Washington Examiner

Sen. Ted Cruz will announce Monday that he’s running for president.

The Texas Republican plans to make the announcement while speaking at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., the Washington Examiner confirmed. Sources told the Houston Chronicle, which first reported the news early Sunday morning, that he’ll skip over the traditional step of creating an exploratory committee and go straight to a full-on presidential run.

The move will make Cruz, who came to national prominence in part for his 2013 filibuster on the Senate floor against Obamacare, the first GOP presidential candidate. Possible challengers in his field may include former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

Viewed as a Tea Party favorite, Cruz will vie for the support of conservative voters in the Republican primaries. In a recent stop in the early primary state of New Hampshire, Cruz warned that President Obama’s foreign policy had left the world “on fire” and called for abolishing the Internal Revenue Service and undoing the education standards known as Common Core, themes that are likely to be representative of his campaign.

Cruz was first elected to the Senate in 2012 after bruising GOP primary against Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, who was considered the Establishment candidate in the race.

In his first term as senator, Cruz has consistently caused headaches for both Democrats and Republicans, targeting Obama administration policies and criticizing Republicans from the right.

Infamously, Cruz was called a “wacko bird” by his GOP colleague John McCain of Arizona in 2013 for joining Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., in challenging Obama’s drone policy.

On Sunday, McCain was one of the first Republicans to comment on Cruz’s upcoming campaign announcement.

“He and I are friendly,” McCain said, claiming that Cruz would be a viable candidate against the presumed Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

Cruz worked as Texas’ solicitor general and in private practice arguing cases before the Supreme Court before taking office. A graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School, he also worked in the Bush administration before returning to Texas.

Cruz, 44 years old, was born in Calgary, Alberta, to an American mother and a Cuban father. His parents moved to Texas when he was young.

0 thoughts on “Ted Cruz to launch presidential bid”
  1. Interesting now to see how much in PAC money he will get from Jewish organizations after he goes over to Israel for his instructions.

  2. I urge Cruz to read President Washingtonś Farewell to the Country and his remarks on entanglement with foreign countries before he gets much further in his campaign.

  3. The GOP clown car is filling up fast. They’re all the same. A bunch of bomb-humping, warmongering, religious extremists who have sold their souls to the devil for political gain. If voting could change things, it would be illegal.

  4. Since he was born in Canada, does that disqualify him as running for president?

  5. @ American Flag:

    Section 1 of Article Two of the U.S. Constitution says a US President must be a “natural born citizen.”

    However the constitution does not define “natural born citizen.”

    Therefore the term can mean whatever Jews and rich people want it to mean.

    If you protest their definition, then you are an anti-semite or a conspiracy theorist.

  6. to american flag, what you mentioned should be rather entertaining to watch unfold after the entire Obama birther movement. Oh boy, never a dull moment here in amerikka.


    Check this out. Some excerpts from a blog post. Link at bottom.

    Ted Cruz wants the US border zipped up and a concrete fence erected, and he does not support any road to citizenship for those who have snuck in.

    “I am the son of an immigrant who came 58 years ago from Cuba legally,” Cruz says, “And I think Americans are agreed that amnesty is wrong.”

    Cruz’ father was a Cuban expatriate, and his mother was a US citizen. Cruz offers his father as an example of the right way to be an immigrant. Before coming to America, Cruz said, his father was “imprisoned and tortured in Cuba.” What Cruz glosses over is that his father, Rafael, actually fought alongside Fidel Castro’s communist forces. Rafael was captured and jailed and beaten by the regime of Fulgencio Batista, the US-backed dictator.

    Oops. That wasn’t supposed to come out.

    Somehow, despite the fact that Rafel (Ted Cruz’ father) was a rebel fighting alongside communists, Rafael was released from Batista prison sometime around 1957 and accepted to the University of Texas. Rafael then made it to America on a student visa when a family friend bribed a Cuban crony to stamp his exit visa. How a Cuban rebel could get a visa into the United States in the 1950s without lying about aiding and abetting Castro is beyond me. Lying on a visa application is grounds for deportation. I’d love to see the original document, if Cruz is seriously running for president.

    A few years back, when the birther complaints against Obama was in full bloom, Pastor Rafael Cruz (Ted Cruz’ father) told a Texas audience that he’d “like to send Obama back to Kenya.”

    In the USA, Rafael married an American woman named Eleanor, and they moved to Canada to chase their American dream in the Alberta oil fields. Rafael got Canadian citizenship, got drunk a lot, got his wife pregnant, and got Jesus.


