Bobby Jindal
The Republican 2016 presidential hopeful says ‘Judeo-Christian’ values are America’s moral foundation. What does that mean for those who don’t subscribe to them?


Republican Senator Ted Cruz recently made a splash by agreeing to appear at a glitzy retreat for observant Jews. There, he will likely promote his hawkish foreign policy, but would be wise to avoid another of his favorite topics, the “Judeo-Christian” values which he says make up America’s moral foundation. These values belie a dangerous, exclusionary worldview, deeply at odds with the universal American dream Cruz claims they represent.

Politico, which described Cruz as “a likely Republican presidential candidate and vocal Pro-Israel hawk,” speculated that this was likely an early effort on Cruz’s part to woo Jewish elites and powerbrokers.

This past September, during a well-received address at the Values Voter Summit, Cruz described the United States as a “center-right country, built on a foundation of Judeo-Christian values.” These include the belief that religion should be the center of public life, and a set of specific values, which include “standing for life,” “standing for marriage” and “standing for Israel.” Cruz insisted “our values” (the values of the religious right-wing at the summit) are “fundamentally American.” While many American Jews may “stand with Israel” (though probably not in the sense Cruz means it), they overwhelmingly support gay marriage and a woman’s right to an abortion. So where does the “Judeo” half of Cruz’s equation come from?

Writing in Religion Dispatches, Shalom Goldman – a professor of religious studies at Duke University – describes the history of the term. Goldman notes, interestingly, that it was first popularized in the 1930s by Jewish and Christian liberals who sought to combat growing American xenophobia by fostering “a more open and inclusive sense of American religious identity.” Orthodox Jews and conservative Christians both rejected the term.

Conservatives like Senator (and presidential candidate) Barry Goldwasser re-popularized the term in the ’50s as a foil against atheistic Communism. In the ’70s, Evangelist Preacher Jerry Falwell called for a “return to Judeo-Christian values,” or conservative streams of public religion, which in his view, the left had worked to erode. Goldman argues that post-9/11, Judeo Christian values have become an exclusionary term, used to keep Muslims out of the American social contract.

The exclusionary nature of the Judeo-Christian values theory is the heart of its problem. In that same speech at the Values Voter Summit, Cruz praised the American dream and tied the defense of Judeo-Christian values to its realization. Oddly, a central tenant of the American dream is that in theory, it applies to everyone, regardless of race, religion, socioeconomic status or gender; anyone who works hard can succeed. Whether or not the American dream actually exists, insisting that America’s promise is universal and declaring in the same breath that its fundamental values are tied to conservative streams of Christian and Jewish thought doesn’t make sense.

If Judeo-Christian values are fundamentally American, how can you truly be at home – never mind succeed – in the United States without extolling them? Under this theory, if you are a Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist or secularist (or Christian or Jew at odds with Cruz’s politics), you are by definition outside the tent of acceptable American values.

Judeo-Christian values, in a broader context, evoke a “clash of civilizations” between predominantly white Christians and Jews of the West and the rest of the world. They posit that Islamic values, for example, are fundamentally incompatible with the white Western world. Some argue that in Europe and the United States, the Judeo-Christian narrative has permeated extreme right-wing parties, and serves as a basis for racist ideologies.

Dennis Prager, a conservative pundit and avid defender of Judeo-Christian values, objects to the argument that they are racist or exclusionary. He replies that “the charge is meaningless, since people of all races affirm Judeo-Christian values.”

Cruz inadvertently addresses the racial issue in his speech, citing the Civil War as an example of God repairing deep divides in American society. For people and communities of color who suffer racial profiling, police brutality and poverty – the product of past and present American racism – the suggestion that the end of the Civil War “healed” tensions in America is nonsensical. Cruz’s analysis betrays a deeply white privileged and racist view of history, which is rooted in his Judeo-Christian values.

When it comes to gay rights and abortion, Cruz supports his values with policies that exclude and demean on the basis of sexual and gender identity. He was one of only eight senators to vote against reauthorizing the Violence against Women Act, which extends special protections to LGBTQ and Native American victims of abuse. He introduced a bill that would permit states to prohibit gay marriage without fearing challenges from the courts. He believes that health providers should be exempt from providing women with IUDs and emergency contraception.

So while Judeo-Christian values carry the Jewish name, we should continue rejecting them out of hand. They carry racist, misogynistic and homophobic connotations, and as such should not be conflated with American values. We should be especially skeptical when they are cloaked in the universalist message of the American dream. As Cruz and other cultural conservatives invoke Judeo-Christian values, we should make it clear that despite their misleading name, they in no way represent the Jewish people.

