Likud MK Ariel Kellner: Israel’s current border with Lebanon is ‘unsustainable’


ed note–as always, several ‘must knows’ that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand about all of this.


Firsto, Israel, the Pirate State, is not worried about ‘security’, whether it is in the north near Lebanon or the south near Gaza. She thrives on instability and must maintain a state of constant tension/warfare with the ‘Ishmaelites’ in her neighborhood in the same way that a crocodile must have fresh meat to continue living. Lebanon, just like Gaza, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, is all part of ‘Eretz Israel’, and the Jews intend to steal every square hectare of it, come hell or high water, and this is the reason for the Gentile-cide now taking place in Lebanon.


Therefore when the Hebraic MK nutcase talks about ‘the current border in the North’ being ‘unsustainable’, what he is really saying in code is that ‘new borders’ are required, and those borders, quite simply are those commanded in the Torah, from the Nile river in Egypt all the way up to the Euphrates river in Iraq.


It isn’t about ‘security’ as the Jews disingenuously call it, it’s about religiously-commanded theft, despoilment, and destruction per the demands of ‘yahweh’, the violent and vindictive ‘deity’ whom the Jews believe favors them above everyone and everything else.





The IDF must occupy southern Lebanon to establish a ‘security corridor’ against Hezbollah, Likud MK Ariel Kallner demanded in an interview with Maariv on Sunday.


The coalition lawmaker called on the government, led by his faction leader Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to address tensions along the northern border by conquering Lebanese lands, from the border to as far north as the Litani River.


‘Our reality can no longer continue as it is,’ Kellner told Maariv. ‘The sole, unavoidable conclusion is that the current border in the North is unsustainable.’


Kellner further claimed that today’s border between Israel and Lebanon is curbing the government’s ability to ‘provide security for residents of northern Israel.’


When asked about the steps Israel’s military should take to destroy the threat Hezbollah poses on the North, Kellner argued that Israel has only two options: ‘We either create a ‘security zone’  by controlling the Litani River, or life in northern Israel can no longer be supported.


‘That is our equation; there is no other way around it,’ he added.


Kellner spoke to Maariv while visiting the North as part of a delegation of lawmakers from the Knesset’s Eretz Yisrael Lobby, which advocates for expanding settlements in the West Bank.



Gallant ‘not the same minister who called to bomb Lebanon’


During his visit, Kellner also attacked Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, calling on him to resign.


As per the Likud lawmaker, Gallant is ‘no longer the defense minister who spoke on bombing Lebanon back to the Stone Age’ and must be replaced.


However, Kellner stressed his support for Netanyahu, arguing that the prime minister ‘continues to seek out victory’ amid international pressure.

One thought on “Likud Lawmaker–‘Israel must occupy Lebanon or life in the North will be unsustainable’”
  1. To tuteditor,

    Do you think Israel will start to bomb the entirety of Beirut, like it did Gaza? You know she wants too and has full cooperation/support with the Pentagon and corporate media.

    ed note–in my humble, yet fairly well-informed opinion, the Judah-ites–driven as they are by the maniacal and homicidal ‘protocols’ of their Torah Judah-ism, intend to kill millions, possibly even billions of Gentiles. This is what they have been commanded to do by ‘yahweh’, the violent deity they worship, who has promised them riches and power beyond anyone’s comprehension if they do as ordered.

    So, if they do to Lebanon what they did to Gaza (and which they promised months ago they were going to do) and it takes a year, or whether they use a few tactical nukes and its over in a few seconds, it doesn’t really matter, as it is all a case of ‘mission accomplished’ either way–millions of dead Ishmaelite Gentiles.

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