The real motive for Amalek’s attacking the Jews was to lure them into sexual transgression.

ed note–mamma mia, where do we even begin….

So, as the reader will plainly see, one of the main points our deranged Hebraic essayist is trying to convey here is that it is the GOYIM of the world, not the ‘children of Israel’, who are responsible for the tidal wave of sexual licentiousness, pornography, promoting of the sodomite lifestyle, etc, etc, etc that has turned the world as we know it, at least in the ‘Christian West’, into the sewer that it has become.

Naturally, he does not go into explaining the mechanics of how this has taken place, conveniently leaving out the fact that Hollywood, the mainstream media, powerful groups promoting all shades of deviant lifestyles and debauchery (that were either started by those of the Hebraic persuasion or else taken over by them soon thereafter) are gripped 666% by the organized forces of anti-Gentilism and not–as our deranged follower of Judaism states, the ‘Goyim’.

Of course anyone operating with as much as a micro-millimeter’s worth of semi-conscious mental energy knows that it isn’t ‘the goyim’ who own Hollywood and all the mood-altering/mind-altering/morals-obliterating substances it produces, toxins that have poisoned to near-death the moral health of the West.

Therefore, one must ask the simple question ‘HOW’ a person living in the 21st century can come up with a whopper such as this, a question for which there is a very simple to understand/simple to memorize little catch-phrase which we pioneered here many, many moons ago which is that




Now, in further underscoring just how far off the reservation our deranged follower of Judaism is on this issue, let us consider just a few examples of the ‘sexual purity’ with which the ‘children of Israel’ have role-modeled the entire course of human history since they first appeared on the scene like a nasty rash that comes as a ‘freebie’ for those infected with syphillus.

–Within the very first book of the ‘family album’ telling the story of the ‘children of Israel’, we run into the story of Abraham, the ‘big kahuna’ who started the whole ‘children of Israel’ saga, selling his wife Sarah as a prostitute to Egypt’s Pharaoh, intimating to him that she was ‘clean’ due to her status as his ‘sister’, a lie which Pharaoh discovered only after his entire household came down with VD. After the 2 are kicked out of Egypt–the first recorded case of ‘anti-Shemitism’–they try the very same con-game in a place galled Gerer.

–A few pages later, Abraham’s son Isaac attempts to sell his wife Rebeccah as a prostitute, having learned a thing or two from ‘pops’.

–Not long afterwards, Lott, Abraham’s nephew, gives his 2 virgin daughters away to a group of gang bangers from the city of Sodom, instructing the soon-to-be-rapists to ‘abuse them as you see fit’. The 2 daughters, after being traumatized thus, conspire to get their father drunk so they can have sex with him–twice.

–King David, the ‘Capo di tutti Capi’ as far as the followers of Judaism are concerned, lusts after a woman–Bathsheba–so much so that he has her husband Uriah–his BEST FRIEND–murdered so that he can bed her.

Besides the above, we have various other personalities who obviously were a lil’ anemic in the ‘sexual purity department’, including Esther herself who figures as the heroine of the Purim tale who played the prostitute with the Persian king in order to ascend the steps of power in that kingdom.

But even more relevant and close to home, we have this–

And this–

Ukraine’s president no less…

And this, the adorable ‘Schlep Sisters’–

And this–

And this–

And this–

And this–

And this–

And this–

And this–

And on, and on, and ON, AND ON, AND ON…


Ok, so much for our deranged Hebraic writer’s assertion that it is the Goyim who suffer from some measure of sexual restraint as well as the notion that the corruption of society through the UNCONTESTED AND INCONTESTABLE control of mass media is anything other than an Hebraic affair.


Amalek encompasses both Ishmael and Esav…Amalek is the embodiment of the impurity of the primordial serpent, and so in order to perfect the world, Amalek must be destroyed…

Now, lots of strange names being thrown about here, so allow us to explain them and bring the picture into better focus.

The Jews are instructed to ‘remember Amalek’ and–as the Torah makes PATENTLY CLEAR, they are to ‘wipe out’ Amalek and his seed forever. Please note, this is not a ‘Talmud thing’, but from the Torah, a very important distinction for those out there who have bought into the (false) notion that the problem with Judaism and its followers today is that they no longer adhere to the teachings of Moses represented in the first 5 books of the Old Testament.

Simply not true and anyone alleging such a thing is either a fool or a liar.

Now, all this deranged and psychotic ‘wiping out of Amalek’ would not necessarily be the problem that it is if ‘Amalek’ no longer existed. 

The ugly truth of the matter however is that within the mind thoroughly pickled on the toxic and highly-acidic brine of Judaism, ‘Amalek’ is alive and well these days, represented in ‘Ishmael’ and ‘Esau’, as our deranged Hebraic writer makes Kristol clear.

Mind you as well, his ‘understanding’ of this, the assigning of ‘Amalek’ to ‘Ishmael’ and ‘Esau’ is not out-of-the-mainstream, as virtually ALL, repeat, ALL–Jewish ‘sources’ state the exact same thing.

Now, the question at this point becomes–Who is Ishmael and who is Esau?

