
ed note–much thanks to Ariad for sending a link to this excellent piece of writing

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0 thoughts on ““Judaism is not Zionism””
  1. Jew is so convaluted/Give me an ex Jew any day, “Jewishness is public self masturbation…” Gilad Atzmon /Jew is like a shell game, and long before there was Zionism, there was Usury, Scarcities & Turf Wars Created by this Practice are numerous. It was first used by Ancient Egyptians as form of Enslavement, along with Circumcision… Recent History-20th Century, US Jewry funded mass murderers’ Bolshevik Jewry/Churchill said we must support Zionist Jewry, US Jewry funded BolshevikJewry, and now run the US asylum, while Zionist Jewry stole Palestine…

  2. Zionism is simply the core of Judaism, and goes back at least three millennia when king salomon hatched a plan to take over the world. All jews are Zionists even when they don’t profess it. Unless they voluntary choose not to reproduce. Because heritage only matters when passed on but not when it is terminated (example: Jesus). Any demographic increase in jewish numbers also means an increase of Zionism.

  3. People who think that “Zionism”,can be seperated from Judiesm have zero understanding of the basic nature,of it all. The Jewish “God”,”Thou shalt have no other God(s),but Yahweh”, instructed his exclusive tribe,to take over ,”the land of Caanan”,by wiping out its innocent natives ! Get it ! Every Jewish Holiday does not celebrate a transcendent spirituality, but an attack on the Gentile,by “Yahweh “,so the Jews could survive,to OWN the material world,run from where ? Israel. “The promised land”.

    “Zionism is not Judaism “, is also a false flag operation,pushed out by some, Jews themselves as a confusion,. Plus,it is way by politically correct types, to appear not “Anti -Semitic”. I have news for them ! Jews never buy it ! They will still attack,and target you. This line was peddled for years by MP George Galloway,in Britian/Scotland. His fate? Public ridicule,to final political ruin,gleefully engineered by who? The JEWS.

  4. Judaism, Zionism, etc… they all come from the same Mafia that has lived for thousands of years. They learned their abilities to make money out of nothing, infiltrate, undermine and destroy societies from the Babylonian Talmudic teachings. They all worship their god of the darkness, Baal, Moloch, Beelzebub, Satan, who are all one and the same, Judaism, Satanism, Zionism, Bolshevism, Communism, Socialism are all the creation of these Babylonian Talmudic Satan Worshipers.

  5. I was among those who used to believe that Judaism and Zionism are different doctrines. My error was due to my trust in the gentile Academics and scholars who were fooled by this lie and fooled others by spreading it. Also the intellectual laziness of the Gentile and the powerful Jewish propaganda are contributing factors in making many people think Judaism and Zionism are different and contrary to each other.
    However, I personally came to recognise this utter falsehood after years of independent research. Those who think Judaism is not Zionism are either simpletons or the gatekeepers of the Jewry and I despise both of them equally for distracting us from our arch enemies.

  6. I will make it very simple for everyone:

    THE LITERAL DEFINITION OF zionism IS “jewish nationalism”, and since the absolutely vast majority of jews ABSOLUTELY support israHell, that pretty much ends the conversation there, doesn’t it?

    Think about that…


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