2 thoughts on “The cult of ignorance in the United States: Anti-intellectualism and the "dumbing down" of America”
  1. http://stevenm13.weebly.com/uploads/2/4/9/9/24990414/571906.jpg
    “Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton.” ~ Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society (1953) pgs. 49-50
    “Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.” ~ Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society (1953) p. 50
    Sorry to do this but it took me almost an hour (I am no Dante Ardenz with an iron clad memory) to remember the name Bertrand Russell whose opinions on the dumbing down and the resulting inability of the fools to even notice let alone question their putrid existence…. and I found THIS… again. And remembered that this video documents much of what twisted the American psyche into the selfish creature it is today as opposed to the ideals upon which the nation was originally founded.

  2. Thank you Noor for your brilliant presentation ,and Sabba for your post …this is most important .
    Now you can all see why Adolf Hitler ,and NS emphasis on health ,beauty ,and naturalness of hierarchy and seeking the best in people had to be destroyed ,and discredited ever since .
    It has nothing to do with superiority ,but everything to do with resistence to the degeneracy we are experiencing today .
    A society so weak,distracted ,greedy ,and increasingly ugly it cannot recognize what ruin they are in,and slavery they experience .
    The Judiac /Masonic / Puritan Elite ( Rockefeller’s are Baptist !) have worked to destroy all soveregnty of culture ,race ,and heritage of ALL peoples to bring about a tower of Babel society.
    The divine spirit of beauty is essential to a healthy life,culture ,nation ,and people .
    It is not subjective ,but very real …its definition ; Balance ,proportion ,symmetry.
    Every human being ,and indeed every sentient creature can recognize this …does not your cat love clean laundry ,and doggy a comfortable bed ?
    They love good food too.
    Even the plants know go reach for the glowing dun,and reach out to good soil.
    The system has exploited the basest instincts of the lowest to keep them enslaved ,and lowered the
    standards for the rest .
    The ” Middle Class ” which ” works hard ” is being prepared to join the struggling stvtge bottom who are ignored by almost everyone .
    The ” era of limits ” will always be,as austerity means our enslavement not to some ” evil Fascist Dictator ” but to the 1 percent of money ….the Jews ….
    ” Though shall have no other Gods but Yahweh ” means sooo much !
    Protocols ,manners hierarchy of talent diminished to prepare us for the mass society of ” workers” which cross the Left/Right Matrix
    No personality allowed ….charm ,romance , elegance needs not apply .
    Credential over talent .Happenstance over breeding .
    The ” workers Paradise ” of the Marxist ,is the same as the ” Opportunity Society ” of finance capital I assure you .
    Both are \ where promoted by the same elites.
    Blue Genes for ALL occasions and pajamas at dinner are the commercialized Mao suits of today .
    Bad grammar ,incomplete sentences , grunts and fits of communication. the new norm.
    Everyone must ” chill ” ,and ” be themselves ” even though they dont know who they are to begin with .
    The counter culture is a fraud ,and always was.
    It was promoted to achieve this as made / make billions for the elite .
    Just as moribund bouguise values are still pressed on some go keep them stasis and part of the Dialectic of power ,and a distraction .
    When a society no longer allows a natural rise of beauty , health, talent ,and order it is doomed to true enslavement .
    We can only break this by ignoring it to the best of our ability ,and defying it in are own lives .
    Look to harmony and beauty on your own lives .
    Refuse to listen, watch ,or participate.
    Keep yourselves groomed ,and looking nice as possible within reason ,and resource .
    Speak well and keep mannered …do not be a push over either !
    Only by defiance of the Judaic norms pressed upn us ,can a new consciousness prevail ,and counter Revolution come .

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