‘What about the children of Gaza? They are being brought up to hate and to murder, and that shows no sign of changing, so we must see them for what they are–members of Hamas.’


ed note–given its contents, an OpEd of this sort should not really need much commentary, but we’re going to do it anyway, and this despite the fact that unfortunately it will be missed by most of the Gentiles who even bother to read it.


Firsto, let the following fact be understood–


The Jew who wrote this is not an aberration, an abnormality nor a birth defect.


Nor is he an ‘apostate’ seeking to ‘do harm’ to ‘authentic Judah-ism’, as con artists such as these types–



–in responding to this essay would maintain…


Nor is he a ‘Talmudic’ Jew, as various individuals who run their own protection racket for the Torah (Old Testament) would maintain…


He might be–as some will doubtless throw into the discussion–a ‘Khazar’ Jew, but this is of no importance whatsoever.


As far as him being ‘Jew-ish’, he is ‘the real deal’ as the saying goes, and he has the receipts to prove it, and particularly when he states that–


‘The Bible has rules of war which command that the men, women and children of the enemy are to be annihilated…Abraham didn’t spare the children of Sodom, nor did Saul spare the children of the Amalekites…’


That’s not ‘Talmud’, ladies and Gentile-men, that’s Torah, meaning the Old Testament, and represents the foundational basis for Judah-ism that predates Herzl and Netanyahu by about 3,000+ years.


And he’s absolutely right–that ‘old time religion’ which Jews like him follow is very clear on the matter of Jews murdering Gentile children, to wit–


‘When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are to possess and drives out the many nations larger and stronger than you, and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. Do not save alive anything that breathes…Do not intermarry with them…Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons…Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their idols in the fire, for you are a people holy to the Lord your God who has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession…’ –Book of Deuteronomy


Now, for the sake of consistency, make sure to keep that one line in mind, L&G–


‘You must destroy them totally, make no treaty with them, show them no mercy, and save alive nothing that breathes…’


Now, the reason this is important is not necessarily because of what it is that this devout and religious Jew is writing, but rather what will inevitably be the Gentile reaction to it, assuming it is even read at all.


There will be shock, (some) there will be outrage, (a little)  but will there be any change in how the source of all of this–the Torah Judah-ism itself–is viewed and understood?


Perish the thought, Gentile readers…


From nearly every corner will come the obligatory parade of false prophets, clowns, and self-declared ‘experts’, some of them Gentiles, some of them Jews, announcing that not only this essay, but as well, ANY essay that speaks in the same diabolical tongue in advocating the slaughter of innocents and using the religious commandments of Judah-ism as the justified basis for doing so are ‘perversions’ of ‘authentic’ Judah-ism and that therefore no one should pay any mind nor devote any attention to such writings.


Some, of the Christian variety, will do the fliparoo-switcharoo and say this is all a ‘Talmud’ thing, even though it is as clear as day that the Torah (Old Testament) is being referenced. Others of the Neturei Karta/Jewish Voice for Peace/Not In Our Name/Code Pink varieties will say that the author of this OpEd is ‘taking things out of context’ and that ‘authentic Judah-ism’ is a religion of peace, love, brotherhood/sisterhood, unicorns, eskimo-kisses, rainbows and platitudes of ‘love thy neighbor’.


The bottom line however, ladies and Gentile-men, is that they are all LYING, each and every one of them.


The Jew who wrote this is correct. ‘Authentic’ Judah-ism as it has existed for the last 3,000+ years commands the ‘annihilation’–borrowing the exact word used by the author–of Gentiles, including their children, and it is this religious commandment found within Torah Judah-ism that serves as the fuel NOT ONLY for the present genocide taking place in Gaza today by the Jewish state, but as well, for what the Pirates of Judea plan to do to the rest of the world tomorrow.


And, sad to say, the Jews will most likely get what they want, and not because they are so powerful, but rather due to the fact that the Gentiles simply refuse to understand and embrace the UGLY TRUTH for what it is on this matter.


Rather than allowing reality to work her necessary magic, the Gentiles choose instead to gluttonously swallow a smorgasbord of lies that are served up to them by those who are their sworn enemies and who consecrated themselves to the destruction of Gentiledom thousands of years before this OpEd was written.


We’ve said it before, ladies and Gentile-men, and we’ll say it again–The world’s ‘Jewish’ problem isn’t Jewish at all, it’s Gentile.



Leonie Ben Simon for Israel National News


The world sees the poor little children of Gaza. It is being broadcast live on the media. Never mind the false and inflated figure, at least some children in Gaza are suffering.


