
Ed note (TL) It’s crucial that we do as Gilad suggests and focus more attention not on the Zionists, but on the Jewish progressive left which is tasked with protecting the Zionists by setting the boundaries for our discourse. This will speed the collapse of the JWO. 


0 thoughts on “The Saker interviews Gilad Atzmon”
  1. I find Gilad Atzman’s answers to the Saker’s questions lacking an honest, or at least a more open, recognition of the problem of Judaism, and Zionism. The two terminologies don’t necessarily differentiate two different ideas; or identities. Judaism is the ultimate, and oldest form, of elitism, and exceptionalism. To most, the term ‘judaism’ refers to religious identity, and ‘zionism’ refers to an ideology. In fact, both are referring to the same motivating factor. Judaism is an exceptionalists effort to establish a relationship and identity with ‘god’. Zionism is an exceptionalists effort to maximize his secular opportunities, at the expense of others, in spite of no relationship with ‘god’. Don’t be confused by the twisted language the jew community uses when talking in public. Trust more the speech they use when they don’t know you (a non-jew) is listening. Judaism claims to be motivated by ‘godliness’, while in fact being completely ‘godless’. Zionism is the same. There was, and is, a Messiah. He has revealed himself, in no uncertain terms. He illustrated to us the definition of “…relationship and covenant with God”. Judaism/Zionism rejects that Messianic revelation because it does not elevate the jew to the top of the heap, as they believe their twisted interpretations of Tanakh foretell. There has been no change in behavior of Judaism/Zionism in 2,000 years. This isn’t politics or ideologies, but soulish satanic rejection of the commandment to the jew to “…love God, and love your neighbor”.
    Any other answers to the ‘jew’ problem are circumvention of the reality of the disease called ‘judaism’.

  2. @ Alan:

    I agree with you.

    Zionism means Jewish supremacism. Since all Jews are supremacists, all Jews are Zionists. Any pretense that Jews, Judaism, and Zionism are different is subterfuge. Gilad Atzmon dances between honesty and subterfuge. How? One minute he gives plain answers (e.g. “Jewish power is the ability to silence criticism of Jewish power.”) The next minute he declines to give straight answers to simple questions. This dancing back and forth is tedious, and it arouses suspicions.

    Incidentally, what is Atzmon’s view of the holo-hoax? (I do not know.) If he does not believe in the hoax, then I will give him the benefit of the doubt. But if he does believe in the hoax, (I say IF) then why are we listening to him? He is a liar and a Jew, regardless of what he calls himself. It is not necessary to always discuss the hoax, but if you discuss Jewish supremacy, then you must discuss the hoax, or else you are a gatekeeper, since the hoax is the core lie that supports all other Jewish lies. It is the ultimate weapon to “silence criticism of Jewish power.”

    On a different note, I am disgusted by people who adore Norm Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky, both of which are Jewish supremacists. Both claim that Israel is a junior partner of the USA, which is a variant of the Jewish “victimhood” theme.

    Finkelstein calls himself the son of “holocaust™ survivors,” which automatically makes him a liar. When he talks about the “rights of Palestinians,” he speaks as a Jew criticizing other Jews. It is internal squabbling. When Alan Dershowitz torpedoed Finkelstein’s job appointment at DePaul University in 207, this was internal squabbling. From my perspective, all Jews are evil.

    The Goyim have become so timid that they eagerly attend Finkelstein speeches, fantasizing that he is a “reasonable Jew,” because Finkelstein does not constantly repeat, “All of you are anti-Semites.” Because of this, his fans imagine that he a decent person. They bat their eyelashes and coo at his feet, desperately hoping that here is one slave master (a Jew) who “cares.”

    Finkelstein is a liar and a Jewish supremacist. Notice how often he responds to questions with a variant of, “F**k you.”


    Mr. Finkelstein, do you consider yourself to be a Zionist?
    FINKELSTEIN: I have no idea what a Zionist is.

    (Audience of morons applauses his “brilliance.”)

  3. A very educational interview between two exceptionally perceptive people. A huge pity exchanges such as this one cannot be seen, heard or read in the MSM.

  4. Speaking of Gilad Atzmon, here’s a classic “gatekeeper” blog that pretends to champion workers’ rights, but actually champions Jewish supremacism.


    “On 13 July 2015 SocialistWorker.org published an interview with Gilad Atzmon. We later learned that Atzmon has made highly inflammatory and anti-Semitic statements about Jews, and that he has associations with deniers of the Nazi Holocaust holo-hoax. The evidence for these serious charges is damning. We did not know the full extent of them. There was no trace of such ideas in Atzmon’s interview, or it never would have been published. Nevertheless, we believe that our Web site, which is committed to the liberation of the Palestinian people and to the struggle against anti-Semitism, should not have published the interview with Atmon, and we withdraw it from out site.”


    Like I said, they’re Jewish supremacists. No one who defends the hoax and Jewish supremacism can be authentically pro-worker.


  5. I totally agree with everything you and Alan are saying. Gilad prefers to keep his views on the holohoax private, for the simple fact that he travels a lot and doesn’t think he will do the movement much good if he is in jail somewhere in Germany. But I have spoken with him about it at length and we all know the same facts which debunk it, so don’t worry about him. He does a lot to call it in to question. But if we could get beyond WW II for a second, he is handing us what I think is very good information about how to liberate the discourse. There is so much good in what he says, so i hope people don’t latch on to a the things they deem questionable. In his essentialist mind frame, he has another strategy which will unlock the information in a certain order. It doesn’t do any good to expose the jews if our discussion is not being considered relevant by society. Neutralizing the gatekeepers will remedy this problem, and then we will be seen as credible as we explain the holohoax and 9/11. I am more with you guys in my approach, I don’t like to play games, I just like to lay out the whole truth in an array because it is such a beautiful thing, but the public cannot perceive the full spectrum until “political correctness” stops telling them what they are allowed to think. The sheep do not follow outcasts, so Gilad is telling us how to change the official definition of what is acceptable. Only then can the truth be become accepted. Anyway I love you guys and agree with the way you apply critical thinking, it’s amazing to read because we have all the same red flags pop up.

  6. Exactly. everywhere Gilad goes, he is like a magnet for gatekeepers and their own actions to expel Gilad from their circles are what incriminate them as being the most tyrannical force in controlling discourse. And i personally know that he is a hardcore revisionist all the way. Did you watch his hour long interview with Robert Faurisson? Just by hanging out with people like Dieudonne and Alan Soral, Gilad breaks the rules. He is a conduit for revisionism, but without just blurting out that he doesn’t believe in the story at all. Because then society would view him as a quack and it would discredit everything he is trying to tell us. He is a very sophisticated player and has made it clear that he is an enemy to the jewish establishment. They hate him and cuss and squawk about him all day long in a constant stream. He is a friend and he stays at my house, i can tell you he is one of us.

  7. @ Trevor: I did an hour of researching Gilad Atzmon to find out what he really thinks, and I am satisfied that he does not defend the hoax, and that his claim to be an “ex Jew” is sincere.

    In short, I agree with everything you say. 🙂

  8. Gilad Atzmon fits the definition of existing “outside the Pale” to a tee. He has severed his ties to the tribal mentality and evolved into being in the twenty-first century, thereby incurring the wrath of the Talmudists intent upon keeping rank and file Jews subservient to their primitive indoctrination.

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