ed note–our sincerest, deepest and most embarrassed apologies that we did not see this when it was first published, but in our own defense, those were some very heady days when OpEds such as this were being machine-gunned into the daily discourse in the run-up to the election of DJT as POTUS.

As we made a point of discussing during the 1-year ordeal of DJT’s campaign and then his 4 years as POTUS, the ‘Neo-Conservatives’, or ‘NeoCons’ for short, were as conspicuous as a 55-alarm fire in their militant, visceral and VOLCANIC opposition to him.

‘Luminaries’ such as Kristol, the portly Kagan brothers, David Frum, Jennifer Rubin, Eliot Cohen, Chuckie Krauthammer and a viper’s nest of other unpleasant semi-humanoid reptilian-types working for Netanyahu and for Judea, Inc who completely authored and put into motion the entire ‘War on Terror’ following 9/11 were as loud & proud/large & in charge as a hurricane in their attempt at first trying to prevent DJT’s nomination and then, having failed in that endeavor, orchestrating both impeachments, a stolen election and all the murder and mayhem that has taken place following Israel’s release of ‘Corona’ just 2 days after DJT announced his plans of reigning in the Jewish state and preventing WWIII.

As already stated, all of this AND MORE was impossible to avoid noting, or at least, to those who bothered paying attention.

Now, as far as Kristol’s piece below, let us–with the wisdom and clarity that comes as a package deal with many years of hindsight– plug this into our understanding of what took place.

FIRST AND FOREMOST what the reader needs to understand is what kind of ‘Jew’ Kristol is. The heavily-sanitized term ‘NeoCon’, which Kristol wears like some filthy, lice-ridden beard that typifies most ‘frum’ garb, doesn’t go nearly far enough in painting an accurate picture. Like the term ‘lady of the evening’ used in (politely) describing a hooker or ‘performance artist’ used in (delicately) describing a porn star, the term ‘Neo-Conservative’ all by itself leaves out not just sentences, paragraphs, pages and chapters of additional and necessary info, but indeed, ENTIRE BOOKS about who they really are and what they are about.

What they are can be described in 5 simple words–


They work for Likud and for Netanyahu and to that end, for decades have been tasked with the secret/not-so-secret mission of maneuvering America (and the West in general) into the kind of war posture which the Jewish state needs in order to bring about her long-planned for Armageddon that will then throw open the doors to her long-planned-for ‘redemption’ (i.e. theft of the entire Middle East) in exact accordance with those ‘prophecies’ laid out in the Old Testerment.

And to that end, Kristol & Co collectively referred to here as ‘NeoCon, Inc’ knew that what DJT represented was the WASP money class/power stratum within the American political system that had reached the end of its endurance with the entire ‘war for Israel’ thing that functions as the beating heart of NeoCon, Inc and why therefore DJT had to go before he doused too much water on the fire they had lit on 9/11.

A few schmorsels from Kristol’s piece–

I did what I thought was right, for Judaism and for my country, by helping George W. Bush become president, because he was ‘good for Israel.’ I wrote influential op-eds, I went on TV, I obfuscated and I apologized for war crimes.


Should be self-explanatory, but for the benefit of dotting all the ‘I’s and crossing all the ‘T’s we’ll explain.


‘…for Judaism and my country’


–Kristol is stating in Kristol-clear terms that he works for Israel.


‘…by helping GHB become president’


–Per the agreement that GHB made with Israel during the campaign that if they put him into office, he would give them the war they wanted.


‘…I obfuscated and I apologized for war crimes’


–Kristol validating in Kristol-clear language what we say here often as a warning to Gentiles whenever they are considering some piece of highly-processed misinformation/disinformation from any source percentaged as little as a mere 1 in 1,000 with those of the Judaic pedigree, which is that






These Republicans are dirty. They are animals. They are treyf.


–‘Treyf’, for those disadvantaged Gentiles not fluent in the diabolical language and terminology of Judaism means ‘unkosher’ as in ‘swine’.




WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?’ I wrote firmly on a Post-it, which I slapped on his desk, hard


Very, very interesting indeed…Did Kristol have reason to suspect that Horowitz’s place was bugged by the FBI, that he was suspected of being part of that espionage ring operating in NY/DC and that he had to ‘choose his words carefully’ lest he wind up on tape discussing things that might have run him afoul of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) or worse, as was the case with Jonathan Pollard?

The smart money says ‘yes’ to all the above.

And, finalmente–


The collective wisdom of my family has taken down empires and dictators…I will never surrender my commitment to advocating the invasion of various countries without provocation. The likes of Donald Trump won’t knock me down. We will have a new president, and that person will be of my choosing.


