
Did you ever wonder why, prior to the birth of Al Qaeda, the terrorist outfit that grew from the U.S. arming of mujahideen against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980s – and prior to that, in a less conspicuous way, from the US-backed training and arming of so-called « Muslim freedom fighters » in Yugoslavia in the early nineties – you had barely ever heard of « islamic terrorism »? Why the responsibility for alleged « centuries of jihad » nobody had witnessed was abruptly slapped onto the Koran (hence all the Muslims wordlwide), and why all of a sudden, the « islamic threat » was all over the news? Amir Nour, an Algerian scholar and researcher, lays out his analysis of so-called « islamic » terrorism, a phenomenon that entirely belongs to modernity. CONTINUE READING

2 thoughts on “The Western roots of “Middle-Eastern” terrorism”
  1. Reblogged this on | truthaholics and commented:
    “In conclusion, we would like to invite the public to ponder the wisdom of a thinker who once said that in the past weapons were manufactured to wage wars, but today wars are manufactured to sell weapons.
    Yet unfortunately, it has to be recognized that the rhetoric on the “clash of civilizations”, constantly and tirelessly repeated by some since the end of the cold war and the subsequent disappearance of the “indispensable enemy”, seems to have achieved the objective assigned to it, chiefly by those who benefit from and pull the strings of the perpetuation of conflicts all over the world. This rhetoric has thus produced a dangerous “clash of fundamentalisms’, which is updating the notions of “revenge of God”, “Crusades” and “Jihad”, and adding new ones such as “islamofascism”. The consequence of this dramatic turn of events is illustrated, on the sought and obtained ground of confrontation, by a “clash of barbarities”.
    In today’s increasing international turmoil, nobody should be blind to the fact that the biggest danger associated with this change is that since the end of the second world war, the world has entered the age of the “supreme weapon” –the atomic bomb- and other weapons of mass destruction, and that extremists on all sides are promising and fervently promoting a “Cosmic War” for “the triumph of Good over Evil”. For some of them, it is a religious war, the ultimate war prior to the Apocalypse or the end of the world, whose theatre of operations one party sets in “Armageddon” and the other in “Dabiq”, both places situated in the Levant, comprising Syria which is being today put to fire and sword…
    Isn’t it insane to believe that our civilized world is unable to find a path other than the one leading toward Mutually Agreed Destruction?”

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