Prominent neocon intellectual Robert Kagan. (Photo credit: Mariusz Kubik,

ed note {Tony}…Interesting. If the Presidential matchup was between Trump and Clinton, KILLary would be the Likudnik war-hawk…..

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7 thoughts on “Neocons come full-circle: Kagan Endorses Hillary Clinton”
  1. Wake up for any nonbeliever in the Jews’ Left/Right power Matrix!
    “Liberalism,” and “Conservatism” a sham …both Judaic Constructs.
    Mere vehicles in their dialectic.
    Kagen is criminal …a total agent for the International Jews.
    A repulsive fat swine on the “Republican” side while his wife Victoria Nuland works for whom?
    “Liberal, Marxist, Muslim, Atheist, Nazi Fascist, Obama” ,according to stupid “Right Wingers” and was a staffer for Mrs Clinton.
    She is employed at the US State Department ,and was behind the turmoil in the Ukraine and Anti Russian agitation .
    She/ he are a team pushing literally for WW3!
    Any doubts about Trump? Turn on Talmudvision, and get on the Jew rag Huffington Post or other ” mainstream sites.”
    A torrent of abuse is being heaped on him and his supporters, without precedent since Nixon and Watergate or against Saddam/Hitler before war.
    Stay firm and if in any Super Tuesday state get out the vote for Trump….like him or not, he is getting to them big time …this is our chance to give the system a real lunch.
    Arkansas, Texas, Missisippi, Alabama, Vermont, Georgia, Florida, Massachusetts, Alaska, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Kentucky ….your vote does count …I’m an election official and it’s true.
    March 8 is Idaho.

  2. excellent find, as always, Tony. If we are looking at just the right moments, sometimes we can see all the way through the veil. There never was any difference between the “parties” after all, it is all just a jewish mob-ruled charade, with the obvious exception of Donald Trump, making all of the establishment piss its pants.

  3. I’m rather looking forward to the bloody brawl between Hillary “we came, we saw, he died” Clinton and Donald Trump. It’s certainly worth a wee bit of Scotch and popcorn. The bloodier, the better.

  4. All along, as I watched the madness of the neocons rage on with seemingly no end in sight (except of course, a WWIII), I kept saying that all America needed was another Stalin. Another purge of the purveyors of this Trotskyite, world-domination-seeking ideology. Am I right in thinking that Trump could turn out to be a latter day Stalin? Even though at the moment he says (and thinks?) he’s a friend of Israel, by the time the Judaics are done ripping him apart, I do verily think the scales will have dropped from his eyes. Or, maybe he’s even now well aware of the threat, but is playing a fine game of chess?

  5. In one my previous comment, I expressed my hesitation about Trump motives in his remarks, yet I viewed him as the best of all the candidates out there who filled an application — ‘President for Hire.’
    As a Muslim, I don’t his repetitive Muslim bashing rhetorical discourses, yet again, I do agree with Mike Glen about what he said the motives behind Trump’s remarks about Muslims (paraphrasing): this is a political tactic Trump which utilized in order to appeal for voters who incline for this kind of political instrument.
    I have strong belief – something deadly, dangerous, and evil is looming– whenever Jews collaborate and hover around any potential prey to be devoured, in this case Trump. I also know that this potential prey is a ‘victim of all victims.’
    This days, Trump, is not only been targeted with character assassination from one direction, Jews alone, but also he is receiving it from all directions; from all sort of paid actors.
    In my conclusion, I do admire Trump for his courage and determination to be fair and unbiased in his judgment the matter that regarding the Palestine-Israel Peace Process.
    I like hearing him saying: “Iraq and Libya would be better off with Saddam and Ghaddafi.”
    Contrary to, the other clowns, President for Hire, those psychopaths DO NOT hesitate to kill every Muslim in corner of the universe.

  6. Perhaps Robert Kagan’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton and what that underscores about the likely foreign policy of a second Clinton presidency might finally force war or peace to the fore of the campaign. me thinks the author a tad mushy ~ there’s not going to be a peace to the fore front… at best it’ll be status quo..balkanization of the MENA; Clinton is about pipelines from Qatar up thru Syria to Turkey initiating more economic mayhem on the ultimate US STate Dept enemy, Russia. ~ This US State Dept made Crisis/Debacle in the MENA is good for the Neo-con and supports the Neo-lib hegemony act. ~ with any luck he’ll die soon, maybe taste his own blood ~ they go down in Threes ya know.

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