ed note–as always, lots to ‘unpack’ here ladies and Gentile-men…


The first is as follows–


Imagine for a moment that today, in 2024, in the middle of an election year in the US, a MAJOR political figure equal in stature to that occupied by Ben Gvir were to make the following statement–


‘Our future doesn’t depend on what the Jews say…’


–and he said this within the context of various VERY SERIOUS issues which the American people are facing right now, such as the following–


–Supplying the Jewish State with billions of dollars for the weaponry they are demanding so that they may exterminate Palestinians at a time when everyone is ‘FFB’–flat, freaking broke…


–Not giving Israel any more political support at the UN, as well as nixing all the sanctions which the Jews are demanding be placed against international organizations such as the ICC and ICJ…


–The various pieces of federal legislation aimed at combatting ‘anti-Semitism’ which the Jews as a group are DEMANDING be passed (similar to those that exist in Europe) where people would face multi-year prison sentences for voicing opinions that the Jews find ‘unpleasant’…


…or any other issue where the Jews are front and center/large and in charge, making demands and threats, whether it is child-murder (abortion) gun control, the attack on Christian morals and Christian cultural norms, take your pick–


‘Our future doesn’t depend on what the Jews say…’


GOOD GOD IN HEAVEN, the earth-quaking, earth-shaking noise that would erupt in the aftermath of such a statement…


But, as always, not when ‘they’ do it…


The more subtle and nuanced understanding however that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to gain from this is how the Jews see themselves and how they see the rest of us.


They are–in large part and with very few exceptions–an untamed, uncivilized, unhinged-from-reality psychotic substratum of humanity with no understanding of just how detached from (what would otherwise be considered) civilized human behavior and thinking they are, and all the while believing that it is the rest of us–the ‘Goyim’–who are all those aforementioned descriptions, and they as God’s gift to the universe.


And what’s worse is that they are not some powerless coagulation of crazies with no influence or resources at their disposal with which they can SERIOUSLY affect in a profoundly negative fashion all 8 billion Gentiles living on God’s green earth.


Besides their control of money, of media, and of the governments of the world, they also possess an arsenal of nuclear and biological weapons that–at any time of their choosing–they could set loose upon mankind to such a degree that–as Jesus Christ Himself warned–‘no flesh would survive’.



Times of Israel


Responding to the International Court of Justice’s order demanding it halt Rafah operations endangering Palestinian civilians, Israeli politicians accuse the tribunal of antisemitism and support for terrorism.


‘There should only be one answer to the irrelevant order of the antisemitic court in The Hague: the occupation of Rafah, the increase of military pressure and the complete defeat of Hamas,’ tweets National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir. ‘Our future does not depend on what the gentiles say, but on what the Jews will do,’ he adds, quoting Israel’s first Prime Minister David Ben Gurion.


Had this ‘antisemitic court’ been active during the Holocaust, ‘it would undoubtedly have issued orders against the Allies,’ declares Negev, Galilee and National Resilience Minister Yitzhak Wasserlauf who is in Ben Gvir’s party.


‘Those who demand that the State of Israel stop the war, demand that it decree the cessation of its existence — we will not agree to that,’ argues Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich. ‘We will continue to fight for ourselves and for the entire free world. History will judge who today stood by the Nazis of Hamas and ISIS.’


Some opposition politicians also blasted the court’s ruling while at the same time criticized the Netanyahu government for mismanaging the war and the legal battle over it.


‘As I warned, the decision of the Israeli government to appear before the International Court of Justice in The Hague was a serious mistake,’ says Yisrael Beytenu chief Avigdor Liberman.


‘The court’s decision today proves that various UN institutions and also the International Criminal Court in The Hague have become aides to terrorists all over the world and their entire role is to deter democratic countries in their fight against terrorist organizations.’


‘Israel is the one that was brutally attacked from Gaza and had to defend itself against a horrible terrorist organization that murdered children, raped women and still fires rockets at innocent civilians,’ says Opposition Leader Yair Lapid.


‘There is no country in the world that would not react with force to such an attack. This verdict could and should have been prevented. A sane and professional government would have prevented [incendiary] statements from ministers and stopped criminals who burn aid trucks,’ he declares.


For its part, the left-wing, majority-Arab Hadash party calls on the government to adhere to the ICJ ruling.


‘The Israeli government must accept the verdict and stop the operation in Rafah immediately. But this is not enough – it must act to end the entire war and a hostage/prisoner exchange agreement that will result in a lasting and permanent ceasefire,’ the Hadash party says in a statement.


The international community must ‘act against Israel as a criminal state, and immediately recognize an independent Palestinian state,’ the party adds.

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