
“Judaism has always been a conquering religion, not for the purpose of converting gentiles to become Jews, but rather with the mission of returning the world to the universal covenant between G-d and Noah. For halachic reasons too numerous and detailed to list here, gentiles today who follow Christianity, Islam, or other religions are not, for the most part, “righteous gentiles” who inherit the World to Come. That status belongs only to those gentiles who carefully observe the Seven Laws of Noah, including following the halachic authority of the oral Torah and the rabbis.

During the time of the first Temple, the dream of eventually refining and transforming the gentiles was reflected in the presence of ten menorahs in the Temple sanctuary—for a total of seventy lights—representing the elevation of the seventy gentile nations. But when the Temple was destroyed, the Jews had to influence the gentiles in a more quiet, gradual manner. Although causing the gentiles to observe the Seven Noachide Laws is itself one of the 613 mitzvos of the Torah, the exile at times sank to such depths of harshness and oppression that Jews simply could not fulfill this mitzvah for fear of death. In such times, Judaism was forced to adapt itself to mere survival; conquest was simply out of the question.”

That situation has completely reversed itself today. The very fact that Amalek can stir up such chaos in the world is proof that gentile society no longer presents true opposition to Jewish teachings. One now sees anti-Semitism only where Amalek is provoking trouble, which is precisely where gentiles are the most desperate for guidance. As Christianity spirals downward into strife and theological confusion, it becomes a vacuum unable to defend itself against either the lies of Amalek or the truth of Torah. Amalek can exploit the worldwide collapse of Christianity only by default—that is, only when the Jewish people do not seize the unprecedented opportunity.”


One thought on “The Final War for Jerusalem – Why Permanent Israeli Victory Is Now Within Reach”
  1. I don’t understand why more Christians are not outraged and willing to at least stand up and defend Jerusalem as it is their holy city as well as it is to Muslims. I will never understand this blind retarded loyalty so many Christians are paying to the Jews.
    Palestinian Christians and Muslims are left defenseless and with out arms or any means what so ever to defend Jerusalem all by themselves. Where is the rest of the Muslim and Christian world? Why does so many who profess to believe in God and Christianity and Islam not defend the city that is considered Holy to both?

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