
Steve Karro denies wrongdoing, tells police touching was for ‘cleansing’ purposes because child exhibited ‘negative energy’

ed note–a few things worth noting here–

1. He is a SEPHARDIC Jew, meaning a Jew of genuine Middle Eastern descent. We are forced to point this out due to the incessant crowing by certain individuals in this ‘movement’ about how the Ashkenazi ‘Khazar’ Jews are ‘imposters’ and ‘fake’ Jews because of the fact that they have no racial lineage to the Jews/Hebrews/Israelites of the Old Testament, yet another glaring example as to why the it makes no difference whatsoever whether today’s Jews are ‘real’ or ‘fake’. A jew is someone who follows the dictates of Judaism as related in both the Torah (Old Testament) and its follow-up editions, meaning the Talmud and Kabballah.

Next–as much media play as this is getting and may get, what we must remember is that this rabbi is doing what his cohorts do on a daily basis, and I am not only speaking specifically about physically molesting young people, but what is done to the minds and hearts of young people through the Jewish control of media. In a much more subtle yet dangerous and damaging way, the youth of the West are molested on a daily basis, using as the proxy means of doing it individuals such as Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and all the rest whose job is to molest the minds of the youth in order to rob them of their innocence and true self-worth.

And perhaps it was this particular activity perpetrated by the religious leaders of that time that Jesus referenced when He said ‘anyone who would bring harm to one of these little ones should be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their necks’.


Times of Israel

A rabbi from Miami Beach, Florida, was arrested and charged Thursday with molesting an 11-year-old girl at his art gallery last month.

Police said Rabbi Steve Karro, 55, placed the child on his lap last month and kissed her on the neck, then touched her bottom. Karro admitted to police during questioning that he inappropriately touched the child for “cleansing” purposes because she exhibited “negative energy,” the Miami Herald reported Thursday.

After questioning by police, Karro proclaimed his innocence. “There was nothing inappropriate, nothing that violated anybody’s right,” he said, according to

A substitute rabbi at Miami Beach’s Shaare Ezra Sephardic Synagogue Congregation, Karro was charged with lewd and lascivious molestation of a child under 12, and lewd and lascivious conduct on a child under 16.

Karro told CBS: “It was not touch, it was hug and the way I hug everybody, the way I hug all the kids, the way I caress them, the way I give everybody love. It was the same like everybody else.” Asked if there was kissing, he added: “There was plenty of time kissing, hugging, yes.”

He also gave the girl a bag of candy and told her not to tell her mother about the incident.

Police had no indication of any suspicious behavior by Karro while he was officiating as rabbi.

“It’s something very simple — love, harmony, cleansing, nothing else,” Karro said after leaving jail on bond Thursday night. He went on to tell reporters that the candy he gave to the victim was intended to be a surprise birthday present for her mother.

Several people who know the rabbi supported him, CBS reported. Rosa Haimov said, “I’ve known Rabbi Karro for many years, and I do not believe he could do something like this. He only does good things to people, only helps people.”

Karro’s only previous brush with the law, according to Florida Department of Law Enforcement records, was for domestic violence in 1999, the Herald reported. His female partner was also arrested during that encounter, in what was described then as a “knock-down, drag-out fight.”

Miami Beach police on Thursday couldn’t explain the nature of the relationship between Karro and the 11-year-old girl, and said the child’s parents were informed of the allegations after she returned home the day she was alleged to have been fondled.

Karro, who was born in Russia and raised in Jerusalem, opened KARRO International Fine Art gallery three years ago. Its website says the gallery specializes in Judaic art paintings and that Karro studied art at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem. His biography says he graduated from Yeshiva College as a rabbi and a scribe in 1979.

0 thoughts on “Miami Beach rabbi charged with molesting 11-year-old girl”
  1. Sexual deviancy and pedophia seems rampant amongst rabbis. A close friend of mine (well he was a 6 yr old) at the time. He was being abused by this monster. Oh Aaron is a good boy. Well the good 19 yr old got only 6 mos of house arrest. Typical slap on the wrist when it comes to them.

  2. “the incessant crowing by certain individuals in this ‘movement’ about how the Ashkenazi ‘Khazar’ Jews are ‘imposters’ and ‘fake’ Jews because of the fact that they have no racial lineage to the Jews/Hebrews/Israelites of the Old Testament, yet another glaring example as to why the it makes no difference whatsoever whether today’s Jews are ‘real’ or ‘fake’. A jew is someone who follows the dictates of Judaism as related in both the Torah (Old Testament) and its follow-up editions, meaning the Talmud and Kabballah.”

