0 thoughts on “National Socialism and Islam”
  1. If America’s ‘Asia Pivot’ is ineffective in stopping the ‘China Century’, and Socialist uprisings and revolts continue to grow in Europe, (Anti-capitalist protesters target ECB in Frankfurt: http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/2491d4c8-cd53-11e4-a15a-00144feab7de.html#slide0) we may rapidly be approaching our second chance!

    I know a lot of people get discouraged because it seems we have no leadership at present, or any hopes of it in the near future. To that I would remind them of an excellent point Hitler made in regards to this very issue:

    “People ask: is there someone fit to be our leader? Our task is not to search for that person. Either God will give him to us or he will not come. Our task is to shape the sword that he will need when he comes.” – Adolf Hitler

  2. That’s right- Unity through nobility. There exist a Grand Canyon of difference between WN and National Socialists. Btw AH never trusted Stephan Banderas the Ukrainian Nationalist leader, since ‘survival’ of their in-group is paramount to them then and now, and thus they will accommodate the slave-master if pushed. The OT story of the tower of Babel expresses jewish fears: A multi ethnic word-folk united by a common language cooperates in building a structure threatening yaweh (jewish power)

  3. It’s been by knowledge that the word “NAZI”… stood for NA – National Socialist / ZI- Zionism ?
    If this isn’t the case, I’d like to know how, when, and where did this title originate ?
    I’d also be interested in knowing more on the “Transfer Agreement”… of which it’s my understanding was an agreement between Hitler, and the Zionist, in support of a Jewish State.

  4. @Rick Rogers: “It’s been by knowledge that the word “NAZI”… stood for NA – National Socialist / ZI- Zionism ?” With all do respect, how would NA be an abbreviation of National Socialism, which would be correctly abbreviated as NS, would it not? National Socialism is exactly that which it claims to be in its name, National Socialism…

    “If this isn’t the case, I’d like to know how, when, and where did this title originate?

    To understand this you need study ‘Denazification’, “Denazification (German: Entnazifizierung) was an Allied initiative to rid German and Austrian society, culture, press, economy, judiciary, and politics of any remnants of the National Socialist ideology…”, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denazification) and compare that knowledge of that fact to this fact: “National Socialism is the ideology which Hitler applied in Germany from becoming Chancellor in 1933 until WWII destroyed the NSDAP regime in 1945. Nazism, on the other hand, is a separate phenomenon which occurred after WWII ended: the result of Zionist Allied wartime propaganda to demonize National Socialist Germany combined with selective confessions elicited via deception and duress during the Nuremberg Trials, which subsequently became the ‘official’ version of Hitlerism for the Zionist Allies in WWII, the backdrop to the endless stream of ‘Holocaust’ fiction.” http://aryanism.net/politics/national-socialism-and-nazism/

    I’d also be interested in knowing more on the “Transfer Agreement”… of which it’s my understanding was an agreement between Hitler, and the Zionist, in support of a Jewish State.

    Hitler was pro-Arab, pro-Islam, anti-Jewish. What more do you need to know about that lie?

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