Why didn’t Hashem send the Israelites to a part of the world that was empty, where we wouldn’t have to battle for our very survival?


ed note–again, one of the most important OpEds flitting about on the internet right now that should feature as THE topic of discussion on every talk show, from every church pulpit and in every national address given by every leader of every Gentile nation in the world, but sad to say, outside of one lone website, will not receive as much as a disinterested glance, despite the fact that contained within it one can see plainly the seeds of the very same Armageddon which is in the process of engulfing the world as we speak.


And besides all the blood-n-guts that feature as the central theme of this piece written by our violent and deranged Hebrew, the most important ‘protocol’ contained within it carrying the most importance appears with the very first words of the very first paragraph, to wit–


‘You won’t hear your Rabbi speak about this on Shabbat. You won’t read an article on this subject in any Jewish magazine, and you certainly won’t hear any politician speak this way…’


And it is this–the ABSOLUTE SILENCE on this issue that threatens the world as we know it with this very same Armageddon which the followers of Judah-ism, the ‘children of Israel’ as they love to refer to themselves, MUST see take place if their plans of stealing ‘the land’ is to be accomplished.


Everything taking place in the world right now, EVERYTHING, from Ukraine, to Iran, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and all the turmoil that is scheduled to take place soon, ALL revolves around the nucleus of this–‘the land’–which the followers of Judah-ism are in the process of ‘redeeming’ (stealing) and yet, as we already stated, outside of one lone website, this fact will not get the attention it deserves.


The other take-away that deserves very careful attention/consideration on the part of any and all Gentiles with a vested interest in their own future survival is the following–


‘Why years of wars from almost day 1? I could give many more examples – just read the Torah and you will see that Hashem chose a ‘bad neighborhood’ for His people to live in. Throughout our history, there was almost no quiet in Eretz Yisrael and many people have struggled with the question of why’?


Again, our deranged and violent Hebrew-ish author talks openly about the ‘commandments’ given to the followers of Judah-ism via their infernal Torah to invade other peoples’ lands and to KILL ALL OF THEM, INCLUDING THEIR CHILDREN, and yet, he is so dense, so thick in his Judaic head, that he does not possess the common sense necessary in seeing that it is the violent and thieving nature of Judah-ism itself that has been the source of all ‘anti-Shemitism’ and all reflexive counter-reactionism on the part of Gentiles to that same aggressive and dangerous Jewish behavior.


And perhaps this is the worst ‘symptom’ of the pathology of Judah-ism itself, besides of course its inherent anti-Gentilism–the metastasizing of that spiritual cancer within that renders the Judaic victim blind to the simplest of concepts concerning his/her own behavior and how it causes those harmed by that aggressive Jewish behavior to turn against the Judaic aggressor, similar in some ways to someone who doesn’t bath, never brushes his teeth, defecates/urinates in his/her own clothing, smells like walking death as a result, and yet because he/she has become so used to his/her own foul odor, doesn’t smell it and doesn’t understand why others react with disgust when they come within a few feet and get a ‘whiff’ of them.



Shmuel Sackett


I want you to think about a concept that nobody talks about. You won’t hear your Rabbi speak about this on Shabbat. You won’t read an article on this subject in any Jewish magazine, and you certainly won’t hear any politician speak this way.


I am referring to the important aspect of fighting the Jewish enemy and, while extremely difficult and painful, how it is an integral – and necessary – part of our Jewish national life.


When Hashem told Avraham the famous words; ‘Lech Lecha’ – why did He send Avraham to the busiest place on earth? 90% of the world was uninhabited at that time, yet Hashem sent Avraham to Eretz Yisrael where it immediately says, ‘And the Canaanites were in the Land’ (Beresheit 12:6). Really? Couldn’t Hashem have made a different part of the world holy and send Avraham there… where his descendants wouldn’t have to fight for every inch?


When Hashem spoke to Moshe for the first time by the burning bush, He said; ‘I have come to rescue them from Egypt’s power. I will bring them out of that land to a good, spacious land, to a land flowing with milk and honey, to the territory of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Yebusites’ (Beresheit 3:8)


Really? I like the part about the ‘good, spacious land’, and I certainly love the part that it’s ‘flowing with milk and honey (YUMMY!)’ … but Hashem Himself said it’s the territory of 6 other nations already there (actually 10 other nations – see Beresheit 15:19 where 4 additional nations are listed!!!)