    I don’t get it: why can’t both statements be true? Why is it an either-or proposition?
    1. Yes, the Ashkenazi Jews (around 90% of world Jewry) are descendants of the Khazars and as such have no conceivable connection to Palestine. Fact. It can be “crowed” or stated. It is a fact.
    2. Irrespective of whether they are Ashkenazim or Sephardim, observant of self-declared “atheists,” those who self-identify as Jews all share the cardinal judaic beliefs in Jewish supremacism and its amoral worldview. Proved by tract record.

    ed note–whether it is true or not is immaterial. The reason I criticize this tactic in trying to wake people up to the truly toxic nature of Jewish power is because it steers the discussion away from the source of the problem and only confuses those who are new to the issue. The problem with Jewish power has nothing to do with whether someone is a ‘true’ Jew by virtue of their DNA or not, but rather the mindset that drives their behavior and this is what needs to be focused on and not some obscure theory as to whether they have some blood line to their spiritual cousins in the Middle East or elsewhere.

  3. They want to hurt and punish whomever is not Jewish/ or whomever is goyim whenever possible.

  4. Dear Editor: Thank you for making it clear that there is no distinction between Sephardic or Ashkanazi Jews. Judaism is a belief system based on their Talmud teachings and indoctrinations.

    When the Hebrews (Jews), during the arrest of Jesus , they demanded his death whether he was innocent or not. The’re hatred was so vile it is even quoted in Mathew 27:25 “All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!”

    I interpret this as, those who follow Judaism, are following the curse Jews voluntarily placed on themselves. This curse was so full of hate and violence towards the Son of God, it is still apparent today in the form of Jew on Gentile violence present today.

    The belief system is cursed. M

    May God find mercy on them and help us to cope with their world wide violence.

  5. Pervert should see what it’s like to be fondled by a 6’8″ 280lb dude in prison.

  6. While I understand the editorial point being made here, it should nevertheless be noted that the majority of the Sephardim are the modern descendents of Berber tribes from across North Africa who converted to Judaism during the early centuries of the Christian Era (C.E.). The Sephardim are not Middle Eastern, they are North African. Aside from general ethnicity, the essential difference between these two groups of converts is that the Sephardim Berbers became “Jews” a lot earlier in historical time than did the Khazarian Ashkenazim. As far as anyone tracing their ancestry back to the people who lived in the little Iron Age kingdoms of Israel (such as the exilic ancestors of Iranian Jews) or Judah (such as the exilic Jews of Mesopotamia), such ancestry is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to modern Jewry’s fraudulent “divine” claim to Palestine anyways, as the biblical scene in the book of Genesis in which Abraham falls asleep and has a DREAM in which the formerly pagan Canaanite warrior god Yahweh appears to him and grants to him and his descendants the entire land of Canaan is nothing but pure MYTHOLOGY. This is non-history, and there is absolutely ZERO archaeological or extra-biblical textual proof for the historical existence of Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob (Yisra’el), all of whom supposedly lived between 2166 and 1859 BCE, according to the internal biblical chronology. These folkloric literary figures are known as ‘eponymous ancestors’, and nearly every ancient culture possessed such figures. The historical time period assigned to these story characters encompasses Egypt’s First Intermediate Period (when there was no single king of Egypt) through half of the monarchical Middle Kingdom Period, while in Mesopotamia, this time period encompasses the end of the Akkadian Dynasty (history’s first “empire”), the Sumerian Third Dynasty of Ur, the First Dynasty of Isin, and most of the Larsa Dynasty. The verifiable historical record and the biblical narrative (pre-9th century BCE) do not match.

    The biblical writers who composed the patriarchal narratives of Genesis in the late 6th century BCE had little to no knowledge of the ancient period in which they set their tales, which is why their narratives are literally filled with anachronistic references to kings and cities which did not exist in the Middle East from the 22nd to 19th centuries BCE. As a single example, the Chaldean tribes of southern Mesopotamia did not exist until the Neo-Assyrian period (during which the Hebrew Bible began to be composed). During the time assigned to Abraham, there was no “Ur of the Chaldeans.” There were no Hittites and no domesticated camel caravans either, and it goes on and on and on. So whether one is the modern descendant of a Central Asian or North African pagan who converted to Judaism sometime during the Christian Era, or one can somehow trace one’s ancestry back to the Judahites or Israelites, as can some of the Iranian Jews, is of absolutely no consequence because no deity gave any land to anybody at any time in history. All lands throughout history are taken by armed conquest. That is just one of the hard cold facts of history. God is not a realtor and does not give a rat’s ass about the real estate conflicts of little ants on a tiny rock revolving around a cosmic ball of fire in the middle of INFINITY.

  7. No matter what religion or nationality he was. The problem is he use his power and possibilities in wrong way. He should be helping people not hurting them. I’m not jew my self. I’m muslim. But we should not put a cross on all nation after bad of one. He is a bad person and should be loose his power and be punish because of not who he was but who he became. Shame on people who should help but hurt others. I hope he will pay the price for taking the innocence of a child and he will not get away as many before I away so hope the poor girl don’t be punished by a community.

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