0 thoughts on “Texas has something to ‘celebrate’”
  1. I assure everyone,this ‘Chris Kyle ‘,hero worship is no happenstance. It is organized from the NSA/Pentagon/Jew Hollywood complex. The script is out of WW1’s Sgt York,and WW2’s Eddie Murphy. Lesson: The Jews plunge forward with no excuses,or apologies,for their anointed.

  2. I’m not sure how many FEMA camps are set up but this may be a prelude to those not going along with this stuff. Testing the waters here in Texas first just like they do with the school text books for the rest of the nation.

  3. The Latest: “Chris Kyle was just another Freemason!”


    “American Viper — Are Americans Too Stupid to be Free?” — Dr. Henry Makow



    “Military men are dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns of foreign policy.” – Henry Kissinger

    “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
    ~ Upton Sinclair

    “After retiring from the Navy in 2009, Kyle and partners started Craft International, the private security contractors implicated in the Boston Marathon false flag. Kyle was President of this company. Freemasonry is referred to as “the Craft.” Kyle’s wife is suing his partners for robbing the till and for unauthorized use of the company logo which Kyle designed, and is widely seen in the movie.


    Chris Kyle’s father taught him that there were three kinds of people in the world: wolves, sheep and sheep dogs. The role of the sheep dogs was to protect the sheep.

    In fact, “sheep dogs” like Chris Kyle are working for the wolves. Sheep dogs and sheep had better wake up before it’s too late.”

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