[Ariadna: The days when the Russian pilots lorded it over the Syrian skies are over. The Russian air force has met its match and its name is Turkish Air Force, nicknamed “Ilderim” (Lightning Strike).
It all happened over the weekend.
Brazen enough to not only ignore the American warning against Russia’s harming our moderate ISIS but also to harass some Israeli jet fighters conducting their regular sorties in Syrian air space to defend Israel, the Russians went too far this time and bothered some Turkish jet fighters in what Turkey says was Turkish air space. Ahmed Davidoglu, Turkey’s Foreign Minister, conveyed an unmistakable message of dire warning to his Russian counterparts. The Turkish air defense is such, he said, that not even birds can penetrate the Turkish airspace undetected, and their fire precision is so exquisite that they can hit even a colibri.
Our unbelievably high sources close to the Kremlin inform us that Putin is on the verge of a nervous breakdown since this incident and that immediate orders personally signed by him were sent to the Russian high command in Syria that,
under no circumstances, and irrespective of any provocations should the Russians release any colibris in the vicinity of the Turkish border.]
Nevertheless, despite this truce, the writing is on the wall and it is written in Turkish. Putin has met his match]
This article is full of BS! Russia not worried about Turkey one bit and they are busy fighting the Kurds! Turkey needs Russia and buys its gas from them so please get with the program and stand behind the coalition to get rid of Isis not Assad!
Anita, I only report what my unbelievably high-placed sources close to the Kremlin tell me under condition of anonymity and then try to relate that to what I read in the mainstream media. If I am wrong, I stand corrected. On a related topic: aren’t the colibris adorable?
You can understand why the Russians are so nervous, when you realise that the Colibri are a species confined to central America (OK, a few go down to the northern areas of South America, but not too far, for their summer vacation)
Being a Turk myself i have never heard of the word “Ilderim” – now Simsek (pronounced Shimshek) or Yildirim is lightning..
Anyway i don’t believe the Turks, they are just doing their masters bidding to start a confrontation – i mean they have got a nerve lecturing people about violating others airspace.
“Putin is on the verge of a nervous breakdown”
Signs of dis-info in my opinion .
I do not believe this dispatch . More propaganda .After all Turkey is ISIS! For ISIS is US and Israel too!
PJ London ,that is sooo funny !
Love the colibris, now that I know what they are. Good article. I love mocking the mainstream media too, but Ariadna does it so much better.
I hope Russia succeeds and I hope more people start cheering Russia like us, but I wonder how things are going in Russia. The media likes to play up the sanctions and the effect they are supposedly having. I’m skeptical of almost everything in the MSM, but I have a Russian acquaintance where I live and he claims things are not going well there. His wife will be leaving her job in Moscow to join him here and he has a friend whose family apparently is pretty well off and they’ve shut down some of their businesses. This may mean nothing. It’s one Russian’s opinion that I’m reporting.
On the other hand, some reports have said Janet Yellen’s putting up a front about raising interest rates because the US is doing well. They say the rates won’t be raised because the US is not doing well at all.
Pj, Nothing gets past you, does it? You got a kernel of truth there but only a tiny one. Yes, the colibris originated in this (my) hemisphere but they have spread all over the world in a few short centuries. I hesitate to say this, being as wary of incessant references to the Tribe as you are, but here, I’ll say it:
They are rootless birds: they suck the nectar out of flowers until they exhaust an area and then move on to the next field.
From sources even more highly placed than my customary unbelievably high-places sources, I have it that the Russians — who, after all, invented ornithological weapons of mass destruction — developed the so-called Colibri Program designed to use some of the colibris accultured in Russia — only the tamer ones — in their aggressive expansionist wars. With Putin’s advent, avian warfare started for real.
Ancient Judaic wisdom — endowed with the pre-traumatic predictive acumen — envisioned this long ago, hence the Chicken Swinging ritual.
Too much info?
The quality of satire is not strained;
It droppeth as a lump of lead from heaven
Upon the place beneath.
It is twice blest;
It blesseth him that grasps it and also him that doesn’t have a clue:
It makes one’s eyes to roll, to read of comments from the herd.
The Jews have spread their brand of hypocrisy to its western vassals. Everyone felt they had the freedom to violate SYRIAN AIRSPACE, but hoo-boy! They shit their pants if THEIR airspace is violated! I hope Russia buzzes Tel Aviv with a few Su-34s!
…..”Turkish defence is such that not even a bird can penetrate……blah blah…colibri”
But battalions of ISIS can pass to and from Turkey with tanks and armored vehicles…
Erdogan is a zionist fcukpot
Why Mark allows Ariadna to post, I’ve no idea?
@13, “The other Peter”: I suggest you start a petition drive to oust this Ariadna from TUT. Petitions never fail to redress grievances.
Personally, I do NOT believe this disinfo and hope Putin CHOOSES to turn Israel into a GLASS CRATER in the shape of a “1” and the Fifth Fleet watches their back now that the 6th has been turned over to a Jew King Fu!
Palestinian “genocide”? See this for how it was a BLOOD RITUAL!