  8. Great stuff Konrad. If they moved to Canada and out came Teddy then he is not legally able to run for president. They gave Obama hell about this. What’s good for one, is good for others too. I’d like to send them back to hell. I’m going to spread the word now more than ever.

    His daddy fought with Castro? Captured? Tortured by Baptista? I remember reading Castro mentioning one of these clowns in his writing, not sure if it was Cruz or Menendez. He did not have kind words to say. I have to make a note on this.

    Why do they hate the Latin community so much? Surely daddy Cruz had some connection and signed an agreement to betray Cuba forever or else they will come for him. I have never seen a Hispanic hate his people so much. Rubio too. Walls on the border? Surely the jew poison is irreversible on this one. No anecdote exist for the Cruz folks. Found Jesus? That is not Jesus. The Cruz men wear their horns well. It seems all drunks think they found Jesus. When you hear them speak, they make no sense at all. I’m going to have fun with this one.

    As far as I can tell, Cruz is hated along with Rubio and Menendez. They will never get the Hispanic votes. I don’t think the Hispanics will be voting. After all the flip flop with Obama and the obvious actions from Cruz and Co, they will not come out. If they do vote, it will more than likely be Democratic. Unless, Jeb Bush runs, then it can go either way. This whole Cruz and Co nonsense is just a charade. I will leave it at that.

    Thank you so much for this information. It will be very useful. 🙂


    Senators ted Cruz (R-TX) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) have both lied about their parents. Rubio has claimed on three occasions since 2006, and on his official Senate website, that his parents came to the U.S. after Castro’s forces overthrew Batista in January 1959. That is, they supposedly “fled from Castro.”

    In reality, Rubio’s parents arrived in the USA in May 1956. They were fleeing Batista — just as Ted Cruz’ father did.

    Cruz became a US Senator in 2013. Seven years before that, in January 2006, Cruz boasted to the Austin American-Statesman that his father had been, “A guerilla, throwing Molotov cocktails and blowing up buildings.” (Thus, Cruz’ father was a TERRORIST against a US-allied government.)

    Ted Cruz said his father began fighting against Batista’s regime in 1953 at age 14. At age 17 his father was imprisoned and tortured by Batista’s government. The next year, 1957, Rafael Cruz legally went to Texas on a student visa issued by the Batista regime.

    After Ted Cruz became a Senator, he reversed himself, and started to falsely claim that his father had fled Castro, not Batista. Cruz did this to appeal to white conservatives, and to cover his ass if anyone discovered that his father had entered the USA on fraudulent terms. “Oh, he fled Castro? It’s all right then.”

    Today Ted Cruz’ father (Rafael Bienvenido Cruz) is 76, and lives in Carrollton TX, a suburb of the Dallas / Forth Worth area.

    In 2013, Rafael told NPR that, “A lawyer friend of my father bribed a Batista official to stamp my passport with an exit permit.”

    Rafel said he fought during the Cuban Revolution against US-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista and that he was captured by Batista’s forces. He claims that he went through all legal channels while applying for a student visa from the U.S. government to attend the University of Texas. But if Rafael bribed officials of the US-backed Batista, how do we know he didn’t bribe officials of the US government?

    Ted Cruz fans claim that Rafael did not bribe US officials to get in to the USA, but bribed Batista officials to get out of Cuba. As though this makes everything okay.

    And there is still the problem of explaining how Rafael went from a student visa to a U.S. citizen. Ted Cruz once said his father asked for and received political asylum, because of the evil Castro. But this didn’t square with Rafael’s having fought with Castro’s forces.

    What I suspect happened is that Rafael Cruz went from Cuba to Texas, overstayed his student visa, and became an illegal alien. From Texas he went north to work in the oil fields of Alberta Canada, still an illegal alien (although Rafael claims that he became a Canadian citizen, through a process unknown). When Ted Cruz became solicitor general of Texas in 2003, he brought his father Rafael down from Canada, and fixed Rafael’s papers (perhaps illegally) so that Rafael could be a U.S. citizen.

    The point of all this is the lying, duplicity, and hypocrisy of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. They hate Latino immigrants, but they love Jews (who also hate Latinos).

    Not that it matters. I don’t think that either Cruz or Rubio has a chance to be US President. They’re too goofy. And even though Jews have tremendous power in the USA, it is not sufficient to grovel only before Jews and tea party morons, as do Cruz and Rubio. You must also grovel to Wall Street like Obama did (and still does).

    Neither Ted Cruz nor Marco Rubio have any connections on Wall Street.

  10. Liberty University is a fanatically pro-Israel “Christian university” in Lynchburg, Virginia. Its chancellor is Jerry Falwell Jr., son of the infamous televangelist.

