judaism hollywood sign Large

ed note–the fact that the US military is at war with Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, etc, and that all of this takes place under the generalship of the US President who is Commander in Chief doesn’t even register in the minds of these idiots. All they know is what they are told by the likes of Pamela Geller, Daniel Pipes, Glen Beck, etc. Furthermore, the fact that Jews enjoy the highest positions of power in the US and have a decidedly unfavorable opinion of Muslims and Islam and that indeed IF Obama had Islamic leanings he wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of winning ANY office in America, much less the US Presidency, doesn’t register to them either.  

Lesson to be learned from this–NEVER underestimate the depths to which human stupidity can sink.

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0 thoughts on “Poll: 54% of Republicans say that, “deep down, Obama is a Muslim””
  1. Despite ISIS setbacks in Syria and Iraq, Foxnews viewers believe ISIS is advancing towards a global Islamic Caliphate. Viewers are unaware of actual events on the ground with recent advances by SAA, Hezbollah, Kurds, Iraqi government forces and Iraqi Shia militias. They’re under the impression ISIS elements are taking root in all fifty states.

    US has been droning Yemen for eight years, and most Americans don’t know the difference between AQAP and Houthis.

    MSM wants us to be concerned only with the threat of Iran which is somehow part of the ISIS global Islamic Caliphate and the annihilation of Israel.

    Either directly or indirectly through MSM and neocon websites, President Obama is portrayed as being either complacent or facilitating this global radical Islamification.

    We are left oblivious to the current global situation, actual human needs, and the actual depiction of future global prospects by design.

    Most people, including Republicans, are good people. We all strive to do what we think is right based on our value system. Bad people know most humans trust other humans and believe what we say, because good people do not systematically lie. Bad people exploit the fundamental human trait of Trust.

    President Obama is the perfect target for these bad people based his life history. Bad people distort and exploit anyone and anything in order to fulfill their selfish purpose.

    President Obama isn’t the ideal white Christian American conservative interventionist crusader or other ‘Republican’ iterations. President Obama didn’t run as a conservative or an Israeli firster. The majority of voting Americans did not vote for a conservative or neocon presidential candidate in 2008 or 2012,.

    The US Constitution is, in of itself, progressive. Jesus and the Apostles were heretics, hence “apostates”. The US Constitution does not mention God, conservative ideals or expansionism. Do the words Tory versus Colonial mean anything? Tories were the ‘conservatives’.

    American Conservatives are Constitutionalists where the entire US Constitution is the Standard. I might look to the Articles of Confederation or correspondence written by the Constitutional Convention participants for further clarification of any constitutional ambiguity, should the need arise. Religious scriptures may be your personal standard and your Right to practice scripture as you see fit, but they are not America’s Standard.

    Based on President Obama’s life experiences, he worked within the system handed to him by previous administrations. There is one thing no one can take away from Barrack Obama; his love or devotion towards his wife and children.

  2. At one time,when the Republican Party was in minority status in the US population,its base was the smarter of the two. The Democrats where made up ‘educated Liberals’,and ruled by Jews. Red Necks,and RACIST Dixiecrats,along with Unions where its base. The later went along with the former INSISTING,that they ‘where just like them. REFUSING To acknowledge they where extreme Leftists. The ‘goody goody,Liberals’,looked the other way for the majority votes. When this finally broke,up ,and it was gradual. The Red Necks,displaced Labor,and Dixiecrats became the GOP Base,with Jews running it,at the top. Political Realignment! Now, the Republican Party is the wholly stupid party. A Trotzkyite Judiac led Revolutionary Mob,at the beck,and call of Rothschilds FOX, TV Preachers,and rabid talk show hosts. The Jews are expert,at brain washing these types. They become inflamed if the words Jew/Israel is mentioned in a derogatory way. They are superficial and viceral. All Talmudvision Addicted. Just say : As seen on TEEEVEEE”,and God approved it. Obama is no a Muslim,in any way personally ,or politcally. The fools who say so are the types who pick up buzz words. Political profanity: NAZI,FASCIST, LIBERAL,MARXIST, COMMUNIST ATHIEST,MUSLIM,etc. I had one big nasty Polish ex Cop,point his finger at me,and say:”Jews have ZERO power in the USA,and NEVER where Communists-and Lenin was 100 % peasent stock”. He had never heard of Trotzky,or the rest. When I quoted Putin:”Jews where 80 Reds” HE SHOUTED :” I DON”T BELIEVE THAT ! Guess what? The Slavic American genius thinks Obama is a Muslim ! In his foggy brain,he seemed to know I made sense,but had been so trained to love Jews,(COPS rae briefed by the ADL) he had to maintain the cognitive dissonence. The Jews will never clean this up,because it covers their control… they are the masters of the lie.