In other words, Kristol admitting to/validating what has been said about the ‘children of Israel’ going all the way back to the days of ancient Egypt in the book of Exodus, which is that they are






–and marinated-down-to-their-bone-marrow dedicated to ‘taking down the empires’ of the Gentiles, whether it is the Egyptian, the Assyrian, the Babylonian, the Greek, the Roman, the Persian, the Ottoman, the British, the Russian, the Austro-Hungarian, and, last but certainly not least, the American, which they are in the process of doing right now under the guise of a ‘doomsday’ virus concocted in an Israeli bioweapons lab.

And, finalmente, we would be terribly remiss if we did not point out that other big, ugly gorilla in the room attending all of this, which was/is/always will be the ABSOLUTE UTTER AND ABYSMAL FAILURE of those groups and individuals proudly billing themselves as being ‘wise’ to the ways of Judea who–just like their mirror-image/identical-twin imbeciles making up the ‘Sandy Hook Hoax’ brigade, WALKED RIGHT INTO THE TRAP which Kristol & co left for them with their daily, incessant, jackassed braying that DJT was ‘Israel’s choice for POTUS’ and that he was ‘owned by dJooz’.



My Name Is Bill Kristol — and How I Became a Renegade Jew

It didn’t start out that way. I was just an ordinary Jew, putting in my Jewish time, observing the Jewish calendar, mostly blowing off my Jewish responsibilities except for lip service to the faith on Yom Kippur and Passover.

But I still did what I thought was right, for Judaism and for my country, by helping George W. Bush become president, because he was ‘good for Israel.’ I wrote influential op-eds, I went on TV, I obfuscated and I apologized for war crimes.

It’s what I’d been raised to do, as a conservative Jewish intellectual.

But then one Sunday morning, I went out for bagels and then came home to a nightmare. They’d gotten to my family, the monsters. Everyone — my father Irving, my uncle Schlomo, my second cousin Leon Epstein, my daughter Shoshanna — had been viciously slandered on the Internet. Like dogs, our opinions meant nothing anymore.

After all I’d done for Judaism and for the cause, my Republican colleagues had betrayed me by supporting Donald Trump.

I had no choice.

I had to go renegade.

These Republicans are dirty. They are animals. They are treyf. I don’t recognize them anymore. This party is a sewer. Do you think you can clean it up, with your snarky Internet comments, with your memes, with your viral videos? Those are half-measures. They’re not stopping anyone, or anything.

Only a Renegade Jew can do the job. A Renegade Jew with a presidential search committee.

As I sit here on my rooftop on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, sewing up my interparty wounds with the sinew of my intellect, I wonder where it’s all gone. Where’s the Republican Party I once knew, the party of great minds and great men — of Reagan, of Dole, of Dennis Hastert? Gone, all gone. William F. Buckley won’t be riding in on his yacht to save us.

But I could be.

The other day, I went to David Horowitz’s office. I kicked the door and broke my toe. Fortunately I have a vast family fortune and good private health insurance.

I knocked. ‘Come in,’ a traitorous voice said. I went in. There sat Horowitz, behind his desk, typing his apostate words. He looked up, fear in his eyes.

‘Oh, crap,’ he said. ‘You’ve gone Renegade Jew!’

‘Damn right,’ I said. ‘Pens a-blazin’.

I leaned in toward him so that he could smell my breath mint and see my two-hour-old stubble.

‘Listen to me, you sonofabitch,’ I said. ‘You’re not going to get away with this. You’re not going to get away with anything. You will be stopped.’

‘With what army?’

‘I am the army. I am an army of one.’

Horowitz laughed so hard that he spit up little half-digested chunks of schmaltz onto his traitorous goatee. ‘Don’t you see?’ he said. ‘You’ve already lost. While you were fighting one war of words, we started another war, and then stopped that war, and then started another one.’

‘WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?’ I wrote firmly on a Post-it, which I slapped on his desk, hard. Horowitz recoiled at my all-caps.

‘Trump,’ he said. ‘I work for Trump.’

‘As I thought.’

‘We all work for Trump,’ he said, gasping.

‘Not me,’ I said. ‘I don’t work for anyone. Well, maybe for Dick Cheney.’

As I stormed out of the office, shooting dirty looks at seven or eight people, Horowitz shouted: ‘You’ll never stop Trump! He’s too powerful. Trump owns all of them, all the conservative men of letters!’

That’s a load of recycled issues of Commentary. Just because opponents are strong doesn’t mean you shouldn’t fight them. The collective wisdom of my family has taken down empires and dictators. Giving up isn’t in my vocabulary.

I will never surrender my byline, my magazine, my seats on various boards of directors, or my commitment to intellectually advocating the invasion of various countries without provocation. The anti-intellectual likes of Donald Trump won’t knock me down. We will have a new president, and that person will be of my choosing.

I am the hero America deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So they’ll hunt me, because I can take it. I am a noisy guardian. An omnipresent talk-show guest.

A Renegade Jew.

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