So, I ask a similar question as the paragraph before; Why didn’t Hashem choose to send Am Yisrael to a part of the world that was empty where we wouldn’t have to battle for our very survival?


When Yehoshua Bin-Nun (Joshua) took over the reign of leadership from Moshe, what is the first thing he did when he crossed the Jordan River with the Nation of Israel? He got the young, fresh, nation ready… for war!!! He sent trustworthy spies on a reconnaissance mission. He prepared the people to fight for the city of Yericho. ‘…and they conquered the city. They destroyed everything that was in the city – man and woman, young and old, ox and sheep and donkey – by the edge of the sword.’ (Yehoshua 6:20-21)


Really? That’s the first thing Am Yisrael did when they entered Eretz Yisrael – killed every man, woman and child in Jericho? Allow me to ask the same question as above; Why didn’t Hashem send us to a place where we could just live in peace, with no need for bloodshed? Why the wars and the commandment to wipe out the enemy? We were a new nation, in a new land… shouldn’t we be busy with farming, construction and finding a way how to support and educate our children?


Why a war – and years of wars – from almost day 1?


I could give many more examples – just read the Torah and you will see that Hashem chose a ‘bad neighborhood’ for His people to live. Throughout our history, there was almost no quiet in Eretz Yisrael and many people have struggled with the question of why? Even in our day, we see daily battles on the road, on the border and in the middle of Yerushalayim. In the last month we have seen terror in Bnei Brak, Tel Aviv and Elad and many more foiled attempts. Our young men and women are drafted to the IDF and National Service and forced to risk their lives. So again… why?


While I don’t claim to be an expert and certainly don’t have the answers to most troubling questions, I feel I do have the answer to this one:


The fight and the bloodshed is part of the Mitzvah.


Hashem did not send us to an empty Australia where we could have lived in peace and harmony with some kangaroos. He purposely sent us to a land that needed to be conquered and ‘paid for’ in Jewish blood. While this is very painful to the families of those heroic fighters, it is an absolute necessity when talking about the Land of Israel.


We are all familiar with the concept; ‘Eretz Yisrael nikneyt b’yesurrim’ (the Land of Israel is acquired through suffering) This concept is stated in Talmud Berachot 5a and explained by the Vilna Gaon (Kol Ha’Tur, chapter 1, paragraph 13) in 4 simple words; This is ‘exactly how it’s acquired’. There are no shortcuts and no way to avoid it. The suffering is the acquisition!


However, nowhere does it state that we are to be led as lambs to the slaughter. On the contrary! We are to observe the Torah and simultaneously fight the enemy with every weapon available. When we do that Hashem promises that, ‘You will chase away your enemies and they will fall before your sword. 5 of you will chase 100 and 100 of you will defeat 10,000, as your enemies fall before your sword.’ (Va’Yikra 26:7-8)


Dearest friends: This is a strong and powerful message and one that we need to focus on – especially during these days of tragedy and terror.


To deserve Israel is to fight for her. There will be times when battles will be lost, and holy soldiers will be buried. There will also be times when innocent Jews sitting in a park will be murdered and we will look for answers. Our Father and King knows what He is doing and, while each drop of Jewish blood comes with oceans of tears, we continue the fight and the goal of wiping out our enemy and conquering the land, exactly as Hashem has commanded.


One final point. While the Talmud states that ‘the Land of Israel is acquired through suffering’, it does not state that about New York, London, Paris, Melbourne, or Toronto. In those areas, if Jews are in danger – and they are – the commandment is to get out of there as quickly as possible. There is no mitzvah to fight the Canaanites (or whatever they’re called) outside the Land. Therefore, while Jewish blood may be necessary for Eretz Yisrael, it is a complete and utter waste if shed in California, Argentina, Johannesburg, New Jersey, or Montreal. The ‘Fight is part of the Mitzvah’ is in Israel only. Everywhere else, it’s not the fight that’s important but the flight… out of there and into the Promised Land.


May Hashem bless us with victory over our enemies in His one and only special place on earth.


Am Yisrael Chai!

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