ed note–as we have counseled for many, many years–and particularly in divining what it is that DJT, POTUS has in mind with regards to coming to some sort of PRACTICAL resolution to what has been up to this point a completely intractable situation involving the Jews and the Arabs in the MENA–it is of utmost importance that people NOT allow themselves to get caught up in their emotions, NOT surrender their capacity for rational/independent thought to whatever groupthink happens to pervade the identity politics they happen to embrace, and to instead step back and look at the bigger picture in getting a better grasp of just what the hell it is that Trump, Inc is trying to do here.
First, the popular notion that DJT POTUS is merely a ‘tool’ for Judea is patently false and all anyone need do in figuring out the very simple political math involved in this is to consider–again, without all the emotionalism and identity politics groupthink–how those institutions/groups which are owned lock/stock/barrel by Jewish interests have dealt with him since he announced his candidacy.
The NeoCons–from Kristol to Frum to the Kagans to Rubin to Cohen to Boot and ALL THE INSTITUTIONS THEY CONTROL, including the JMSM and all the apparati used in seducing the American people into accepting the ‘war on terror’–despise him and were the operating force first in trying to scuttle his election as POTUS and then, having failed thus, have functioned as the operating force in getting him Impeached. They are all singularly united in bringing up Biden from the rear in trying to rob DJT of the overwhelming electoral mandate he is sure to receive in any political contest with Bernie Sanders and are the driving force behind the manufactured Corona virus panic and subsequent attempted collapse of the market in order to usher in a true ‘puppet’ for OJI in the person of Joe Biden or whoever.
Having said this, the comments attributed to Kushner concerning DJT’s ‘peace plan’ and in particular how it aims to halt Jewish settlement (theft) of Palestine is of VITAL importance for several reasons, to wit–
1. A very simple and rudimentary examination of the ‘birth’ of the Jewish state reveals many things, but the most important within the context of this discussion is the fact that all territorial gain in creating the Jewish state has been done as a result of one thing–WAR. Whether it is pre-partition, ’48, ’67’ or whatever, Israel NEEDS war like a vampire needs blood in order to not only expand her borders, but as well to hold together what would otherwise be a failed state, just as every other attempt throughout history to bring about a stable political system based upon the precepts of Torah Judaism has failed from within and from without.
Having said this, it is obvious then why there has been OVERWHELMING opposition to DJT and to his plans involving the Middle East and in creating the one thing which Judea, Inc has never/does not now/never will recognize–BORDERS.
2. The commonly chirped statement on the part of identity politickers that Trump’s peace deal was done to ‘please’ Benjamin Netanyahu is categorically false. Yes, Nutty Netty clapped his hands, smiled, said nice things about Trump’s ‘ultimate peace deal’ but it was all theatrics and yet another manifestation of the ‘by way of deception, we shall make war’ paradigm that governs all Judaic maneuvering.
The details of this plan being unveiled immediately before the elections in Israel was the equivalent of Trump handing Netanyahu a bomb with a lit fuse, given that the largest base of support Netanyahu enjoys in Israel are the right-wing religious nutters who CATEGORICALLY reject any and all discussion of a ‘Palestinian’ state, whether it is in Palestine or on Pandora, the fictional planet featured in the movie Avatar.
Now, HAVING SAID THIS, it is obvious then why Judea, Inc and all its tentacled operatives have moved as one body, spoken as one mouth and thought with one mind when it comes to the person of DJT, POTUS, and not based upon his policies on immigration, the 2nd Amendment, his ‘racism’ or his ‘misogyny,’ but rather due to his plans in caging the monster of the MENA known as Judea in the interests of preventing universal, global Armageddon.
Israel National News