0 thoughts on “The dangerous message behind Ted Cruz’s Judeo-Christian values”
  1. No Señor, our value have never been judeo-christian. Jesus rejected judaic values and this is why you sent him to the Cross. America is an offshoot of Europe and Europe was built on helleno-christian values.Christian charity, compassion and universal love coupled with the greek logos and ethos. No room for genocide, eternal hate, eternal grudge, permanent neurosis, no room for a sick obsession with sex , incest, ‘harlots’ and genitalia and no room for a neurotic and destructive complex of superiority. Athens and Jerusalem do not mix, Athens and Jerusalem are antithetical. Athens and Jerusalem are perennial enemies I hope there will be one publisher somewhere in the world who one day will dare to do the greatest revolutionary act in centuries: publish as ONE book the New Testament and the Last Testament, i.e the Quran. These 2 books belong together while the OT belong to the dust bins of libraries, the dust bins of History (where it came from in the first place!).Amen!

  2. As George Carlin said, they call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. This article is spot on.

  3. Thank you so much Lasilencia, for the post,and SABBA1214,for his absolutely outstanding comment! His term,”Helleno-Christian values”, is a wonderful term! “Judeo-Christian values:” This supreme Oxymoron,is more than just a politically correct term;but a dangerous ideology. I was first exposed to it ,from Vatican 2 Catholics . Later, I read a curreculum ,from BOB JONES “UNIVERSITY,” on the history of the English Civil War. It described their hero;Puritan Oliver Cromwell,leading the forces of “Judeo-Christianity,Vs “Pagan Christinaity!”. Cromwell,was in the Jews pay,and with victory,readmitted them to England;set up a Central PRIVATE JEWISH BANK,to finance the state,and imposed a materialist ,fundamentalist dictatorship,of extreme harshness. Sports,theater,bright clothing,and Christmas banned as a “Pagan Holiday” Church attendence mandatory,and all faiths but his ‘Bible based’,allowed. Roman Catholics outlawed. The tree of the cross,planted in Glastenbury,by Joseph Of Aramethia,cut down. Jews of course,where risen to the highest points in society. Cromwell,embarked on Empire Building,and ‘free trade,’ =Jewish Globalism. Judeo -Christianity,is very deep,and more esoteric,than its surface. Take it very seriously. It is a way,to superimpose the OT tribal ‘God’; Yahweh onto Jesus Christ ! Thus Christs New Covenant,is negated,and the Old,one of the Jews is enforced through HIM ! Its severely ‘conservative’,social policy destroys culture,and beauty,which is really Jewish Bolshivisom, A bland, drome like materialistic society,to uphold Jewis rule imposed. The LEFT/RIGHT matrix manifested. Read: BOLSHIVISOM FROM MOSSES TO LENIN .Dietrich Echart. REAL MONEY & THE JEWISH DIALECTIC: Real Jew News :You Tube,and yes: YAHWEH GOD OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER & SYNAGOGUE OF SATURN -YT.

  4. The Judo-Christian Values is a meaningless political expression, used by politician to kiss up to the money lenders and to attract votes from the gullible “Christian” conservatives who don’t know much about their faith.
    Values such as love, kindness, forgiveness are common quality among ALL faiths.
    Today, this term is used deliberately to exclude other faiths, contradicting with the principle not to discriminate among Americans based on religion.

  5. Those who created the term “Judeo-Christian” had one goal in their mind: to turn the European and North American political leaders into robots so that they will blindly serve the interests of world Zionists. And, boy, have they succeeded! Just look at the behavior of most of the US “elected” politicians towards Israel.
    They talk of “Judeo-Christian values”? Why don’t they educate themselves by reading the Talmuds and History of Christianity? When they do this they will discover that the terms Judeo and Christianity have always been in conflict — a violent conflict.
    I hope that all the western leaders will realize that they have been duped into believing that Judeo values and Christian values are the same.

  6. With regards to this [featured] article, and the one here

    … here’s a humble reflection/ contribution towards the Cross-and-Crescent understanding, and towards the discussion on this ‘Judeo-Christian” scheme and its facilitating OT …


    Judeo-Christianity (just like its source/ root, Talmud) is no longer an Old Testament driven idea. It’s a spiritual infection … or John Kaminski calls it : Spiritual Syphilis !

    Psychology already notes the power of ‘mental models’ in directing an individual’s whole life (in thought and deed). And Judeo Christianity is just the sum total of all the mental models (viz., brainwash) created by Satanic/ Talmudic/ Zion-Masonic Jews!

    The FIRST false mental model they promulgated is regarding the very foundations and correlations of Abrahamic/ monotheistic religions.

