide are being impoverished by neo-liberalism and Jewish supremacism, and they are too stupid to see the truth in front of their eyes. So they indulge in hate, warmongering, and bizarre religious fantasies (e.g. the so-called “rapture” of the evangelicals).

    We do indeed live in a Judaic Dark Age.

  6. Thank you again Konrad for your always wonderful comments. Emmanual Kant dismissed Jews,as; “Spiritual” They are not,in any sense;nor do they even claim to be ! The Jews eshew all manner of the esoteric.,outside of their own narrow constructs;that power manifests the material,and,and not for any “Salvation’. Their ‘heaven ‘,is exclusive to themselves. Yahweh promised them the EARTH,and ‘the spiritual’,to them is only for that purpose ! They are ‘God’, Hence they manuvered mankind ,into worshiping them ! This is why ,some Nationalist thinkers,(WHICH WAY WESTERN MAN: Richard Gayley Simpson) felt Christianity,and indeed Islam,were Judaic injections into the Gentile bloodstream. …from time,to time;the Jews would loose control of these faiths,but as is their cunning practice,reignite Hebrew cancer,built within their foundations. The “Wailing Wall”,is an example of this. The obtuse Goyim,think the Jews are’praying to God’,as they rock there. …the Jews are really physically COPULATING ,with the dietie(s) therin! this is why women are forbidden ! See: SATAN AT THE WAILING WALL: Real Jew News.Com. The Jews do not lament at the ‘Wall”,over the ‘fallen’,state of the world,but are bewailing the notion,that the ‘world’,promised to them exclusively ,is not wholly within their grasp! The Romans( The world) ,tore down the Temple ,and dispersed them. Christ cursed them,and predicted this. Hence one sees the how they war against anything broadly ‘spiritual.’ Finance Capital/Communism is not ‘spiritual’. That is why they worship MONEY. As MONEY gives a person : THE EARTH ! These are the dualist forms of Jewish Power over the earth. LEFT/RIGHT/GOD/SATAN/Yahweh/Jews. Jews are ‘Humanity’. Their soul perfected,and blood exclusive. Anyone ‘converting’,to themto be ‘spiritual’, is not at all !

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