PJ, I will pay you in your own coin even though it is with distaste that I (unlike you) touch any text written by that unredeemed anti-semite, the Bard and, even worse, the most anti-semitic text he ever wrote:
“And earthly power doth then show likest God’s
When satire seasons justice. Jew, non-Jew:
Though justice be thy plea, consider this,
That, in the dour cry for justice, none of us
Should see salvation: pray only for satire”
@Mike, why, Mike, you a Turk don’t know the word “Ilderim”? I learned in school about ‘Baiazid Ilderim,’ didn’t you? Or did you go to school in the US?
“For ’tis the sport to have the enginer
Hoist with his own petar’;”
“Petars are sweet
Yet I should kill thee with much hoisting.
Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow.”
[Exits regretfully towards the kitchen to make dinner…]
I love the satire from Ariadna (and P J London). I bet Mark G. does also – which is one reason he lets Ariadna post here.
Putin having a “nervous breakdown” surely is ” satire”.
The International Jews are!
“Tough in Russia”. It’s ” tough all over, and I reckon and hear the people are united there in understanding who made it “tough” …the Jews s=at home and abroad.
The Russians have a tremendous sense of respect and pride in Putin.
To paraphrase a slogan from another time, and nation in a very similar situation…the z=3Third Reich.
Putin is ” One Leader, One Reich, One Nation”.
This us a concept unknown in the “multicultural, free democracies” run by the International Jews in the West.
Yahweh loves to make his ” Tower of Babel”.
Ariadna is a highly erudite person…and in our serious role here, her dry sense of humor’s subtlety must be recognized.
However I myself will quote the Bard: “Sirrah, come hither; ’tis no time to jest.”
“Comedians egags comedians, is there not any place on earth one can hide from comedians”.
As for ” petitions”.. They are not needed here. Our esteemed leader Mark Glenn has struck gold in Ariadna. Her witand culture on par with Madame Pompadour.
We are not “Democratic” here.
Mobs never know the truth, and Jews perfected infiltration, and manipulation of them.
Repeat false flag bunkum about “true Jews” vs Khazars”, and other Alex Jones, Birch Society rubbish and “you’re shown the door”. And yes we are boldly into WW 2 “truth for the Axis “.
However without a ” petition ” a certain ” Marta ” by way of a convent, through Poland, and into NJ with a Chicago false flag swerve has been sent back to the pits of Judaic liar Henry Makow !
Thank you Mark,and Ariadna.
None must worry, Mr Putin knows what he is doing….the tide is turning.
“The little grey men”( and Polish washwoman Merkel) of the West are no match for him.
Sounds like the writer of this story is hasbaRat, ie. “Tokyo Rose” for the Zio-cons.
Sure a lot of comments on a fairly benign article. i think ‘colibris’ a hummingbird genera, is a reference to something small and fast/hard to see. ~ seems like a straight forward pc to me thou tongue in cheek by Putin referring to the pesky hummingbirds and Turkish threats… thanks to Ariadna (and MG).
i do agree with Dante’s assessment…esp about H. Mankow.
I have noticed these hasbara rats posting the most silly articles on many sites lately. My guess is as long as the are busy typing away at the computer,their supervisor is not looking over their shoulder.
Satire is double-edged tool and can achieve a specific point very powerfully.
An important point to keep in mind: a significant proportion of people cannot see the irony, and are left confused when a satirical wave washes over them.
That can be unfortunate if they feel excluded and do not engage in an argument which they could have understood if expressed simply and concretely.
Sometimes worthwhile arguments just get lost in the wash.
When satire “droppeth as a lump of lead from heaven”, is it a blessing? Or a curse?
lol! …One might suggest that a colibri would be a much more difficult target to hit than a wild Turkey.
Why am I reminded of Nikky Kruschev’s fist-waving brag that the USSR could shoot down a fly in space?
Aw shucks, Alan Kerns, didja hafta get schoolmarmish on me so soon after being anointed communicator? Copying a page taken out of the Proletcultist Manifesto on the danger of art that’s ‘not accessible to the masses’… “No soup” for me, eh? It reminded me of Dana Carvey’s Church Lady… something like “Satire… hmmm irony… hmmm, isn’t that special!”
Why didja do this to me, Alan? I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody. All I get now is a one-way ticket to Palooka-ville!
“Look, kid, I – how much you weigh, babe? When you weighed one hundred and sixty-eight pounds you were beautiful.”
You wanna take it outside, Charley? We broke the mirrors here and the regulars are complaining.
Thank you, Dante. Over the top praise was just the ticket right about now.
This is what the Criminal Judaic Mafia would love to see. They would love to see President Vladimir Putin “Having a heart attack”. And the Turks are in bed with Israel and do whatever their masters tells them to do.
Putin having a nervous breakdown, shaking in his shoes, I’ll bet it is news to him. That joke made my day. Turkey, oh the folks that murdered 1.5 mill innocent Armenians. They don’t have one iota of credibility. I’ll bet the vermin jews are now shaking and Netty is wringing his grubby hands.
LOL , LOL and more LOL