ed note–as we like to say here often on this humble little informational endeavor ladies and Gentile-men, LOTS of important protocols that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand about this one.


First–a lil’ video digression–



The deranged Hebrew featured in the vid is Douglas Rushkoff, describing the essence of what Judah-ism is and what it means to be a ‘Jew’, meaning a follower of Judah-ism, which, in his own words and when distilled down to its most uncomplicated essence, is to be at war with all forms of Gentile-ism, irrespective of what creed or culture that Gentile-ism encompasses.


Notice that he doesn’t stipulate between left vs right, liberal vs conservative, religious vs secular, or any of the other ‘distinctions’ that–while they may be used in differentiating Gentiles within their respective corners–DO NOT apply to the followers of Judah-ism.


The one thing that unites them all is their utter hatred for/rejection of all norms, morals, and traditions of Gentile society, and not just today in the 21st century AD, but going all the way back to the days of ancient Egypt as described in the Old Testament when Abraham has just sold his wife as a sex slave to Pharaoh and lied to him about her status as his wife by saying instead that she was his ‘sister’.


Now, as it pertains to our deranged, anti-Gentile follower of Judah-ism ‘Sasha Velour’ featured in the story below–


Notice that he/she/it is very attached to his/her/its Judah-ism…


He/she/it grew up with Judah-ism and loved it. This is not someone who has ‘abandoned’ his/her/its Judah-ism (as doubtless many Torah-worshiping conservative Christian types will say) but rather has found a new ‘expression’ of that Judah-ism by dressing up as a woman and using this schtick in acting as that same ‘corrosive force’ that the deranged Hebrew Douglas Rushkoff describes in the video above.


Notice as well the following as ‘Velour’ describes her Jewish grandmother who–


‘…Put her in drag when she was a child. ‘When I visited her house as a little kid, she would always encourage me to channel my inner diva…’


Underscoring yet again how the followers of Judah-ism seek to corrupt children everywhere they go THROUGHOUT THE AGES.


Now, again, as far as the average conservative Christian who thinks that Moses was just as much a ‘godly’ man as Jesus will say that those Jews who sit at the top of the pornography business and who dominate within the fields of trafficking in children for sexual purposes do so ONLY because they have ‘abandoned’ the ‘high moral values’ of their Old Testament Judah-ism in favor of some Marxist bastardization of it, an ‘explanation’ to which we here at this humble little informational endeavor respond with–




–Read it and weep…


‘Behold, I have two virgin daughters…Let me bring them out to you so that you may abuse them as it may please you…’


The above quotation comes from no less an important biblical character than Lott, Abraham’s nephew, who has just loaned his 2 virgin daughters out to a group of men from the nearby town of Sodom to be gang-raped throughout the night.


And the rest of the Old Testament just gets worse as it goes, recounting instance after instance AFTER INSTANCE of Hebrews/Israelites/Judah-ites/Judeans/Jews–whatever combination of vowels and consonants we want to use in describing them–behaving back then exactly as they are behaving today….


In summing all of it up, perhaps the best way of understanding the ‘Jewish problem’ is thus–



The symbol of Judah-ism itself, the infamous ‘Star of David’…


What it represents is a weapon, in that in every direction it goes, and from every direction in which it is approached, it is a 360-degree arc of sharp, penetrating, cutting edges, no different than the blade of a saw, and by which the followers of Judah-ism, whether they are the ‘religious’ types like these folks–



or the ‘secular’ followers of Judah-ism, like these folks–


–Wage their own personal war against those Gentile societies that exist around them–those in Israel using bullets and bombs and those in the West using the poison of the media they own and control as that same aforementioned ‘corrosive force’ in sickening and weakening the collective Gentile consciousness.




Subscribers of The New Yorker opened their mailboxes this week to a hard-to-miss hot pink cover with an illustration of a drag queen with a mohawk, large blue earrings and extravagant makeup.




They were looking at ‘The Look of Pride,’ a self-portrait by a Brooklyn-based Jewish drag queen and artist named Sasha Velour. Velour, 35, is featured in the June 12 issue in an interview about how she is celebrating Pride month and why drag has been lifesaving for her.


‘Drag is an antidote to shame,’ she said.


Velour was the 2017 winner of ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ and is currently on tour for her new book, ‘The Big Reveal: An Illustrated Manifesto of Drag,’ which intertwines her own personal history — including her Jewish identity — with the history of drag as both a revolutionary art form and cultural practice.


Velour’s Judaism and Jewish family upbringing is a recurring theme in her book. ‘For years I studied Jewish history and Hebrew language after school and on the weekends,’ she writes. ‘I was bar mitzvahed at 13 and even taught Sunday school when I was in high school, reenacting Jewish fables with puppets that I made myself,’ writes Velour, who was raised in New Haven, Connecticut, and the Chicago suburbs.


Velour, whose out-of-drag last name is Steinberg, also writes about the influence her Jewish ancestors had on her — even those who she never knew. In ‘The Big Reveal,’ Velour writes that her great-grandmother, Goldie Rabinovitch, was working at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in on March 25, 1911, but was spared from the deadly fire that day because she was late to work — window shopping, as the family lore goes, or possibly buying a pickle in Cooper Square.


‘This is a story about snacks!’’ Velour writes. Or, as her grandmother Dina would tell her: ‘Remember Grandma Goldie’s lesson… window-shopping can save your life!’


That same Jewish grandmother also first put Velour in drag when she was a child. ‘When I visited her house as a little kid, she would always encourage me to channel my inner diva,’ Velour writes. ‘Beating out a drum rhythm on the arm of the couch, she would coach me to walk dramatically into the room, drop my coat, and reveal the look. ‘Fabulous!’ she’d whisper, knowingly.’


‘When I was a kid, I loved dressing up with my grandmothers, putting on makeup, staging shows. I didn’t even know it was ‘drag’ but it just made sense to me,’ Velour tells The New Yorker in the interview published Monday. ‘Later, learning more about drag and understanding the existence of queer and trans people around the world quite literally saved my life.’


In her book, Velour also credits the Talmud with showing her how to hold multiple ideas — and, by extension, identities — in her mind at the same time. ‘According to Talmudic thought, in order to find the truth, we must be able to hold multiple possible meanings as true at the same time,’ she writes in her book. ‘That’s the kind of book I always liked best — a scrapbook that brought many things together in conversation.’


‘Both comics and drag come from strong independent traditions that enable artists and performers to develop a more unique and recognizable style, and to address a wider range of political and personal topics,’ she tells The New Yorker. ‘All you need to make art is your own self.’

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