In short, Ishmael is represented by the ‘AY-rabs’, which includes the Persians, Turks, and others of the Islamic/Semitic classification,


Esau is represented by the followers of Jesus Christ and principally those of European descent.

In other words, the followers of Judaism are commanded to wipe out the seed of Amalek, or as our deranged Hebraic author makes Kristol Clear–

…in order to perfect the world, Amalek must be destroyed…

Now, lest some naive Gentile assume this is all gibberish and with no basis in ‘authentic’ Judaism, which is peace, love, altruism, hugs, kisses, butterflies, unicorns, etc and the basis of all ‘moral order’ on earth and whose followers would never, ever, NEVERFREAKINGEVER engage in the complete destruction of the Islamic and Christian civilizations, please consider just a few ‘prophecies’ going back THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF YEARS that were ‘baked’ into the radioactive cake of Judaism long before there was this thing known as ‘Zionism’, the ‘state of Israel’, Hollywood, and–as all are witnessing right now–WWIII featuring the descendants of Esau made up by Europe, America, Russia, etc, etc, etc, who are presently turning their guns towards each other, including nuclear weapons and which can go ‘live’ at any second–

On Mount Zion there will be deliverance and the house of Jacob will reclaim its possession…Then the house of Jacob will be a blazing fire, and the house of Joseph a burning flame and the house of Esau will be reduced to mere stubble, for Jacob will set it ablaze and consume it and no survivor will remain from the house of Esau, for the LORD has spoken…Obadiah

As well as–

On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot in a woodpile, like a flaming torch among the sheaves; they will consume all the peoples around them on the right and on the left, while the people of Jerusalem remain secure there…Zechariah


Tzvi Fishman for Israel National News

Purim is almost upon us, when we Jews have the Torah obligation to remember what Amalek did to us when we departed from Egypt.

Remember what Amalek did to you by the way, when you were coming out of Egypt, how he met you by the way and smote the hindmost of you, all that were feeble in your rear, when you were faint and weary, and he feared not G-d…

What is it that we are supposed to remember? Our Sages explain that Amalek endeavored to lure the Jewish People into sexual transgression and thus sever Israel’s connection to Hashem, Heaven forbid.

Today, the spirit of Amalek in the world is still trying to uproot the Covenant of the Brit from Israel by exporting all of its immoral culture and pornography to the Holy Land and through the promotion of homosexuality and other perverse and unholy practices.

Furthermore, throughout the Diaspora, the spirit of Amalek is working overtime to lure the Jews into the grave transgression of interfaith relationships. Like their spiritual fathers before them, these modern-day spiritual sons of Amalek are hoping that this pollution will sever our connection with G-d, leaving us vulnerable prey to their ever-evil designs of destroying our holy nation, and thus eradicating the Presence of G-d in the world.

Usually, during their pre-Purim sermons, Rabbis explain the understanding of the verse. It is written that the Hebrew for ‘how he met you by the way’ – ‘karcha baderech’ – comes from the word ‘kar’ meaning cold. Thus in attacking Israel, Amalek showed the nations of the world that, notwithstanding all of the miracles in Egypt, the Jewish People were not invincible, just as when an evil-minded person jumps into a scalding bathtub, even though he be burnt, he cools it off for others to follow after him.

But there are explanations of Rashi which precede it. Rashi’s first explanation is that ‘karcha’ derives from the Hebrew word, ‘mikre,’ meaning happenstance. In other words, Amalek attacked the Jews just for the sake of attacking, for seemingly no real reason, since the Jews were not threatening to conquer Amalek’s land.

The strategy of Amalek, in the past, and once again today, is to destroy the Jewish People by luring us into sexual transgression and seminal pollution. Our sages teach us that Amalek lured the Jews into homosexual transgression, then cut off their ‘milot,’ the sign of their circumcision. They conclude that the protective Clouds of Glory spit out these Jews who were feeble because of their sexual sins. These were the Jews whom Amalek killed.

What does this mean?

Amalek’s principal goal in going to war against Israel was to banish sexual purity from the world, represented by the brit milah, or ritual circumcision. The brit milah is considered the seal of G-d, stamping the Jewish People with the Name of G-d, whereas the nation of Amalek represents the spirit of evil in the world, the impure that prevents the light of G-d from entering the world.

This explains why the Name of G-d cannot be fully revealed in the world until Amalek is obliterated.

By fighting against the sexual purity of Israel, Amalek damages the Brit, as if returning the impurity to its place, causing G-d’s Name to depart from the world.

The Brit is the spiritual channel that brings Divine blessing into the world and damaging this blessing through sexual transgression was and is Amalek’s plan. But as long as Israel guarded the Brit, the Clouds of Glory, also derived from the Divine blessing, guarded over them hermetically.

Were Israel to lose its Divine protection, it could be defeated in war. The holiness of the Israeli camp, exemplified by its sexual purity, is the key to its defense, as it says, ‘For the L-rd thy G-d walks in the midst of thy camp, to deliver thee, and to give up thy enemies from before thee, therefore shall thy camp be holy, that He see no unclean thing in thee, and turn away from thee’ (Devarim, 23:15). When the Clouds of Glory cast out the unchaste of Israel, Amalek was waiting to fulfill its evil design.

