0 thoughts on “Sadistic Arab-Killing ‘Film’ Breaks Records”
  1. A classic jew propaganda film. This guy was a scum-bag murderer for the jews and got what he deserved; when I heard what caused his death, I laughed. Him getting blown away by a fellow pshyco marine made my day! Asshole!

    We still have this lying prick ex-seal who claims to have killed Bin Laden. LOL!!!!

  2. Patriotard movie # 3207 out; infecting the beer guzzlin’, football watchin’ masses. Time to switch it up and pump out another holohoax flick.

    Maybe hymie will really mix it up and have seal team 6 go back in time and get evil Adolph.

  3. Herding goyim has never been easier. Wrap some psychological unbalanced killer in an American flag and he gets a free ride.

  4. Clint Eastwood, 84, reminds me of a friend I had, 80, who seemed intelligent until last July when the Jews began their latest bombardment of Gaza. This former friend suddenly started cheering for the Jews. It was disgusting. I disappeared.

    Obviously age and wisdom are two different things. Some people are wise at 30. Others remain idiots all their lives.

    And so we have Eastwood who, in his final year or two, is promoting the era of the Jew, in which war is peace, Jews are “victims,” and murderers are heroes.

    For Eastwood, every American is a hero, and every Iraqi is a “savage,” including children.” Murderers who invade foreign nations are “patriots.” Men who defend their families from these murderers are “terrorists.”

    Eastwood expects us to cheer for a cowardly psychopath from Texas who enjoyed murdering over 160 men, women and children from a safe distance, and bragged about it.

    I understand that in Eastwood’s movie the “hero” decides not to murder one Iraqi child because the child is carrying a Bible. (!!!) If that’s not pandering to (Jew-worshipping) Evangelicals, I don’t know what is.

    The film celebrates the religion of patriotism, the only religion that still revels in human sacrifice. Patriotism is the refuge of the cowardly, the stupid and the evil. In this movie the “hero” is all three.

    Someone please put Eastwood in a home, instead of letting him wander around talking to empty chairs.


  5. That idiot, murderer, scum bag who had no brains was nothing but a well paid trained killer who enjoyed murdering innocent people even children and women. He is portrayed as a hero but up there he is dancing the Zionist song with the devil in hell. Me too when I heard that he was shot I felt good.
    The reason these scum-bags with no brain go and kill is because they believe in the old song that “we are fighting for our freedom”, that is the biggest lie ever pushed into the American people’s brain. They go and die for Israel imperialism.

  6. This is sign of mental sickness… I believe those who enjoy watching these kinds of movies have some kind of mental sickness… If you don’t believe me, ask it from a psychologist….

  7. Not so long ago, my girlfriend was at my house in an early evening. I was about to watch,”Grand Torino”, by and starring Mr Eastwood. My girlfriend (she is Arab) threw a fit. She was good and pissed. She said she would leave immediately if I chose to watch this movie. I asked her why she was so upset. She looked at me with dismay, like I was some form of dumbass. Not the look in her eyes I normally enjoy seeing. She asked me in a harsh toned voice,”Do you know what he said about the Arabs? He said that they are getting everything that they deserve.” You might have guessed that the channel was indeed changed, and willfully by me. When we go to Carmel, she will not eat at “The Hogs Breath” because he (Eastwood) owns it. You are right K, let him talk to empty chairs and wait for a reply or applause from now on.

  8. I thought Clint Eastwood was a better person and I even liked his movies, but I realize he is another SCUM BAG, a Jew lover, a brown nose who kiss the “chosen” ass for the chance to be there in Hollywood.

  9. A little de ja vu of sorts …

    Army recruits have always known to be mostly of [conveniently] ignorant, arrogant, desperate and scum types (whether it’s the US army or ISIS types) … but even the ones in this classic movie clip seem tame compared to the ‘Chris-Kyle-justified’, mind-controlled psychopaths that are out there today …


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