‘How can children be responsible,’ you ask? ‘They need to be saved.’ You don’t sleep. You pity them. So do most decent human beings.


The Bible, on the other hand, has rules of war which command that the men, women and children of the enemy are to be annihilated.


Abraham didn’t try to save the children of Sodom, nor did Saul spare the children of the Amalekites.


How is that?


Children in Gaza, you say? Yes, they are born innocent, as are all children. But then you must understand that they are not your children. They are provided an education by their parents and their whole society which directs them from babyhood to grow up to annihilate the Jews of Israel and of the world. Little Mohammed will grow up to be a big Mohammed, a Hamas soldier, supported by his mother and the other women in his life.


After the murders, rapes, burning and mutilations of Israeli adults, children and babies, the whole of Gaza celebrated. That included Gaza’s children. Gazan children hit and taunted crying young Israeli hostages in a quickly removed video clip.


Are there innocents there? Previously, in a free and democratic election, their parents, chose to elect Hamas.


You are not bringing up their children. They are not yours. They are being brought up to hate, to murder and unless other countries take them (and none seem to want them) we have to change our mindset and stop seeing them as poor little children, but rather to see them for what they are, which is part of Hamas.


Difficult for you? No one is intentionally harming Gazan children, Israeli soldiers and pilots do not fire if they see children, even when they are used as human shields.


But look at the thousands of children dying in Sudan, and the photos of dead Jewish children in the Holocaust. Over one million. Did anyone help them?


The Gazans are responsible for their own children. We did not see them protest when Hamas placed launchers in schools and in their homes.


The United Nations has been responsible for funding their warmongering education.


Israel does not target children and warns Gazans to move prior to entering their cities in the war. Those who do not evacuate are responsible for what happens to their children.


You must understand this after how Hamas treated our truly innocent children, little ones brought up on songs of peace and beauty: It is either us or them.

4 thoughts on “Kristol Clear Judah-ism–‘We Jews are commanded to annihilate our enemies, and yes, that includes children’”
  1. The words making up the ed note commentary on the piece are equal in importance to the words of the essay itself.

    The author is correct–the ‘mystery’ of the Jewish problem is very simple–the Jews follow a diabolical religion that commands diabolical behavior on their part, behavior which they have been all too willing to put into action throughout the history of their stay here on this Gentile planet.

    The diabolical tenets of their religion did not begin with the Talmud but rather with Moses and his 5 books, or rather, the 5 books credited to his authorship.

    The Gentiles have had thousands of years to do the very simple math on all of this, and yet, even now, as the teeth on the crocodile are being bared for the whole world to see, con artist after con artist comes forward and gives ridiculous explanations as to why the violence taking place is not the result of Judaism but rather something else, and the Gentiles believe it!

    The editor is correct–the Jewish problem is Gentile in nature.

  2. Such a primitive religious cult. Abraham would be so proud of their continued backwards satanic thinking…… Just read the headline again….. let it sink in the next time you see the star of Rephan displayed on your senators lapel pin next to the US flag.
    “Kristol Clear Judah-ism–‘We Jews are commanded to annihilate our enemies, and yes, that includes children’”

  3. According to the jews and their books, jews have a right to murder anyone who is not a jew or enslave all non jewsD

  4. The genius of Jesus. Jesus is responsible for the most famous religion in the world. How did he do it? Well, if people who actually read the bible will note that he was asked by his apostles, “Rabbi, which of the commandments of Moses is the most important” (paraphrased as English is a couple of translations away from the original words and the gospels were written long after Jesus was walking the Earth). His reply, “Love God and love your neighbor)
    Jesus received his religious training in the 20 or so years unaccounted for in the gospels. It is believed he was hanging out with the Essenes. A non-violent sect of Israelites that didn’t like the ‘elders’ or the Sadducees and the Pharisees and what they were teaching.
    You could argue that the Essenes were more like native tribal peoples in some of their beliefs but not war like amongst any peoples.
    Jesus was never violent except for beating the money changers in the Temple. He didn’t kill anyone and invited everyone to become a ‘Son of God’ like he.
    Jeusu was truly a man of peace and welcomed all.
    Also, Abraham did not kill anyone in Sodom or Gomora, that would have been God, an Action of the Universe or ‘natural phenomena’ however you wish to believe.
    The Bible is more like a library of books, just like English is more an amalgam of Languages, and I still question the Bible, especially the writings of Paul and the books of the old testament.
    The four Gospels, however, are my favorites and an easy read. Read those words before you buy into this article and judge a people on incomplete and erroneous intent.
    Yes there are people of all stripes and types that name war as the way of their religion, but I ascertain that a pious person of any belief is a good and peaceful person.

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