    Ted Cruz announced his presidential campaign at Liberty University this morning (23 March 2015), because he knew that 10,000 students would be forced to attend. All Liberty students must show up for convocations on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, or they will be punished with four reprimands and a $10 fine.

  11. Thank you K and Lasilencia. Creo que los Americanos necesitan saber todo esto pero los medios de comunicacion que estan controlados por los Judios lo van a tratar de ocultar. sin embargo “La Mentira dura hasta que la verdad llega”.

  12. LASILENCIA says of Ted Cruz:

    “I seriously doubt he speaks the language and he does not identify with the Hispanic community at all.”

    Cruz cannot speak Spanish, and he’s proud of it. He thinks it makes him more acceptable to Jews andlos jinchos y blanquitos.

    In 2012 when Cruz was running for the US Senate, his opponent on the Republican side, Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst, challenged Cruz to a debate in Spanish. Dewhurst is 100% Anglo (like me), and apparently he speaks Spanish (like me). Cruz’ democratic opponent was Paul Lindsey Sadler, another 100% Anglo who speaks Spanish.

    Cruz refused to debate in Spanish, saying, “Most Texans speak English. Besides, my Spanish is lousy.” Like I said, he is proud of this.

    By the way, the map below shows that Texas has the USA’s largest concentration of Latinos – and yet Cruz was elected anyway.


  13. Konrad: Thanks for the info. I’m glad these men challenged that clown and proved my point. Not only can he not speak Spanish, but his English has been judazized as well. Every other word coming out his mouth is jews or Israel. He reminds me of the character in Silence of the Lamb (one of the sequels) where Hannibal is playing around with the victim’s brain. That’s Cruz with his brains all exposed and controlled.

    Cruz is nothing but the Elite’s garbage. He is their entertainment. Wall Street is having a field day. Just look at how he dresses. He is not presentable at all. Your map and breakdown is very interesting.

    Cruz es un pendejo! Cuando termine con el para la basura se va el comi mierda. Desgraciado! El no representa este pais. Los Judios lo tiene loco.


    I was in error when I said Ted Cruz has no Wall Street connections. His wife is a vice president at Goldman Sachs, which is so close to the powers in Washington that it is often referred to as “Government Sachs.” (One web site says his wife is a managing director as GS.)

    Sachs was the single biggest contributor to Obama’s campaign. It was the most profitable securities firm in Wall Street history before converting to a bank in 2008 and taking $10 billion from the Treasury. Sachs collected another $12 billion from the Fed’s bailout of American International Group Inc., and its decision to pay the insurer’s counter parties in full. Sachs also received guarantees on about $30 billion of debt and the ability to borrow cheaply from the Federal Reserve.

    Goldman Sachs people include (among others)

    Robert Rubin: former Treasury Secretary (Jew)
    Hank Paulson: former Treasury Secretary (Jew)
    Stephen Friedman: (Jew) held various posts under W. Bush
    Mark Carney: head of the Bank of England
    Mario Draghi: head of the European Central Bank
    William Dudley: head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
    Joshua Bolten: current White House chief of staff
    Jon Corzine: former governor of New Jersey
    Edward Lampert: richest man in Connecticut, worth $3.8 billion
    John C. Whitehead: former chairman of the fed reserve Bank of New York


    Members of Congress are required to disclose their spouse’s income if it is over $1,000 per year, but Ted Cruz only lists his wife’s income as “Over $1,000.” Cruz is not required to list the exact amount his wife earned. However, given the fact that the Senator is responsible for voting on financial regulation and certainly as president that would be a big part of his duties to oversee the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, it’s certainly important information.

    Cruz’ chief rival from the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton, did list her spouse’s exact income while Hillary was a Senator, because it was paid in honoraria, which through a loophole asks exact amounts paid. Clinton was required to report this potentially embarrassing information, while Cruz has kept secret what his wife is paid.

    Cruz’ lack of transparency should be an issue.

  15. @Konrad: No worries. Gold Man Sacks. I’m very familiar with vice president positions. Believe me when I say this, VPs are nothing. There are many VPs in the corporate world who have no clout, especially in zionist owned corporation. They don’t make much money either, even with their bonuses. Since she is not a CEO or a very senior officer, then the Cruz lady has no real pull. She is just married to a clown. She should get used to wearing ear plugs too, because the insults will be unbearable. Goldman will win either way. Whether Republican or Democrat, there is money to be made at Gold Man Sacks.

    I was just reading up on Ben Carson. He would have a better shot at the presidency than Cruz. Another dangerous gangster. Where are they coming from?

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