ADL calls on Trump administration to appoint special envoy amid ‘alarming’ uptick in anti-Jewish racism worldwide

Times of Israel

The position of anti-Semitism monitor has not been filled by US President Donald Trump more than a year after it was vacated.

In addition, the State Department’s office to monitor and combat anti-Semitism has been unstaffed since July 1.

A State Department official in January told JTA that the Trump administration considers the position of anti-Semitism monitor “crucial” and hopes to name one “soon.” The official did not provide a timeline on when the special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism would be appointed. But the tone was a pronounced change from the summer, when then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the position was not necessary and the issue was best handled by other departments in the agency.

In a letter to Trump dated Monday, the Anti-Defamation League called on the president to “make this critical appointment without delay.”

“Anti-Semitism is escalating at an alarming pace around the globe,” said the letter, highlighting the murder of a Holocaust survivor in Paris and anti-Semitism in the Labour Party in Britain that led to a protest march by Jews there. The ADL also referred to the firebombing of two synagogues in Sweden in the last year and the increase in anti-Semitic rhetoric in Poland.

The White House and the State Department did not respond on Tuesday to a JTA query on the anti-Semitism monitor.

Congress mandated the position of special envoy for monitoring and combating anti-Semitism in 2004 with the passage of the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act. The measure directs the State Department to establish the Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, to be headed by the special envoy.

Ira Forman, the former executive director of the National Jewish Democratic Council, most recently served in the envoy position under President Barack Obama. A political appointee, Forman resigned when Obama left office.

4 thoughts on “Over a year later, US State Department’s anti-Semitism monitor position remains empty in Trump Administration”
  1. One can only gain traction by forcing the beast to stare at its ugliness in the mirror, never acknowledge its desires, never fuel its fires. Fantasy is its truth. Fantasy is what it has written. Real truth is what must prevail. Real truth is seen and can be proven. Fantasy can be seen but cannot be proven. Seek gods and follow the piper to demise. Seek truth and rise. The beast cannot stomach reality. The left-head of the beast is burdened with anxiety. If their anxiety becomes too burdensome they will invoke the right-head to relieve their burden and call upon the tail to write a new script. The fantasy will then continue for many more centuries. How sad. If only 7 billion people could see what stares directly at them.

  2. In school they teach that democracy is cool. What they neglect to tell you is that it is mob rule. So, you decide you would like to do something fun. But, the majority of others tell you it cannot be done. So, you try as you may to have fun anyway. Only to find yourself locked away. Mob rule is not cool unless you’re a fool. So, let go of that lie they teach you in school.

  3. As the real victims cry out in angst, all that is heard is the hiss of the serpent, “This could be dangerous to our democracy.” As the fantastical victims cry out, “With your unicorn strength, Jehovah, what should we do?”

  4. Why does Trump need to appoint a special muckety muck to track anti-Semitism? Isn’t the ADL up to snuff on this matter? – that’s their job.

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