[Ariadna: There is only one Jew going to Mars…What a shame! Mars is a huge planet and it strikes me how much better it is than Birobidjan: much safer from existential threats from Goyim.]

‘I will be the only Jew on Mars’

Astronaut Sheyna Gifford

American Dr Sheyna Gifford is also the only Jewish member of a year-long simulated Nasa space mission to Mars in which she is serving as a physician and neuroscientist.
She will also chronicle the mission, which “launched” August 28 in Hawaii, in a series of blog posts.
“Light the [Shabbat] candles at the same time as Ground Control,” Ms Gifford wrote in a tongue-in-cheek blog entitled “A Shtick by Any Other Name: Being Jewish on Mars”.
In the post, Ms Gifford playfully addressed high-school friend Josh Breindel, a Massachusetts rabbi, writing: “I will be the only Jew on the planet.”

On her Jewish-themed blog post, Ms Gifford refers to the just-deceased neuroscientist Oliver Sacks, who she admired.
“Like Dr Sacks, when shown the door, I opened it,” Ms Gifford wrote. The reason so many Jews are attracted to science, she wrote, is that “Judaism disproportionately favours enquiry over tacit acceptance”.

[Ariadna: I could not agree more with this last statement than so many others who experienced this Jewish thirst for knowledge and truth first hand, like David Irving, Robert Faurisson, Ernst Zündel, members of the 9/11 Truth movement and, recently, Alison Weir, to cite only a few.]

0 thoughts on “The Only Jew on Mars”
  1. She is ” the only Jew on Mars”.
    See how they see themselves as exclusive and different ?
    No matter the environment they are never just people, or the nation they reduce in…they are Jews,even on ” Mars,”.

  2. Connect the dots:
    Israel can ignite the WW3 any time – when will have no doubts about ruling by the “iron rod” over survived Goyim.

    They have access to the Seed (and the DNAs?) Bank under glacier.

    Thanks to the very generous Germans and their gigantic automatic drilling machines Israel have finished a few tunnels, some longer than 10 km, some of them are doubled, like shotgun – ca. 80 metres from the surface – so perfect depth for the light rail tunnels…

    Israelis take active parts in researches about long term survival in confined spaces.

    Goyim are so stupid, that they think about the Eretz Israel as the “shitty little country”: from the Nile to Eufrates – thousand or two thousand kilometres…

    Jews & Rotschild Khazarian Mafia see the distance much , much longer: from the Nile to Eufrates, yes, but AROUND THE WORLD!

    The “chosen” thousands, really “chosen” because selected as the healthy, fertile, etc. will inherit the Earth… the Goyim slaves…

  3. Definitely only kosher food and — in a gesture of salute to the IDF*– Depend pants for the astronauts.
    *Issued to the IDF after their last invasion of Lebanon. The legacy of their encounter there with Hezbollah, unfortunately, was chronic, disabling fecal incontinence.

  4. Let’s see how long it takes to turn that planet into the cesspit they’ve made of this one,
    Time for the cheap shots snark…
    1. If the photo had been any smaller her nose would have been continued in the next photo.
    2. Would be nicer if she were the only Jew on THIS planet.
    3. Sign seen on Mars – One Jew coming – There goes the solar system!
    “Judaism disproportionately favours enquiry over tacit acceptance”.
    That’s why while only about 2% of the population, Jews are a plurality of psychiatrists in America…
    They’re seeking the answer as to why they’re so psychopathic.

  5. Don’t worry, honey, you won’t be “the only Jew on Mars” for long. Soon you will be joined by 14 million of “your kind,” all possessing one-way tickets.

  6. Ed note:
    “Ariadna: I could not agree more with this last statement than so many others who experienced this Jewish thirst for knowledge and truth first hand, like David Irving, Robert Faurisson, Ernest Zundel, member of the 9/11 truth movement.”


    As far as I know David Irving, Robert Faurisson, Ernest Zundel are all Gentiles, their pursuits of truths about the Jewish Holohoax had brought themselves fines, prison terms, physical harms , career ruins and financial losses. They are the true heroes in the truth movement.

    The well known early truthers (as early as 2002) of the 9/11 truth movement: Carol A. Valentine, Eric Hufschmid, Christopher Bollyn are all Gentiles.

    Where did you get the idea they are JEWISH?

  7. Something is “fishy” being “sarcastic” for the 10% of readers and the “truther” for the naive rest…

  8. “I will be the only Jew on Mars” Yes, but many of us are hoping many others will follow you.

    She is probably a third, fourth or maybe even fifth generation American but as separate from the rest of the country as the day her relatives came to this country 100 years ago or so . But while Jews like her stay separate to maintain their culture they do everything they can to make sure whites or Europeans don’t stay separate and that their cultures are destroyed.

    Also, as Ariadna points out, once again they pat themselves on the back, ignoring the truth of their disgusting ways.

  9. They experienced it first hand in the sense that these Gentiles felt its effects on their own skin, not that they were the ones inflicting it on Gentiles.
    Will I be remembered as the one who taught sarcasm to a few TUT readers reluctant to enjoy it? That would be fine with me.

  10. Now the Chosen Ones,are going from being the International Jews, to the interplanetary Jews.

    Jews worship Saturn. …their Hexagram 666 comes from there. She belongs there.
    Leave Mars alone !

  11. Dante, I hope you are not so pedantic and punctilious that if they were to embark for Mars you would try to prevent them and insist they go to Saturn instead.

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