The Zohar asks, ‘What is the reason that the war that Amalek waged against Israel was singled out for remembering by the Holy One Blessed Be He, more than all the wars that all other nations waged against Israel? The Zohar answers that Amalek waged both a physical war against Israel and a spiritual war, in order to defile Israel’s sexual purity and thus alienate them from G-d’ (Zohar, Shemot 194b).

The Zohar continues:

‘How do we know this? Because it is written, ‘how he met you by the way.’ The meaning of karcha can be understood from its alternate form mikre, as in the verse, ‘If there be among you any man that is not pure by reason of impurity that chances (mikre) by night’ (Devarim, 23:11) Amalek set against you the evil serpent on high in order to defile you on all sides. And if Moshe had not waged a mighty spiritual battle on high, and Yehoshua a mighty war down below, Israel would not have been able to overcome him. It is for this reason that the Holy One Blessed Be He insisted on preserving the memory of this hatred from generation to generation. What is the reason? Because Amalek strove to uproot the sign of the Brit (Israel’s sexual purity) from its place’ (Ibid).

Accordingly, Moshe chose Joshua, who came from the descendants of Josef, the upholder of the Brit, who conquered his sexual passion, to wage war against Amalek.

The Zohar relates how Bilaam also would enter a defiled state in order to cast his curses on Israel. It was Bilaam who advised Balak to send the daughters of Moav to whore with the Children of Israel, in order to estrange them from G-d, and thus pave the way for their slaughter. Bilaam understood that the G-d of the Jewish People hates licentiousness more than anything else. The Zohar teaches that Bilaam and Balak were rooted in Amalek, whose spelling is contained in letters of their names (Zohar, Bereshit 25a). In adopting the strategy of Amalek, they succeeded in bringing about the death of 24,000 Jews. It was Pinchas who saved the day, upholding the Brit by killing Zimri and preventing him from leading the nation into further sexual transgression.

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov teaches that in being ‘reishit goyim Amalek,’ the leader of the peoples, Amalek encompasses both Ishmael and Esav. Amalek is the embodiment of the impurity of the primordial serpent who brought about the downfall of Adam and Eve by wiling them into sexual lust and transgression.

Ever since then, the task of mankind has been to rectify this sin, through tikun habrit. All of life depends on this (‘Likutei Halachot,’ Purim, 3). Leaving Egypt, we held up the banner of the Brit, the emblem of sexual purity. With the arrival of the Nation of Israel on the center stage of history, it was going to be a new and brighter world. But the minute we let down our guard, and our faith in G-d, Amalek, the primordial serpent, attacked, returning the world to darkness. Amalek, and his descendants, have no tikun, so in order to perfect the world, Amalek must be destroyed.

The holy Sage and Kabbalist, Rabbi Tzaddok HaKohen of Lublin, explains the evils of Amalek in several works. He explains that Amalek and Esav dominate in the world when Israel falls from its Divine stature through sexual transgression (‘Resisae Lilah,’ 23:1). When this occurs, holiness recedes from the world, and mankind is shrouded by an outer covering of evil. This is because holiness can only be found in a place that is detached from sexual sin, and this can only be found in Israel. Rabbi Tzaddok explains that ever since the sin of Adam, mankind was infested with lust. The brit milah was given to the Nation of Israel as a tikun, to rectify the world from its fallen state. Sexuality for the Jewish People was to be a commandment in the service of G-d, sanctifying the act and the holy offspring who would derive from it. This was what Amalek was seeking to erase from the world when they came and tempted the weakest Jews, hoping to show that the Jews were no different than the other nations in their submission to animal passions and lust. Amalek could not tolerate that there could be a nation, Israel, that sanctified the sexual act. They could not tolerate the idea that G-d had a part in this too (Ibid, 48:17-20) ..And this was Amalek’s goal, to remove the Presence of G-d from the world, so that mankind could be free to wallow in its lusts and evil inclination (Rabbi Tzaddok, ‘Takanat Hashavin,’ 10:13).

Rabbi Tzaddok explains that we read the portion of remembering Amalek before Purim on Shabbat Zachor in order to awaken Israel’s sanctity in regards to the Brit, because when this sanctity rises, then the impurity of Amalek falls, paving the way for his destruction on Purim (‘Yisrael Kiddoshim,’ 8:27).

This is what we have to remember, and guard against, and fight with education and counseling, to repel this plague of spiritual pollution from our borders, from our streets, and from our homes, via the written, spoken and visual media. This is what our Rabbis must teach from this Torah portion in order to alert the nation to this poisonous threat that undermines the very foundation of our existence – the Covenant of sexual purity that G-d established with our forefather Avraham and his offspring after him, to be a holy nation in the Holy Land. This is the deeper implications of Yeshivat Har Etzion’s Rav Yaakov Meidan’s recent position paper on the Torah attitude to LGBT. It is by sanctifying our lives that we blot out the memory of Amalek, and in so doing, the L-rd G-d of Israel shall be One, and His Name shall be One – King over all of the earth.

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