New aircraft being sent from Israel after pushback tractor crashes into plane, stranding Netanyahu and entourage in Poland

ed note–not mentioned in the story is the fact that while there, Netanyahu broke a recently-passed and very controversial law in Poland which forbids blaming, assigning or in any way intimating that Poland as a nation took part in the Hollerco$t, so who wants to bet that the ‘accident’ that grounded his plane was not an accident at all, but rather a very subtle warning to Nutty Netty that his visit to Warsaw could become much longer than he would like as a result of flouting Polish law when it comes to the great Judaic barbecue to which the entire world is forced to genuflect.

Times of Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was forced to extend his trip to Warsaw Friday after the plane on which he was scheduled to fly home was damaged just ahead of takeoff.

According to El Al, the prime minister’s plane, a Boeing 777, was damaged by a pushback tractor that crashed into it as Netanyahu was about to leave just after midnight.

A new plane was being sent from Israel to Warsaw to bring the prime minister and his entourage back, the airline said.

An official with Netanyahu’s office said the new flight was expected to leave Warsaw at around 9:30 a.m.

Netanyahu, his wife and senior staff, returned to the Warsaw Intercontinental, where they had been staying since Tuesday. Traveling press were being put up in a hotel near the military airport.

Netanyahu would likely need to take off before late Friday morning to make it back to Israel before sundown and the start of the Jewish day of rest.

While the prime minister is not religiously observant, high level public officials generally avoid public displays of transgressing the laws of Shabbat, which forbid traveling.

Netanyahu had been scheduled to leave Warsaw after arriving early Wednesday for an international conference focused on Middle East security.

Edna Halbani, an official in the Prime Minister’s Office who has been arranging flights for premiers for decades, said Ehud Barak also had to contend with a damaged plane during a trip to Atlanta in 1999.

Netanyahu does not have his own plane, but charters jets from the national El-Al carrier which are then outfitted for his needs. The government is in the process of purchasing an official plane for use by the prime minister.

6 thoughts on “Netanyahu forced to spend extra night in Warsaw after plane damaged”
  1. Who knows…could also be Israel’s plan B to get reparations for a premeditated and vicious attack on Israel designed to traum atize the jews, their offspring and pets .

  2. I was born there, Mark. Been a US naturalized citizen since ‘96. With all the reparations talks considering German Milk Cows are almost all depleted I assure everyone this tug incident was anything but an accident. Average Poles are beyond disgusted and feel helplessly betrayed at the thought of being robbed again. Except for the traitors of course.

  3. Now before Nathan Yahoo shouts Holocaüst, lets just pray for the tractor driver. That tractor driver needs a medal.

  4. he could have spent the night in auschwitz, i am sure they would have offered a nice discount to such a distinguished visitor, a chance to sleep soundly like a righteous babe under the banner Kol Nidre Macht Frei, that unforgettable squeaky mattress stuffed with greasy, curly hair and occasional yarmulke, a once in a lifetime opportunity to expand on in the inevitable memoirs and shut up deniers, revisionists and assorted conspiracy theorists who claim that jews killed amalek, clearly an antisemitic canard.

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