BY YOUSSEF. HINDI – Far from claims made by critics of the conciliar Church, the Vatican submitted to modernity and Judaism neither after a council, nor over a century. The Second Vatican Council (1962-65) punctuated a silent, secretive, multi-secular war… The first attempts by Kabbalistic rabbis to turn the Church into an advocate of Judaism, which date back to the Middle Ages, happened by way of their approximation to the high clergy, and even to the cardinals and popes. CONTINUE READING

One thought on “MUST READ – Subverting the Church: Judaism, Kabbalah and Vatican II”
  1. As a Traditional Catholic and one who is fairly familiar with Church history, I’d have to say that the article was spot on. The Tribe has had its finger in the pie since the day of the Crucifixion it just became more obvious after Vatican II. JPII and the boys engaged in a lot of rabbi smooching then and now, but the rabbis never smooched back, and they never will. Tribal members never build things up they just destroy them, that’s how they get their jollies.

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