ed note–as much as there are those who will mis-assign all of this to a time-wasting exercise devoted to splitting hairs, while simultaneously claiming that these are details that do not matter, it actually does matter, and not in a manner we might consider inconsequential or trivial, but rather, in one that is Apocalyptic.


As it relates to the very same Armageddon that is blossoming exponentially as we speak, there is an entire ‘intellectual industry’ out there made up of various false prophets who have filled the heads of people with ideas rooted in pure fantasy and fiction, one of those falsehoods being that the problems that the world faces today–EXISTENTIAL PROBLEMS–(as in whether or not ‘any flesh will survive’, as Jesus Christ Himself once warned) is all due to the toxic and genocidal teachings found within the Talmud, which these same ‘intellectuals’ claim has replaced the Torah (Old Testament) which they characterize as inherently good, godly, holy, and every bit as much representing the mind of the creator as are the words of Jesus Christ Himself.


We at this humble little informational endeavor however have painstakingly pointed out, somewhere between a million and a billion times, that this is simply not the case at all, and have proven–using open-source information provided from no less an authority than the Jews (followers of Judah-ism) themselves–that the Talmud is merely an extension/addendum to that very same Torah, 2 books/worldviews which the aforementioned ‘experts’ claim are distinct and polar opposites that contradict each other.


In peddling these (easily-disproven-with-facts) falsehoods, what these false prophets have done is to put blinders over the eyes of Gentiles the world over as to what represents the beating heart of this same monster that is presently in the process of setting the entire world on fire, not just in the Middle East, but everywhere, and in the process of blinding everyone, rendering all (previously-possible) remedies in stopping it null, void, and impotent.


The videos below, a mere few weeks old, show the members of the terrorist organization IDF consulting with their Torahs for guidance in how/what they are about to do, which is ‘slaughtering Amalek’, just as the followers of Torah Judah-ism are commanded to do.


Not the Talmud, as we have all been told by these various false prophets and self-degreed ‘experts’, but the Torah, otherwise known as the ‘Old Testament’ to Christians.


Is it possible for human beings to stop what has already begun, i.e. the countdown to detonation?


Probably not.


However, what does exist is the following–


We can die knowing the truth, or we can die believing in lies, and the difference between the 2 is as vast as the chasm between heaven and hell.










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