Other lands do not have a soul, do not possess a life force or express something living as does Eretz Yisrael

ed note–again, one of the MOST IMPORTANT OpEds flitting about on the internet these days proffering a vulture’s eye view of the kind of holy hell that is headed our way (as if there wasn’t enough already) but one which, sad to say, will get SCANT attention/discussion save for the nutjob website where it originally appeared and this humble little informational endeavor right here.

As it is with virtually all ‘bad deals’, it is the ‘fine print’ contained in that contract (poorly read and poorly understood by the future victim and written in that future victim’s blood beforehand) that serves as the ‘on switch’ that starts the piece of machinery that eventually destroys the one in favor of the other. Like the proverbial ‘easy loan’ with no money down, low INTRODUCTORY interest (usury) rates and ‘easy payment terms’ that at some point morphs into the debtor tying a noose around the neck of the borrower and foreclosing (stealing) everything the borrower owns, likewise it is the ‘fine print’ in OpEds such as this, penned by a proud member of the most powerful and destructive doomsday cult in human history that should–in a sane, intelligent and rational world–feature as the topic of discussion in every church, mosque, news commentary program and even discussion at the dinner table.

Now as far the particulars of the piece itself, nota bene the following–

‘The soul of Eretz Yisrael’…

Sounds so nice, so lofty, so, ‘godly’, ‘spiritual’ and, well, ‘heavenly’, like the ‘spirit of love’ and ‘spirit of compassion’, and ‘spirit of brotherhood’, etc, etc, etc…

Until the reader understands that the deranged Hebraic writer is not speaking figuratively or, as he himself says in the piece, ‘metaphorically’. He is speaking LITERALLY of the ‘soul’ of ‘Eretz Israel’ as if it were a living person, endowed with specific rights.

Now, some–in this age of diminishing collective IQ–will inevitably say, ‘BFD, no harm to me…’

Au contraire…

These deranged thoughts are not his alone, but rather represent the FOUNDATIONAL BASIS and ELECTRICAL CURRENT that has driven all actions–especially war and Gentile-cide of the indigenous Ishamaelites already living there–on the part of the ‘Jewish state’ and which at present are driving all human civilization towards the cliff of its own destruction in the form of war, economic, cultural, and civilizational collapse.

Now, again, those less well-versed on the subject matter here, will ask how this tiny, seemingly insignificant piece of geography, in some places only 12 miles wide, could be the source of so much global instability and chaos.

The answer lies right in front of the reader’s eyes in that one preceding word ‘Eretz’, which–when properly applied, transforms that tiny piece of geography as it PRESENTLY exists into a giant landmass larger than the state of Texas that appears thus–

And herein lies ‘the rub’.

The followers of Judaism, the ‘children of Israel’ as they like to fawningly refer to themselves, have every intention of stealing every square inch of that ‘promised land’ lying between the Nile and Euphrates rivers as explicitly laid out within the ‘protocols’ of their various prophecies, to wit–

On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abraham, saying ‘To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates’…

Now, besides the crazy talk of expanding the present ‘property lines’ of the Jewish state outward and in the process, violating the rights of a billion or so Arabs, Persians, Turks, etc presently residing on that real estate and all the trouble that such a land-grab is sure to cause, there is that other ‘crazy talk’ associated with this piece that unfortunately far too few Gentiles seem to take an interest in understanding properly, i.e. the ‘personification’ and ‘humanization’ of the Jewish state.

As we like to point out here often on this humble little informational endeavor, Judaism–as its followers/addicts like to remind us on a regular basis–is not like other Gentile religions. It is an all-or-nothing/do-or-die spiritual energy that has no use for ideals such as ‘live and let live’ or ‘to each his/her own’. It is MESSIANIC in its nature and has ‘plans’ for the rest of us that far exceed the present problems that this Jewish state already causes/creates, not the least of which is total worldwide domination of its precepts and complete submission/subjugation to its political will, to wit–

For the nation which will not bow down and serve you shall perish, it shall be utterly destroyed…
–Book of Isaiah

And lest some think that all of this is merely some ‘academic’ exercise rooted in some lofty and otherwise useless business of intellectual curiosity that has no tangible attachment to the ‘real world’ and therefore no bearing on events taking place today, keep in mind–the world now rests on the razor’s edge of Armageddon and has been brought to this razor’s edge by those who believe that the ‘soul’ of Eretz Israel demands such a thing.