    Masses around the world have been raised/ conditioned to believe this:

    …while THIS is the Truth :

    And like this isn’t bad or shocking enough for most people out there, here is the Ugliest Truth regarding what these Jews/ satans have done by now …

    This upsets and discourages a lot of people, especially those who have been religious for a while! Like the Mark Twain quotation [“It is easier to deceive people than to convince them that they’ve been deceived!”] … the best of people react THIS way :

    And at this point people are ready to shun all religions (and make the Jew really happy, because that’s EXACTLY what they’ve been working so hard for).

    But if ONLY people take the next step, they’d realize that God works with “individuals”, and not entire denominations or groups. NO ONE is in any better standing than the next person just because they were born to some religion or because they’ve been following some rituals to the ‘t’. … The entire final objective is “The Mercy, Love and Guidance of God” … which begins with “understanding” … and here’s the shocking status of religious understanding :

    For the thinkers out there, it’s a stunning thought that the Jews comprise of ~ 2% of the world’s population …. and the level of understanding among Christians and Muslims is sliding past 2% !

    So what does it take to get that ‘understanding’? Here’s the starting point :

    The next step is to make a ‘sincere’ effort. [The first man to acknowledge Prophet Muhammad’s (saas) status as a potential Messenger was a CHRISTIAN monk (the kind you don’t find anymore… because Masons replaced Spirituality/ Grace with the Occult). … Anyone who truly loves God would logically be extremely eager to see the last Revelation from God … especially when that last Revelation is a weapon against the “Judeo” that is fast killing us all today!

    A lot of people claim to have read the Quran. But the mere translation alone barely scratches the surface. Spiritual Guidance is to be read ‘spiritually’ — in deep reflection — to gain anything from it.

    Here’s an example [of a verse that would particularly destroy the webs of the likes of Elites, Secret Societies and Mossads of the world] :

    The Qur’an hurts the evil ones. And I never understood why some people who feel that the Jews need to be eliminated for world peace are the same people who claim that the Qur’an’s prescriptions of defensive wars are ‘violent’! [More violent than what Israelis have done to Palestine and are going to do to Americans now?!] … A clarifier here : “FAITH” [in Islam] REQUIRES that one opposes/ resists tyranny/ oppression/ evil. If there were more “True Muslim Believers” in this world, then the world would not have come to this abysmal point for humanity!

    If the reader has reached this point, they’re probably already thinking : “I want to know more about what ELSE the damn Jews did to me!”

    They say : “The fish is the last one to know it’s in the water”. And once the fish knows, it’s only the beginning of the struggle back to the Light it originally came from.

    The Jews messed up people’s very minds (“conceptual frameworks”). … “Faith” has always been only for the best, bravest, toughest and the brightest … and here is an example (for the courageous ones who are willing to “go there”) of just where the Jews/ satans have brought people today …

    [This will strike those who remember the movie. For the ones still guessing : it’s “The Devil’s Advocate”.]

    If that didn’t jar the reader enough … here’s more …

    The Jewlluminati has most human minds locked up in a fish-bowl, like THIS:

    Yup. The Masons not only kept ‘State and God’ separate, but also cornered God altogether. [Very few people are brilliant enough to map their own minds … and that’s exactly why/ how we eneded up where we are today!

    The only mental model [Divinely Ordained since Adam!] that set humans free is THIS one :


    At this point, the deeply cynical will keep insisting “WHY do I have to have “Faith” to be a ‘good person’. Well, if you haven’t figured by now that the Jew has altered a thousand definitions/ criteria of good and evil (over time) … then here’s another deep thought …

    This used to be high school “literacy” for all of us … but it becomes Education when one seeks to find and apply the other “implications” of it. Here’s the example (a known high-school experiment) …

    The logic is simple, and compelling …

    And if even that is too ethereal for some, here’s the common sense wake-up call :


    To address the “chosen” business briefly (which is actually a test for the ‘Soul’, for those who can ‘see’) … this may well be a starting point of thought …


    An ending thought that sums it all up for those who are determined to stay on the Truth —– the Truth that begins ‘within’ first —– is this famous event and parable …

    Yup! Even the Jewlluminati’s worst kind of “Game Theory” doesn’t work on Believers who could “die away from the world”. 🙂

    [The Cross-and-Crescent alliance would find it interesting to know that the very first Caliph (and the closest companion of Prophet Muhammad (saas)), who was a wealthy man, had given up every last bit of his resources to the Cause of Faith, saying : “I don’t care for anything in this world … I care only for the Reward that is with [the Kingdom of] God!” … And it resonates with what Jesus had said (above) … because the “The Path/ Way” of all men of God were the Same!]

    The world is just a hologram of a test. In a world where people would do ANYTHING to ace a test, or get a degree or promotion or profit or distinction ….. one would think that people would have the smarts to realize just how hard one needs to strive/ exert to ace this one-time test called life, esp. if ETERNITY depended on it!

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