The White House briefed reporters last month that the visit would take place on the week of January 14th, but a list of foreign senior officials due to visit Israel this month did not include Pence’s name
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Such disturbing news! Sorry, I meant to say I don’t give a sh*t!
And the worldwide (tactical) kvetching commenses in 3,….2,…..1
i commend you on reprinting so many jew’s stories and articles because of the valuable insight into both their deceptions and neuroses.
ability to properly label them yields a trove of useful data on which to make assessments, rather than subjective sources like hunches and wishful thinking.
one thing strikes me when looking at protesting jews like in the above picture: the striking crudity of presentation, something i noticed particularly in israel street demonstrations.
it shows people with exceptionally poor survival skills, barely able to handle a pair of paper scissors to cut a rectangle in a corrugated cardboard and smear some simplistic slogan onto it with a marker.
this shows their essential vulnerability, that of a parasite that when deprived of a healthy, capable, obedient host, can barely crawl across the floor in search of another one.
in economic terms, it is spelled out here:
Credit allows us to tap into the labor of others – but it also allows us to forego self-sufficiency
if the humans ever repudiate the entirely contrived, phantasmagorically inflating debt to jew, he is done like dinner, the suicided victim of his self-induced creative and manufacturing debility.
jews should eat their rabbies now rather than wait for those final desperate moments.
I don’t think Trump wants Pence anywhere near Israel during his administration. I can’t say that I blame him.