
The Times of Israel

NEW YORK (JTA) — The Obama Administration reportedly will not be sending a senior representative to address next week’s annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

Snubbing AIPAC will help lock in the caricature of a president who dislikes Israel and disrespects the pro-Israel community. By contrast, sending a high-level representative would reflect the reality of strong relations, especially at a time when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been the one angering and undermining many in the pro-Israel community, AIPAC included.

Substantive concerns over the current negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program have been eclipsed by Netanyahu’s insistence on proceeding with a speech to Congress, despite the objections of the normally supportive FoxNews, Commentary magazine and the Anti-Defamation League’s Abraham Foxman. In his Jan. 21 statement announcing the speech, Republican House Speaker John Boehner framed Netanyahu’s address as a direct rebuttal to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech.

“There is a serious threat that exists in the world,” Boehner said, “and the president last night kind of papered over it.”

AIPAC and the Administration apparently were equally surprised by the arrangement between Netanyahu and Boehner. But only AIPAC has seen its own strategy — new sanctions against Iran before any nuclear agreement is reached — collapse as a result. Even if the president had vetoed the bill as he has promised, a strong bipartisan showing could have spooked the Iranian leadership enough to prevent a deal.

By making the issue more about his defiance of Obama than about stopping Iran, and by alienating sympathetic Democrats, Netanyahu has essentially made any early sanctions bill radioactive. Mossad briefings also reportedly convinced a few key Republicans to let talks play out instead of derailing them.

AIPAC isn’t the only ally Netanyahu left out in the cold. He and Israel’s US ambassador, Ron Dermer, have each blamed Boehner for misleading them. Netanyahu’s address to AIPAC will come across as an anti-Obama victory lap and an awkward afterthought to his self-styled Churchill moment on Capitol Hill.

This leaves the door open for Obama to find some common cause with AIPAC, the Republicans and hawkish Democrats. No, he won’t sweep away doubts about the Iran talks, and it’s inconceivable that he’ll diminish Netanyahu’s clout among the AIPAC faithful. But at least he can help show the way forward on U.S.-Israel relations. Everyone agrees that’s worth pursuing, including Netanyahu.

To be effective politically and diplomatically, the Administration needs to demonstrate that differences with a specific Israeli government don’t mean that Barack Obama and other Democrats have given up on Israel.

It’s been known for weeks that Vice President Joe Biden won’t be around for Netanyahu’s highly charged speech to Congress, where as the Senate’s presiding officer he would normally sit next to Boehner on the dais. Convenient.

An appearance by another prominent Administration official, perhaps National Security Adviser Susan Rice or United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power, would signal to AIPAC as well as Israelis that American Jews have not been sidelined in the relationship and that, regardless of GOP and Likud efforts, neither has the late-term Obama Administration.

In late 2013, feeling betrayed by Obama’s overture to Iran, AIPAC went to war with the Administration, privately expressing anger and publicly pushing for new sanctions legislation in Congress. This time, the Mossad warning against new sanctions has cut into Republican support, while the full-throttle challenge from Boehner and Netanyahu has scared off Democratic skeptics of the Iran negotiations. And unlike last year, AIPAC has kept out of the latest acrimony between Netanyahu and Obama.

The Obama Administration failing to send a high-level representative to AIPAC will be seen as a lack of concern — for the Iran issue, for U.S.-Israel relations and for the American Jewish community. It will be taken as confirmation that the dispute really is between Obama and Israel, not just between two rival leaders. It will back up the stereotype, believed by anti-Semites and many Israelis, that all Diaspora communities are merely extensions of the State of Israel. And it will be needless.

The Administration’s relationship with AIPAC must not depend on who sits in the Oval Office or the Prime Minister’s office in Jerusalem. The more Democrats can show they still respect Israel and are among its best friends, the more the President and any possible Democratic successor can hope to find common ground with Republicans — and American Jews — regarding Iran and other international challenges.

0 thoughts on “Obama should send high-level rep to AIPAC conference”
  1. Does anyone remember the line of Gestapo Major Hochstetter,in the old TV Series HOGANS HERO’S when he saw the American Colonel Hogan in Kommandant Klinks office:”What is this man doing here ?” What is AIPAC doing here ? WHY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT ISRAEL ,IN THE USA ? What is a foreign lobby doing dictating foreign policy,or even influencing it? Robert F Kennedy,wanted the Zionist Organization Of America;forerunner to AIPAC to register as a foreign agent ! Are we all so brainwashed,or obtuse in this country ,to see what an Unpatriotic body,this is ? Where are ‘patriot’s-the utterly absurd Tea Party,and Red Hot Republicans on this ? BEING PAID OFF BY THE JEWS ,AND CHEERLEADING THIS ! Jews cannot be loyal to any nation they reside in. They survive,by being parasites ,on a host. they will NEVER ‘all move to Isreal’,and thise “End Times”, idiots who listen to billionare TV Preachers believe. This nature is why ,they are called:” The International Jews”.

  2. Only paid shills, lunatics and brainwashed sheep are pro-Israel.
    If the sheep were allowed to see israel in all its glory, support for it would drop. Instead you get nothing but biased coverage of them in all MSM venues. Bribed and blackmailed politicians make a show of speaking their voters’ minds with glowing positive fawning over jews and israel.
    Why should the president keep taking the insults of their obnoxious prime minister lying down? On American turf?
    This puerile article of course doesn’t answer those. Instead it suggests Obama should gracefully accept more abuse for the sake of our long term “special relationship”.
    No doubt who wrote this…grovel to us and when we insult you, the solution is to grovel some more…yeah right.

  3. I have no love for Obama as he certainly played every card that he was told to play by the enemy up until now. He is gonna get himself suicided though. Sorry, I mean we will be told a muslim has assasinated him. Yeah, that will be the story.

  4. WHY oh why are AIPAC even allowed to exist in the USA? Why are they not residing in their “homeland of Israel.” Even more important, why are every other religion and people on earth expected to take heed of these people’s demands for more, more, more of everything including more protection, funds, money for Holocaust memorials when we cannot even ask a question regarding the Holocaust. Why listen to anything that Netanyahu has to say. It will be the same old, same old again: we have been persecuted for no reason; we do nothing wrong; then the Holocaust, his grandfather and granduncle came to save the Jews and created Israel, his brother Yonaton and Entebbe and all Muslims, are terrorists and so are Persians, who were until the Shah was deposed Israel’s allies. Now Netanyahu wants to wipe them out not the other way around. He has nothing more to say except that it is the International Communities problem not just Israel’s although we know that Israel and the Netanyahus have made this problem.

  5. Llyn. That is exactly what I have said for long time. Why AIPAC is even allowed in the US?. The existence of that organization is illegal and unconstitutional. First AIPAC is registered as a “Non- Profit- Religious-Organization” and they are tax exempt . In fact AIPAC is a Foreign Organization working for a foreign country who spend billions of our taxes lobbying in Congress the Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court etc…. by buying, intimidating, blackmailing, our elected officials into doing Israel wishes. They use our own money to do that.
    Robert Kennedy wanted to change that and many things that the Jews did not like.

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