  3. The word “Muslim” has become an epithet thanks to the Zionist mind control this country is under. Obama’s not a Muslim, but if he was, so what? According to the Constitution, there’s no religious litmus test for public office.

  4. Jewish extremists set fire to a Greek Orthodox seminary day after police mosque torched; gag order has been imposed

    FBI Director: ISIS in All Fifty States

    If true, then someone left the door open with a possible invitation.

  5. I would add that the “US military” is a branch of a global military. America having went thru bankruptcy in 1929 (being publicly announced in 1933 and being placed in the United States Code), the United States of America corporation went into receivership whereby the United States Treasury Secretary is of the International Monetary Fund. The IMF pays his salary.

    The US has been being directed by Internationalists that are ‘elite’ Jews. The ‘elite’ International Jew know way wants complete open control of the United States. This would be too obvious. Their approach is to hold key positions within government. If the US government was openly packed or completely filled by ‘elite’ Jews, it would raise too many eyebrows and more people would begin to ask questions. So staying somewhat behind the scenes is how they play it.

    Presidents are surrounded daily by a sphere of agents / advisers. Lloyd Craig Blankein of Goldman – Sachs was key in the 2008 campaign. Obama was and is paid for. The elite Jew also funds both sides. There’s big money in the run up for the ‘election’. They either own or have financial interests in corporate media ( which is elite Jew owned ), they control and operate the Wall Street companies that place ads on all the media outlets, thus keeping all opportunities & consequential profits within their network. They reach deep into the pockets of the Goy.

    Its similar to Hollywood. Hollywood big money is of the elite Jew. It’s a Jew network..a Jew industry. Even the award ceremonies are put on by Jews and its an event where they can all pat each other on the back ( for not only making tons of cashola, but playing a major role in the perversion of the culture ). It’s all a Jew reunion. Even while watching their movies you can see where they place a Coca Cola bottle on a table in one scene. Or they place a box of Kelloggs cereal in eye shot. They even advertise their corporate products within their own moves. It’s a rigged network.

    Obama is doing exactly what he is directed to do. If there is any ‘fall’, he will take the hit. The directors try to stay out of the spotlight. Obama is the glove. He is what people see but, it is the workings inside the glove that is doing the work. The glove is cover. It’s the same way the “US / America” will soon take the hit. The whole world sees the “US / America” and it’s actions but most are unaware of what is in control of America.

    Actually and technically, it should no longer be called America or even the United States of America. The corporate United States went into receivership. Technically. it could have been named along the lines of The United Democratic Federation of International Corporate Guardianship.

  6. @kittie kittle
    “President Obama is the perfect target for these bad people based his life history. Bad people distort and exploit anyone and anything in order to fulfill their selfish purpose.”

    No, the Drone King is a legitimate target for people who don’t have a yen for massacres, wealth transfer upward and Jewish wars.
    He is not a Muslim but if he were technically speaking a Muslim, he’d be closer to the Takfiris than to any real Muslims. I regard all this palaver about him being a Muslim, hyped by he media, as a way for the Democrats to “energize the base” around him.
    Attacking him for “being a Muslim” is like trying to slander the war criminal and Shabbat Goy that he is for being … a Buddhist.

  7. Hate that opportunist…….bloodthirsty war monger he is infected with the Talmud vision only a bit less than his political adversaries.

    I hope he dies an awful death similar to the droned Muslims he killed. (UNLESS he repents for the innocents he killed and becomes Muslim )…….and to add insult to injury he jokes about drones…….

    American is a worst epithet now, second only in many countries to Israeli.

  8. Great Editorial Note, as always, from MG. Especially : “IF Obama had Islamic leanings he wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of winning ANY office in America, much less the US Presidency!” My oft-presented respect again, MG, for this insight.

