‘It is critical to remind him, through whatever means possible, of the great folly inherent in the idea of ‘two nations for two peoples’
ed note–jes’ a lil’ reminder/wake up call to all those who foolishly buy into the ‘Jews for peace’ BS that whenever that first word beginning with the letter ‘j’ is attached to it, that whatever the topic of discussion happens to be, it means that the members of that group approach the entire paradigm with another ‘j’ word in mind as the foundational basis upon which their perspective and discourse operates, and that ‘j’ word is Judaism.
And Judaism is very clear on this issue–the land between the Nile and Euphrates belongs to the Jews, case closed, next item. To them, even THINKING about the creation of a ‘Palestinian state’ within the Nile and Euphrates risks the wrath of the Jewish god YHWH, so just plain ‘fugghettaboutit’ the notion of actually doing anything substantive.
They do however love the process of never-ending discussions because–
A. It creates the false impression that they really do ‘want peace’, are willing to talk and be reasonable,
B. it allows them to do is to employ the same tactics that a 2-man pick-pocket team utilizes, which is one guy keeping the target’s attention focused on him while the other goes to work robbing him.
A ‘2 state solution’ ends all future debate/discussion and this is why they oppose it, in addition to the fact–as previously stated–that they consider the entire Middle East theirs by virtue of divine proclamation.
Umm… yeah… let’s try that… sounds like a good plan…
“True peace” and “lasting security” is defined by the Jews as NO OPPOSITION left standing because the opposition is neutralized or dead.