
ed note–a TUT follower?

14 thoughts on “Man Stands Up, Shouts ‘Rubio Is Owned By Jews’ at Texas Rally”
  1. I doubt if the other guy would have put his hands on him had the guy been bigger. I sense a growing rage inside people in most places where I go. At a rally, it seems to erupt, sometimes in just a short burst, but it’s there. Being in a group of like-minded people also seems to bring it out. I wonder if this is just my own distorted perception, or if people really are much more violent post-9/11. It’s like we’re being engineered socially for the right moment for a collective response, an attack on some Arab country.

  2. It’s a great country because people can speak their mind without going to jail? WTF? They didn’t let that guy speak his mind. The pigs brought him down and hustled him out of there right quick.

  3. I must add to CKs of mmrnt…?all the man dared say was ” Jew” ,and ” control ” , and he was out.
    Dweeby Crypto Jew Rubio stood there like a scared little mouse .
    Then he had to retreat to a patriotic cliche about ” freedom of speech “.
    There is NO freedom of speech where the Jews are concerned .

  4. The land of the free? What a joke. When people put their hands on you like that, that is THE end. America is totally Jewish Bolshevik dominated now, just like the man tried to say before he was taken down with such force. America is a total dictatorship and has been for many years. He certainly proved his point about Rubio though.

  5. I admire that guy for having the courage to stand up to all this group of ignorant rats. Its is a shame that most people in the US are absolutely naive and unaware of things that are corrupting this country.
    However Bernard Sanders got it in town Hall. Watch: “Berny sanders confronted in Town Hall” on You Tube.

  6. Any one notice he was wearing the Politicians Moniker for “I support Israel” It is called a white shirt with a plain blue tie… the colours of the Israeli flag. This was the constant never changing combination of former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott. Normally one would ask… “Doesn’t he have another tie? He has been wearing that one for two years!” But, surprise, surprise, not one member of the press ever published anything about this mystery of Abbott’s tie!

  7. #13 You are right. Because the mass news media is controlled by the same assassins, the ones who murdered Jesus Christ, and have brought misery to this world.

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