    What MG said here is the ugly truth for ALL walks of life by now, perpetrated top down … and it was officialised when this was announced :

    “”No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation.” (~ David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations) !

    People out there just don’t seem to get it (or get Anything) until a sledgehammer hits them in the head. Such morbid zombie-ness of the masses brings us to the following article that should be compulsory reading of the hour for N. Americans :

    “You Should Be Concerned!”



  9. LOL! 😀 … Republicans calling Obama Muslim?

    Obama is about as Muslim as Jay-Z is Miles Davis (with respect to the music far more than the musician)!


    Or one may say that Obama is about as Muslim as Hagee is Apostle Barnabas! Or how about: Obama is about as Muslim as Anthony Quinn (in Lion of the Desert) is Hamza (r.a.). … Or even : Obama is about as Muslim as a Lizard is a Dinosaur, or a snake is a mammal, or the Antichrist is Jesus (pbuh) … the list goes on!

    LOL! 😀 Since when are Republican politicians (who are about as Christian as a lizard is a Dinosaur) the best judge of who is a Muslim?! … It’s like FREEMASONIC posers/ impostors (Gnostics/ Zio-Christians/ Popes/ Grand-Muftis/ CIA-Muslims-Clerics/ Scholars/ Salafis/ Sufis etc.) playing god and judging who is a “bad, good or excellent” Muslim (and wicked sheeple buying it too)! LOL! 😀

    Epithets have been hijacked long ago. EVERYthing is upside down already. Satans/ Jews beheaded John the Baptist (pbuh) … and now their own ‘trained assassins’ who [apparently] behead innocent people are called “Jihadi JOHNs”?!!! (Gasp!) 😀


  10. Speaking of Jihadi Johns …

    (… one can’t miss the various ‘clues’ all over the Daily Mail cover…)


    … here’s an interesting update/ revelation …

    (((((( Press TV censors comments too! )))))) … YES!…
    (((((( Press TV censors comments too! ))))))

    I posted replies to some crucial comments here : http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2015/02/27/399353/UK-policies-radicalized-Jihadi-John … and they are yet to show up!

    I am sharing those comments below :


    PAM COX (said) :

    Radicalization is a joint UK and zionist project. They choose victims from specific countries, manily from muslim world. The victims and their family are abused and harassed during many years. During this process of radicalization, the victims slowly and step-by-step become public. Agents are deployed by intelligent services to smear victims and to accuse them in crime, sex and violence and drug. The victims find themselves in a situation that everything is against them and no one believe in their claims of the conspiracy going on against them. When the time has come that the victims find no way but to raise their voices, they are simply eliminated by the police forces and everything will end up against the victims and their country of origin. People must be very careful not to simply fall into the western intelligent services traps.

    HUMAN MELODY 1 (said) :

    Pam Cox : I don’t know who you are, but you are a rare and knowledgeable person who just said something that made a million souls pray for you! What you just said is only known to those who (like you said) no one believed.

    You basically described what was attempted by the scum of mankind known as secret services (who serve the secret society/ Jews) upon me and my family since 9/11 !!! … [God Saved me! “They” failed miserably after almost 15 years of trying!] … It’s a miracle (and nothing but God’s Mercy) that I’m still alive, although under the same “open prison”. My parents/ family are still under continual blackmail/ pressure, to which they had given in / compromised a long time ago. My the Mercy of God, I still haven’t compromised any bit of what made them target me in the first place. Yes, it’s been 14 years, and God Alone is my Guardian and Protector.

    I speak out of untold agony and wounds — what you said here should be mass-published and disseminated around the WHOLE world to wake up people! May God Bless you. 🙂

    [By the way, regarding this article, though — ISIS (as the world knows it) is [today] a Corporations+secret service venture, and it is itself more of a corporation with Annual Reports and all…. attempting to [ultimately] procure Israel’s so called ‘Biblical Holy Land’ (from Egypt to Iraq) for the impostor Jewish state. … I don’t buy this featured article completely, for reasons that cannot be covered in a single comment.]

    FIONA WARD (said) :

    The process of British-zionist radicalization plan also include physical torture such as poisoning the person by Nerve Gas, Chemical weapons or other secret weapons, and NHS and medical doctors collaborating with this state plot in targeting the victims.