Israel National News

This is the inventory for the tabernacle, the tabernacle of the testimony, which was recorded at Moshe’s command. It was the work of the Levites under the direction of Itamar son of Aaron the priest.

The Midrash asks why the word Mishkan (‘Tabernacle’) is repeated in the verse, and answers that it teaches that the earthly tabernacle is located opposite the heavenly one.

Rabbinic commentary refers to the Heavenly Tabernacle/Temple, which is located above the earthly one, and towards the end of the Torah, adds the concept of the Heavenly Eretz Yisrael, which is located above the earthly Land.

What is the meaning of these concepts? What are the Heavenly Eretz Yisrael and the Heavenly Temple? What is the significance of the parallel between the heavenly and earthly Eretz Yisrael?


The Soul of Eretz Yisrael

We can explain the concept of Heavenly Eretz Yisrael as a spiritual concept, reflecting an existing reality, and not merely as a metaphor. When we speak of the Heavenly Tabernacle/Temple, we must be aware of the fact that we are dealing with spiritual, not tangible things. Concerning the Heavenly Eretz Yisrael as well, we cannot superimpose our image of Eretz Yisrael on the Heavenly Eretz Yisrael. The heavenly worlds are exclusively spiritual.

The Heavenly Eretz Yisrael is the soul of the material/earthly Eretz Yisrael, the life force of the Land. Eretz Yisrael is a living land, which expands as Am Yisrael (the Nation of Israel) increases its numbers within her and contracts when they are exiled from her.

As well, the Land spits out those who sin excessively within her and she will generously provide fruit to those who come to her at the time of redemption. It is written that the fruit of the Land is endowed with the sanctity of Eretz Yisrael; the tangible fruits instill a fear of heaven in those who partake of them, due to the sanctity of the Heavenly Land.

This, then, is the meaning of the spiritual reality of the Heavenly Eretz Yisrael and its location directly above the earthly Eretz Yisrael. Just as God put a soul into each human being and it is that soul which gives each person his individuality and his basic qualities, so too the Creator endowed Eretz Yisrael with a soul, making her a living land, which influences those who live within her. The Land is possessed of unique traits and characteristics which suit her lofty sanctity.

We should note that other lands do not have a soul. They neither possess a life force nor express something living. They are completely inanimate.

The will of Eretz Yisrael is expressed by her spitting out sinners and the success of the righteous dwelling within her. This vitality is unique only to Eretz Yisrael and can be found only within her soil, trees and rocks.

Eretz Yisrael is called the Land of the living, while the other lands are called ‘the world’.



We have offered here an explanation of the concept of the Heavenly Eretz Yisrael and its correspondence to the earthly Land as the reality of soul and body; the force which gives the Land vitality is that which gives her the aspects of life which are suited to her unique material aspect.


May Our Eyes See

Three times daily we pray ‘May our eyes see Your return to Zion.’ The simple meaning of the prayer is our request that God quickly return to Jerusalem, and that we will see and experience His return.

We Jews ask God to help us see the life force of Eretz Yisrael in its full strength and merit seeing the complete realization of the spiritual ideal of Eretz Yisrael with the entire nation settled within her in accordance with the tribal divisions given us by Yehoshua bin Nun (Joshua) and to see how recognition of the complete truth emanates from Jerusalem and Eretz Yisrael to the entire world, as Isaiah prophesied–

And many nations shall say ‘Come, let us ascend to the Lord’s mountain, to the house of the God of Jacob, and let Him teach us of His ways, and we shall go in His paths,’ for out of Zion shall the Torah come forth, and the law of the Lord from Jerusalem.’

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