Palestinian Suffering: The Gays
The real Palestinian suffering, arising from the oppression of gay Palestinians -- a grave societal issue in the environment of Palestinian culture permeated by Islam -- is hidden by anti-Israel…
Iran Might Anger the World
Ed notes by Ariad The cacophony of hysterical calls from Israel and Israel's houseboys in the US government to stop the US deal with Iran has reached a feverish pitch.…
Israel Dead Set to Defeat Iran Deal
Ed note, Ariad–Israel appears to be dead set to defeat the US-Iran nuclear agreement but some of its operatives find even that goal only a preliminary step: nothing short of…
Israel and Jewish Power
Mark’s comments on World Jewry Uneasy with Israel offer, as I see it, a perfect summary of the principles of operation of global Jewish Power (JP), that can be stated…
Hezbollah to Israel: Stop Littering
Ed. (Ariad.) Note: Hezbollah’s Environmental Agency has delivered a polite but firmly worded notice to Israel stating, among others, that Israel must cease sending drones into Lebanon’s airspace. “While we…