ed note–our apologies to the readers of TUT for subjecting otherwise sane minds to the ramblings of this insane Jew, but we do so to make a point.

With Jews, it is always ‘the other guy’s fault, or, more appropro, ‘the other goy’s’ fault. In the world of Judaic self-worship, there is no such thing as ‘blowback’ or the law of physics that basically summed up goes thus–‘what goes around comes around’. Being a people who are inebriated on intoxicants within Judaism extolling the ‘superiority’ of the Jewish people, there is no need for reflection or examination of conscience, as everything, and we do mean EVERYTHING, revolves around the question–‘is it good for the Jews?’

Please note the ‘writer’s’ statement concerning Palestinian ‘terrorism’–

…’ violence between Arabs and Jews here has nothing to do with anything we Jews do or have done, besides innocent breathing…’

Millions dead, whether they are Palestinians, Lebanese, Jordanians, Egyptians, Iraqis, Syrians, etc, and all of it due to Judaic actions, either directly or indirectly, but, as always, the Jews’ hands are clean.

A certain line from the book of Jeremiah comes to mind relative to this–

‘On your clothes is found the blood of the innocent, and yet in spite of all this you dare to say ‘we are blameless!’

Please remember as well that this woman is not some lone nutcase–in some fashion to a lesser or greater degree, every person who has been ‘raised Jewish’ thinks along these lines and the numbers of refugees fleeing the insane asylum known as Jewish thinking are so small as to be statistically insignificant.

What’s worse is the fact that these people, plagued with this mental illness known as jtosis, own the world, along with it’s money, it’s media, the most powerful militaries in human history and, last but not least, hundreds of nuclear weapons which they believe their god, Yahweh, wants them to unleash upon mankind.

It is said often without much thought being given to it, but it bears sober, somber reflection and repeating–

God help us all.

Batya Medad, Israel National News

For the gazillionth time, I’m saying that the violence between Arabs and Jews here has nothing to do with anything we Jews do or have done, besides innocent breathing. Many well-meaning people were concerned and surprised that the Arabs who visited the Efrat succah were arrested and held in jail. The PA-Palestinian Authority does not want normal peaceful relations with Israel. It just wants international money and privilege.

The Arabs, whom the world -including too many Israelis and Jews- call “Palestinians,” sic, not only attack and terrorize us, but they educate their children to do so.

Another drawing by a Palestinian child showed a crucified woman wearing the colors of the Palestinian flag, with her body in the shape of the PA map of “Palestine” that presents all of Israel as “Palestine” together with the PA areas. The crucifixion also repeats the analogy that Palestinians are Martyr victims like Jesus.

Yet other drawings showed support for violence as legitimate means of Palestinian opposition to Israel. One child drew a Palestinian with a slingshot, another drew a hand with a rifle (see below). These drawings echo the PA and Fatah’s encouragement of the use of violence against Israel and their glorification of terrorists as heroes.

Yet other drawings showed support for violence as legitimate means of Palestinian opposition to Israel. One child drew a Palestinian with a slingshot, another drew a hand with a rifle (see below). These drawings echo the PA and Fatah’s encouragement of the use of violence against Israel and their glorification of terrorists as heroes.Palestinian Media Watch documented that summer camps organized by the PA Ministry of Education and the PLO educated children to see terrorist stabbers as role models.

And besides that, consider all of the horrendous violence in the Arab world, Syria, Iraq, Iran etc. There is a culture of violence that must be recognized and not hidden by PC lies and euphemisms.

3 thoughts on “Peace with The Arabs Will Take Generations If it is possible At All”
  1. How does one even BEGIN to deal with such a mass of fabrications? It boils down to lies, lies, more damned lies. Surely one expects no less from these deluded creatures of Satan. There is no justification for genocide….
    Even the Jews don’t des… er… let me rephrase that…. they are so deluded that only stopping them will work…. thing is they fight so dirty…

  2. no peace possible where jew, jewpet involved
    so dont even pretend or waste time
    do what is necessary

  3. Oy vey! These pictures must be fake!
    WE cannot have murdered innocent people! WE ARE TOO CIVILIZED AND HUMANE TO COMMIT SUCH CRIMES! We just bomb them out of oblivion! Or back to the stone age! Shalom!

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