    HUMAN MELODY 1 (said) :

    Fiona Ward: God Bless you for saying this. Yes, and the so-called ‘radicalization’ (which is also, in part, a mind-control-assassin-making plan) also includes a host/ gamut of torture techniques incl. : MK-Ultra + Monarch + Trauma-based-mind-control + Psycho-narcotics + Covert Harassment + Electronic Harassment + Social Harassment/ Slander/ Gang stalking + Demon-Possessions … and much more.

    The British Secret Service (incl. the Mossad, CIA, and by extension, ultimately, the Indian RAW/ SS, Pakistani ISIS etc. etc. around the world) are all simply “The Occult Cabalist Bankers’ Boys”! … Universities around N. America (e.g. McGill University of Canada) were paid heavily by Zionist Agencies to experiment on human beings and thus pioneer torture techniques (incl. occult techniques) to create mind-controlled slaves. The Truth will out soon, by the Will of God.

    Also, the MI7 had always been, in part, occult. The CIA’s drug peddling was tied to the New Age Occult/ Jinn-worship for a while now. … It all adds up to the same diabolical NWO plan. … A lot of the ISIS thugs are as much “transhuman” as the secret service cadres. This is a disease that ultimately serves to bring about the Jewish False Messiah — the Antichrist Dajjal.


  11. Our world pathetic world today is full of [at best] praying and scripture quoting people without genuine BELIEF … and who don’t venture out far enough to actually ‘live’ what they know.

    As the Jewlluminati (and ALL their govt.s and Agencies) deliberately torture and CREATE desperation/ destitute/ radicals … and as worthless HYPOCRITES (incl. friends, family, colleagues, neighbors et al) apathetically watch this being done to people they know …

    I wish I had the means to mass disseminate : the solace, shelter, Support, encouragement, trusting ears, ‘understanding’, call-to-patience, FAITH, and love necessary to protect ALL those who are still being targeted to be “converted” into ‘Radicals’ (Radical = ‘twice the sons of hell’) by the demonic SCUM that rule the world and fill our societies from high posts to social circles!

    My brothers [and sisters] out there —- from our father Adam (pbuh), and then our father Abraham (pbuh) —- NEED to be explained/ told such reminders as the following :

    — Prophet Muhammad (saas) said that in the End Times … … stick to the community/ jamaat, and if there is no REAL community/ jamaat (viz., when every place is filled with material-worshipping, apathetic hypocrites/ “fakies”) … then retreat and bite to the roots of trees to save your Faith/ Imaan and die in that state (because, as implicit in Islam, that’s incredibly better than the whole world and all that’s in it)! … [EVERY Muslim should realize that the time of that last resort is ALREADY here!]



    Obama is just from among the lowest of critters whose highest lords and godfathers will be squealing in ghastly despair … a day [Soon], when even rocks won’t shelter these wicked scum who inflicted untold pain and injustice on humanity! … …

    A day SOON!

  12. Forgot to add in #10 … Universities/ educational and other institutions etc. AROUND THE WORLD were paid heavily by Zionist Agencies to experiment on human beings and thus pioneer torture techniques (incl. occult techniques) to create mind-controlled slaves… for a WHILE now. A lot of “Heads of NGOs” and even Philanthropist types around the world are actually Secret Service Masons (often unbeknownst to their own colleagues/ contemporaries).

    May this word spread virally. Ameen.

  13. Also, in #10 … The news headline [instead of “Unmasking Jihadi John”] should really be : “Unmasking the Scum/ Govt.s/ Jewlluminati who are Behind Creating Jihadi johns”!]

  14. In overall relevance to the abovementioned, as well as the theme of “creating Jewlluminati puppet leaders/ figures/ minions/ epithets from childhood” … here’s an interesting article on how those techniques/ phenomena are now being consolidated and going mainstream in the ‘core’ form — “Satanic, Occult, Fascist & Racist Communism”:

    “Common Core’s Communist Core!”



    [Excerpt:] “”Common Core” is a standardized US national curriculum which leaves no doubt that the country has been subverted by a Cabalist satanic cult, i.e. Communism. The goal is to brainwash, dumb down and enslave the young generation. Common core represents an attack on civilization no different from ISIS smashing priceless artifacts in the Mosul Museum.”

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