ed note–yet more prima effacie evidence as to why the entire White Nationalist/Alt-Right paradigm is a compromised and controlled losing venture. For whatever inches they may gain in moving forward, they are set back miles with stunts such as this, and all anyone need do in validating for themselves that these are not ‘fake’ events manufactured by Judea, Inc in order to create/steer the narrative is to go and visit one of the many websites devoted to either of these causes and read for themselves the violent commentary that appears both on the main page and in the comments section in seeing for themselves that indeed it is the real deal.
The guy sounds like he’s retarded, though most white nationalists are.
Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin’? Like the thousands of bomb threats made to Synagogues and J-Community Centers in the US from Tel Aviv last year? They said it may have due to a “medical condition.” LOL Governer Cuomo made sure the New York Jews got about 250K immediately to protect the 6 million.
More info about the threats made on CNN by this “White Nazi” reveals that he wasn’t booked and made it home in time for dinner the same day. Perhaps the FBI in association with CNN and the “Rabbincal Council for Anti White Action” thanked him for his service.