ed note–look for the obligatory screeching on the part of Judea, Inc in its drive to put pressure on Trump–who they want GONE and replaced with a more cooperative player–intimating (or outright accusing) that he is ‘in bed’ with the Russians, Iranians, Syrians, etc by not supporting the ‘dignity and rights’ of the Kurds, who only want to be ‘free’ like the West.
Not a word, even in passing, in the WE article that Syria is willing to consider further autonomy for the minority Kurdish population which by definition precludes independence.
The reason for this would that WE perceives accurately enough that an autonomous region could not be made de facto Israeli territory as easily as a independent region.
Leaves me to wonder why the Iraqi govt had not insisted that a move to independence by Iraqi Kurds from the permitted autonomy status was as unacceptable as would be to Syria any similar move by Syrian Kurds to independence.
Trump’s not favouring independence for Iraqi Kurds is consistent with his persistence that the Palestinian situation needs be resolved in that, it seems to me, he would settle for them also having autonomy from Israel.