Former US president and current candidate tells Time Magazine that the October 7 attack happened on Netanyahu’s watch, and that he doesn’t rule out halting military aid to Israel


ed note–as always, lots of important protocols that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to know about this.


Firsto, anyone of whatever caliber operating out there in the field of political commentary who says that Israel (and in particular the person of Benjamin Netanyahu) wants Trump in office to replace Biden needs to be ignored as much as if they were selling the notion that Israel had no foreknowledge of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and that the arrest of the 5 Mossad agents seen filming and cheering the destruction that day was all a big coincidence.


Trump and Netanyahu have been at odds with each other ever since Trump took office in 2016, a fact made glaringly clear not only from the various news stories and OpEds that were carpetbombed on the American people during the 4 years of his time in office, but more importantly (and revealing) in the book written by Israel journalist Barak Ravid entitled ‘Trump’s Peace’–



Now, the question that is often asked–and quite reasonable, to be fair–is that if indeed DJT and Netanyahu are in fact inimical to each other, WHY then does Trump throw these statements out there such as the one in this piece where he pledges to ‘stand by Israel in a possible conflict against Iran’?


A very simple question to answer, ladies and Gentile-men, when considering the fact that these nutcases–



–Represent the singular largest voting block in America, and if Trump loses them, then he knows he stands no chance whatsoever of being re-elected and of preventing WWIII, a very noble mission which he has made priorita primas.


So, the long and short of it is as follows, L&G–


Don’t be fooled by superficial outward appearances. Remember, this is politics, and the WORST kind, i.e. the politics that involves 2 inherently unstable groups of people, namely creatures such as these–




And creatures such as these–



–both of whom worship the Jews as ‘God’s chosen people’…


And finally, ladies and Gentile-men, anyone out there operating in the public sphere with some podcast, broadcast, or whatever, and trying to sell the assertion–now proven to be false–that DJT and Netanyahu were/are BFFs, and doing so with no mention whatsoever concerning what Trump personally said about Netanyahu in Ravid’s book, namely–




–Such false prophets need to be as completely ignored and avoided as one would avoid some street huckster trying to sell ‘genuine’ Rolex watches for a today-only sale price of just $5.





Former U.S. president Donald Trump criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in an interview with Time Magazine. Speaking about Netanyahu and Hamas’ October 7 attack, Trump said: ‘It happened on his watch and he is culpable for it.’


Trump added, ‘I had a bad experience with Bibi [Netanyahu’s nickname],’ alleging that the assassination of Iranian Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani in 2020 was supposed to be a joint U.S.-Israel operation which Netanyahu pulled out of two days before it was carried out by American forces in Iraq.


‘That was something I never forgot,’ he said.


When asked whether he would consider withholding U.S. military aid to Israel to push it toward ending the war in Gaza, Trump did not confirm it, but he didn’t rule it out either.


Trump has already called to ‘end the war’ in recent months and has criticized the way it was conducted, and criticized Israel’s public diplomacy efforts.


In addition to his criticism, Trump noted in the interview that if elected for a second time he would stand by Israel in a possible conflict against Iran, a scenario that has already materialized in the attack on Israel two weeks ago.


Trump, who promoted a peace plan based on a two-state solution during his first term, now casts doubt on the ability of a Palestinian state to exist alongside Israel peacefully. ‘There was a time when I thought two-state could work,’ he says. ‘Now I think the two-state is going to be very, very tough,’ he said.


Trump has held a grudge against Netanyahu since November 2020 when the prime minister called to congratulate U.S. President Joe Biden on his victory in the elections which Trump claimed were fraudulent.


Since the end of his presidency, Trump has made several harsh statements about Netanyahu, and had even cursed him in one of the interviews.


In October 2023, days after the Hamas’ attack, Trump criticized Israel in light of its intelligence and operational failures. He also attacked Netanyahu at the time, saying he was ‘hurt very badly’ by the attack. ‘He was not prepared and Israel was not prepared. Thousands of people knew about it and they let this slip by,’ Trump alleged.


Trump now repeatedly claims the events of October 7 wouldn’t have happened if he were in office, and said Biden ‘dumped Israel’ back in March. He also called on Netanyahu to end the war and demanded that he ‘finish it up.’ Trump added at the time: ‘We need peace in the world. We were close to it. We made the Abraham Accords, I bet you I would’ve had Iran in the Abraham Accords.’

One thought on “Trump says Netanyahu ‘culpable’ for Hamas massacre: ‘I had a bad experience with Bibi’”
  1. TUT Editor,

    The last statement says it all. “We need peace in the world. We were close to it. We made the Abraham Accords, I bet you I would’ve had Iran in the Abraham Accords.”
    How could world Jewry secure its forever wars, economic crises, and world domination with somebody who wants peace?

    ed note–you are exactly right. This battle between Trump and Netanyahu has been playing out since DJT announced his candidacy, and it was all over the one word that formed the basis of Trump’s plans as POTUS–


    And yet despite the monumental importance involved in all of this, it is an aspect that has been COMPLETELY missed by 99.999% of those whose self-declared ‘claim to fame’ has been their fluency on all matters related to the Middle East and Israel.

    God help us all…

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